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Small processors get a big boost
USDA exemption, change in Oregon law opens doors for poultry slaughterhouses
By Eric Mortenson
Capital Press
BORING, ORE. — Fernando the rooster is doomed, no way around it. Owner Leslie Standen says the “Latin lover” has been bothering the ladies in her backyard flock and bossing around her other rooster, Henry, who has tenure.
“So my hand-fed rooster is going to be dinner,” she said.
Which is how she and Fernando ended up at Harrington’s Poultry Processing, 25 miles east of Portland.
Harrington’s is one of the old guard in a rapidly growing sector of ag services: Small-scale slaughterhouses either operated by or catering to small farmers. Some also find themselves doing the dirty work for urban hipsters who raise backyard flocks.
A 2011 change in Oregon law freed poultry processors from state licensing if they handle no more than 1,000 birds per year, raise the birds themselves and process them on site. The legislation changed Oregon law to line up with the federal standard, which says producers are exempt from mandatory USDA inspection and can sell uncooked poultry on the farm and at farmers’ markets if they stay below the 1,000-bird threshhold.
“It was the first olive branch to small farmers from the Oregon Legislature,” said Will Fargo, a food safety specialist with the Oregon Department of Agriculture who works with small-scale processors. “It’s one of the greatest success stories for small farmers. It’s allowed a lot of small farmers to get their products to market.”
The ag department now lists more than 30 small on-farm, stand-alone and mobile poultry processors.
The state legislation was intended to provide new economic opportunities for small farms and to increase consumer access to locally produced meat, said Ivan Maluski, director of Friends of Family Farmers, which backed the bill along with the Oregon Farmers’ Market Association.
“I think there is a recognition by ODA and the Legislature that local food, direct-to-consumer sales and small farms are important parts of agriculture in Oregon, and that market demand for this is growing,” Maluski said in an email. “We think that will only increase as time goes on.”
There’s a bigger commercial aspect blossoming as well. Processors such as Harrington’s and Mineral Springs Poultry, in Willamina, Ore., can take advantage of a “small enterprise” USDA exemption that allows them to process up to 20,000 birds annually without having to have an on-site USDA inspector.
Under the exemption, people who have their birds processed at facilities such as Harrington’s or Mineral Springs can then sell them not only at farmers’ markets, but to grocery stores and restaurants as well.
“When I started to do that, that blew the doors wide open,” said Nels Youngberg, owner of Mineral Springs Poultry. “Anybody who raised a few chickens, they could take their birds and go out and sell them. That changed the game plan for a lot of folks.”
Youngberg said about six years ago he increasingly began doing business with new farmers, usually young people with a couple acres, who would bring him a dozen, 20 or 100 chickens at a time for processing. Some are primarily entrepreneurs, looking to create income on the side, while others are deeply concerned about how grocery store food is raised and processed.
“That creates a lot of fear,” Youngberg said. “They find out it’s better to raise their own meat, grow their own vegetables — that’s been a major thrust on it.
“I’ve seen a lot of them come and go, but every year we get somebody new,” he said.
Fargo, of the ODA, agrees. “I think it’s partially the local food movement,” he said. “People are skeptical about raising chickens in a confined environment, they’re concerned about all the things involved with that.”
So far, Oregon’s small processors have operated without food safety problems, he said.
Fargo said he’s received inquiries from four or five other states that are looking for ways to accommodate small farmers and small processors. “It’s absolutely a national thing,” he said.
Proof of that may be the Niche Meat Processors Assistance Network, which shares information among affiliates in 40 states. Lauren Gwin, a small farms and community food systems specialist with Oregon State University Extension, is co-coordinator of the network.
Consumers are interested in pasture-raised poultry, sustainable production methods and humane treatment of farm animals, Gwin said. In addition, occasional salmonella outbreaks at large-scale processing facilities have “given some people pause.”
Despite that, small processors may struggle to transition beyond niche status, she said.
“Let’s be frank, conventional, mainstream meat production is enormous,” Gwin said. “This type of alternative meat … is very, very small. How do you mainstream some of this into more conventional channels?”
But she said some small producers will accomplish that.
“They’re very entrepreneurial,” she said. “These people will figure out where they fit in the market.”
Back at Harrington’s Poultry Processing, owner Scott Ogle makes quick work of Fernando the rooster. Ogle, a wise-cracking third-generation “chicken killer,” places the bird upside down in a “kill cone” and swiftly cuts its throat to bleed him out.
