
Langlois Lions Rummage Sale


Saturday, August 27, 2016 - 9:00am





he Langlois Lions Club is holding a rummage sale Saturday, August 27th from 9 am to 4 pm. at the Lions Club, 48136 Floras Lake Loop. The purpose of this fundraiser to be able to update and fix our club house which was built in the 1970's and definitely is showing some wear and tear. The club house is often used by the community for birthday celebrations, memorials, the Langlois Library Book sale, and for the annual Holiday Craft fair. In addition, the club is rented by SWOCC for exercise classes. So it is important that we garner funds for fixing the building, not only for Lions , but for the entire community.

Drop off donated items from 3pm. to 6 pm. on Friday, the 26th. So we encourage you to start thinking about cleaning out closets and getting rid of unwanted stuff. We will accept only gently used items- no clothing . For more information or possible pick up of large items, contact Roxy at 541-290-0654.


  Read more about Langlois Lions Rummage Sale

Langlois Lions Mary Hildebrand Memorial Plant Sale+


Saturday, May 21, 2016 - 9:00am


The sale promises to be our biggest event ever. Sorry about the fine print.  A three for one sale and a must see and buy.

Other Highlights: Pacific High School woodworking class- planters

David Woof's garden pottery,   Joyce's Gypsy Yard art,  Master Gardener 10: 30 to 3 pm. World Famous Hot dog coupons,  gift certificates + donated garden supplies





  Read more about Langlois Lions Mary Hildebrand Memorial Plant Sale+


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