Ogle said he gets a mix of customers, including one who brings him a couple hundred chickens every other week and sells to restaurants.
“I get a lot from in town,” he said. “People bring me roosters because they can’t crow in town.”
A brief soak in hot water, followed by a tumble in a metal drum lined with rubber knobs, removes Fernando’s feathers. The rooster’s head and feet come off with quick chops, and Ogle slides the carcass to assistant Stephanie Morse for final cleaning. Then it’s off to a chilling bath.
By the time owner Leslie Standen returns, Fernando is bagged and ready to go.
“You want your liver, gizzard and heart?” Ogle asks. Standen says she does, and accepts her bagged rooster with mixed feelings.
“Oh,” she says, “I should take him home and bury him instead of eat him.”
New Oregon governor urges quick fix to dockworker conflict
SALEM, Ore. (AP) — On her first day in office, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown urged a quick settlement to a dispute between dockworkers and their employers that has hamstrung international trade through West Coast seaports.
Brown joined the governors of California and Washington state on Wednesday in issuing a statement saying the impasse has disrupted trade and is threatening jobs and state economies.
The labor dispute has tied up 29 ports that handle around $1 trillion in trade annually. Dozens of ships are anchored up and down the West Coast as they wait for dock space.
Brown on Wednesday took over as Oregon’s governor from fellow Democrat John Kitzhaber, who resigned over an ethics scandal. As secretary of state, Brown was next in line for the governor’s job.
What's Up, Feb. 18, 2015
Restrictions proposed for hazard-prone land
Hazard-prone properties in Oregon could face development restrictions under a land use bill that critics say is overbroad.
Under House Bill 2633, the state’s Department of Land Conservation and Development would set policies to limit construction and retrofit, relocate or remove buildings in areas vulnerable to natural hazards.
Proponents of the legislation say it’s necessary to prevent costly property damage in areas susceptible to land slides, flooding and wildfires.
Conservation groups such as 1,000 Friends of Oregon argue the bill is necessary to implement Goal 7 of Oregon’s statewide land use planning system, which calls for local governments to evaluate natural hazards and reduce risks to future development.
However, critics say the current language of HB 2633 is too general.
Much of Oregon could experience an earthquake or other catastrophe, said Dave Hunnicutt, president of the Oregonians in Action property rights group.
“The bill has the potential to affect every area in the state,” he said during a Feb. 12 hearing in the House Committee on Rural Communities, Land Use and Water.
Hunnicutt said he’s not opposed to the concept of HB 2633 but is alarmed by its breadth, since retrofits or relocations of structures could be “tremendously damaging” to property owners.
“The language is dangerous,” he said.
The DLCD is oriented toward land use planning and may not be the appropriate state agency to make certain decisions, he said.
For example, the Oregon Department of Forestry or Department of Geology and Mineral Industries have more experience in determining which areas are prone to landslides, Hunnicutt said.
Similarly, retrofitting structures pertains to building codes, not planning, he said.
Hunnicutt said he’d like to work with the bill’s sponsors to amend the language and make it more specific.
The legislation should include exemptions for agricultural properties, said Mary Anne Nash, public policy counsel for the Oregon Farm Bureau.
For example, a farmer may have an old barn or another structure in a flood-prone area that would be too costly to retrofit or move, she said.
Farm groups oppose merging state agencies
SALEM — Legislation that would examine merging natural resource agencies in Oregon is opposed by farm and timber groups as a “solution in search of a problem.”
Under Senate Bill 24, a task force appointed by legislative leaders and the governor would “study the benefits of abolishing or consolidating” 14 state agencies charged with managing natural resources.
Aside from the possibility of saving money, consolidation could improve the state government’s efficiency in analysis and permitting, said Sen. Michael Dembrow, D-Portland.
However, the task force may decide that Oregon is better off with the current structure, Dembrow said during a Fed. 16 hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
The Oregon Farm Bureau is confident the agencies are already functioning smoothly and doesn’t think it’s necessary to spend time contemplating alternatives, said Katie Fast, the group’s vice president of public policy.
Promoting agriculture is an important part of the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s mission but may get swamped by other priorities if it was merged with other agencies that are solely focused on regulation, she said.
The boards and commissions that oversee state agencies have also developed expertise that’s specific to natural resource industries, Fast said.
These governing bodies are already asked to handle many complex issues, said Heath Curtiss, director of government affairs for the Oregon Forest Industries Council.
If boards or commissions were merged to oversee a broader regulatory sphere, their members would struggle to develop expertise and would have little choice but to defer to agency officials, he said.
It would be possible to merge natural resource agencies without eliminating department directors or commissions, but at that point the added efficiency is questionable and consolidation may just amount to another layer of government, Curtiss said.
A larger bureaucracy is undesirable because it could encumber the resolution of regulatory questions or seek to overrule the decisions of state agencies, said Mike Freese, vice president of Associated Oregon Industries.
The committee also considered two other bills characterized as “agency consolidation light” by Richard Whitman, natural resources policy director for Gov. John Kitzhaber.
Senate Bill 201 would create “natural resources alignment coordinators” to work with regional teams and help agencies make regulatory decisions, while Senate Bill 203 would establish a “natural resources partnership coordinator” to find cooperation opportunities with private interests as well as other government entities.
Sen. Alan Olsen, R-Canby, asked why new positions are necessary since state agencies are already trying to coordinate with each other.
“We are doing it on an ad hoc basis and leaving opportunities on the table that we should be taking advantage of, frankly,” said Whitman.
Tiny Oregon chub threatened no longer
The Oregon chub, a 3-inch minnow that lives only in the Willamette River basin, is the first fish to be removed from the federal endangered species list.
Federal and state officials planned to announce the completion of a 22-year recovery process during a ceremony Feb. 17 at the Finley Wildlife Refuge near Corvallis, Ore. Oregon farmers and other landowners contributed to the effort by signing “safe harbor” arrangements in which they agreed to manage land in a way that did not further harm the fish. In particular, landowners agreed not to drain waterways, promised not to introduce non-native fish that would compete with the chub and agreed not to apply pesticides or other ag chemicals directly into waterways. In return, they were held harmless from additional regulation.
The Oregon chub lives in slow-moving sloughs, bogs and beaver ponds along the Willamette River. It lost habitat as those areas were drained or developed. The fish was listed as endangered in 1993, at which time the population was estimated at fewer than 1,000 fish in eight locations. By 2013, however, a survey estimated the chub population at approximately 160,000 fish in 83 spots.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which administers the Endangered Species Act, announced in 2014 that it intended to remove the chub from the list, and completed that process this year.
Only a handful of animals, most notably bald eagles, have been removed from the endangered species list.
What's Up, Feb. 17, 2015
Klamath CC students go to national competition
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — Sometimes the best lessons are learned outside the classroom.
For six students in Ty Kliewer’s Livestock Judging class at Klamath Community College, the learning took place last month when they traveled to the National Western Livestock Show in Denver to compete in livestock judging competition.
It was the first time KCC students participated in the high-level national competition, and proved an eye-opener for team members, including Jake McCarty and Veronica Turner.
“I think it was neat for us to look up to the other teams and see what we could do,” said McCarty, 21, a full-time KCC ag major. He also works full-time for Balin Ranches, is president of the collegiate FFA and an intern for the Klamath Bull and Horse Sale.
“Going into it, we really didn’t know what to expect,” McCarty said. “We hadn’t done a professional judging competition before. We were pretty confident going into it, and as a whole we did pretty good.”
“It’s crazy to see how different and how much more advanced they were,” Turner, 19, who is majoring in agricultural science, said of competitors from four-year schools like Texas A&M and Ohio State that have major ag problems. “It makes you want to work harder next time you compete.”
Turner and McCarty were part of a team that included Emily Cole, Garrett Gardner, Sarah Gerdes and Logan Dean. Kliewer, 36, an adjunct teacher who sells breeding bulls and farms hay and grain at his Klamath County ranch, accompanied the group.
“It was a pretty big jump from anything they’ve ever done before. Our kids were pretty green in comparison,” Kliewer said, noting some larger schools recruit students for competitions.
“We were definitely the underdogs,” said Keith Duren, who oversees KCC’s ag programs.
He supports the livestock judging class in part for its spinoff benefits. During competitions, student judges must be able to make decisions, explain and defend those decisions while being concise and articulate.
“You definitely build those skills we value in leaders. You also learn to work with a team and with different personalities,” Duren said.
Kliewer, who competed in livestock judging competitions as a student at Lane Community College and Oregon State University, said he wants others to share those experiences, and to better prepare themselves for a range of possible careers.
“I look back and see how that prepared me for life,” he said. “It improved my public speaking skills a lot.”
In the competition, students judged beef cattle, pigs, meat goats and sheep.
“I know from here on out I’ll look at cattle or pigs or sheep differently,” said McCarty. “Definitely down the road it opens up opportunities for some of us.”
While his long-range plans call for having his own ranch and raising beef cattle, McCarty also is considering working at a large feed lot, in ag sales or with genetics companies.
“It was really beneficial,” said Turner, who developed an interest in cattle in the fourth grade. She participated in FFA classes and livestock judging in high school but termed the national competition “a real eye-opener.”
Along with lessons learned by the six team members, Duren and Kliewer hope, on a broad level, competing in a national competition will provide exposure for KCC and, for the ag department, help attract more students.
“Everyone learned a lot,” Kliewer said. “Those skills translate literally to any job you have.”
Legend in Eastern Oregon agriculture dies
Umatilla County lost a giant in the agricultural community on Sunday when Chester “Chet” Prior died at age 78.
Prior owned Eagle Ranch outside Echo and lobbied on a local, state and national level on agricultural issues. He held several prominent roles, including previous chair of the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center Authority and sitting president of the Hermiston Development Corp. But he was also characterized by those who knew him as a humble man who preferred to work behind the scenes.
He was so modest, in fact, that when he was presented with Hermiston Man of the Year for 2010 he stood up as soon as he realized presenter Phil Hamm was talking about him and told him that he didn’t need to list any more accomplishments.
Craig Reeder, vice president of Hale Farms, was sitting at Prior’s table and remembers Prior’s embarrassment at being honored.
He said Prior was a “true gentleman” who earned the respect of everyone who associated with him and it is hard to imagine the agricultural community without Prior at the table.
“He mentored a lot of us younger guys. ... He’s one of those guys that for the next generation, we’ve never known the business without him,” Reeder said.
He said Prior often called to persuade Reeder to join him in donating to scholarships and other worthy causes.
“He’s how communities are built,” Reeder said.
Kim B. Puzey said he first got to know Prior in 1994, when Prior was a Port of Umatilla commissioner and Puzey was hired as the port’s new manager.
“Chet was passionate and generous and brilliant,” Puzey said.
He said any time it was imperative something was done right, Prior was the man to call, which is why he was a clear choice for chair of the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center Authority and to fill the Hermiston Development Corp. president’s role after founder Joe Burns retired.
“If you drive around to the major projects in Hermiston in the last two decades there is hardly anything you would find that doesn’t have the Prior name on it as a sponsor or a contributor or a benefactor,” Puzey said.
Lloyd Piercy, owner of Sno Road Winery in Echo, said Prior was a staple at Echo events, providing the equipment for community cleanups and founding the local food bank. Prior was scheduled to serve as trail boss of this year’s Red 2 Red ride next week.
“He was the heart of Echo,” Piercy said. “There was not a charity he wasn’t involved in.”
Piercy said Prior was “irreplaceable” to Echo. He said from an agricultural community perspective Prior’s skill and passion for lobbying to improve the water situation in Umatilla County will also be missed.
“There are no words to describe the sadness around here,” Piercy said.
He said he also respected Prior’s hard work in building a legacy for his sons, Art and David, through the family farm and Prior’s habit of making time for family, most recently to share his grandsons’ passion for duck hunting.
Other accomplishments of Prior’s included helping found the Oregon Water Coalition and Farmers Ending Hunger, and serving on the boards of the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce, Oregon State University Extension Center, Umatilla County Budget Committee, Potato Growers Bargaining Committee, Hermiston Airport Advisory Board and Good Shepherd Medical Center.
Clubs and Activities, Feb. 16, 2015
Prices up, supply down at Klamath bull sale
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — The supply of bulls was down, but prices were sharply up at the 55th Annual Klamath Bull and Horse Sale.
“We didn’t have as many bulls as we would like but the prices were up,” said sale chairman Jason Chapman, noting the top selling bull sold for $10,000, nearly double the highest price, $5,200, for a bull at the 2014 sale.
In all, 55 bulls were sold at an average price of $5,397 and total gross of $296,850 at the sale, which was held earlier this month at the Klamath County Fairgrounds in Klamath Falls by the Klamath Cattlemen’s Association.
In addition, six lots of five heifers were sold with the average price $2,480 and gross of $74,375. The top selling set of heifers sold for $14,625. Five horses were sold for a total of $30,450, with the top selling horse going for $11,500.
“Prices were up on pretty much everything,” Chapman said of bulls and heifers.
He said bull numbers were down from previous years, when the norm was about 100. Only 60 bulls were submitted this year but five were sifted and graded out. Chapman said the decline was expected because in recent years, when calf prices were high, breeders sold many of the calves. He said the higher prices at this year’s sale reflects the short supply.
Buyers for bulls and heifers came from a four state area — Oregon, California, Nevada and Washington along with consignors from around the West. While the bull sale was the highlight, the four-day event included cattle dog trials, a big rope competition and western trade show.
“We had a great turnout for the dog trials and for everything else,” Chapman said, noting total attendance was higher than in 2014.
“Everything went pretty smooth,” he said, noting and about a dozen bull sale committee members were assisted during the event by about 50 people. Planning for next year’s sale began this week.
Avian flu detected in Deschutes County flock
A highly pathogenic type of avian flu has been found in a backyard flock of birds in Central Oregon, the state Department of Agriculture says.
ODA and the USDA Animal Health Inspection Service are setting up a quarantine zone around the property near Tumalo, Ore., to restrict movement of domestic birds in and out of the area. The property is secured and there have been no additional detections of bird flu in the area.
The flock of about 90 mixed poultry and other domestic birds includes chickens, ducks and turkeys that have had access to a couple of ponds on the property that are also frequented by migratory waterfowl. Avian influenza naturally resides in wild birds and it is fairly common for waterfowl to carry various strains of the virus.
Highly pathogenic bird flu has also been reported in backyard birds in Washington and Idaho, and in wild birds in all three Pacific Northwest states, according to ODA.
The Deschutes County detection is the second in Oregon. Bird flu was previously detected in a flock of backyard birds in Douglas County in December.
The virus has not been detected in commercial poultry operations in Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Avian influenza does not affect poultry meat or egg products, which remain safe to eat. Wild and domestic poultry should be properly cooked.
Backyard bird owners are encouraged to practice good biosecurity and to take steps that prevent contact between their birds and wild birds. They also should monitor their flock closely and report sick or dead birds to ODA at 1-800-347-7028. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is asking people to report wild bird deaths by calling 1-866-968-2600. People should avoid contact with sick or dead wild and domestic birds.
For more information on avian influenza and biosecurity measures, go to http://bit.do/ORbirdflu.
What's Up, Feb. 16, 2015
Oregon governor announces resignation
SALEM, Ore. (AP) Long-time Democratic Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber has announced his resignation amid allegations his fiancee used her relationship with him to enrich herself.
Kitzhaber said his resignation would be effective on Wednesday. In a statement on Friday, he apologized to the people who helped him get re-elected in November and supported him for the past three decades.
He said it was not in his nature to “walk away from a job I have undertaken.”
The announcement is a stunning fall from grace for the state’s longest-serving chief executive.
Kitzhaber has consistently maintained that he and his fiancee, Cylvia Hayes, worked hard to avoid conflicts between her public and private roles.
Secretary of State Kate Brown, a Democrat like Kitzhaber, was expected to assume the office and become the first openly bisexual governor in the country. Unlike most states, Oregon doesn’t have a lieutenant governor, and the state Constitution puts the secretary of state next in line.
Kitzhaber called Brown back to Oregon from a conference in Washington, D.C., earlier this week. People close to Kitzhaber say he asked her to come back after deciding to resign in the wake of the influence-peddling allegations involving his fiancee, a green-energy consultant. But he then changed his mind, saying he wouldn’t step down, which led to a Wednesday meeting between Kitzhaber and Brown that she described as “strange.”
By Thursday, the leaders of the state House and Senate said he had to go. Other top officials in the overwhelmingly Democratic state also said Kitzhaber should resign.
“I finally said, ‘This has got to stop,’” Senate President Peter Courtney said after he met with Kitzhaber. “I don’t know what else to do right now. It seems to be escalating. It seems to be getting worse and worse.”
Kitzhaber handily won re-election in November to a fourth term after surviving the botched rollout of Oregon’s online health care exchange, which turned into a national embarrassment.
But the allegations surrounding his fiancée Cylvia Hayes’ work were more harmful, dominating headlines in the state following his victory.
A series of newspaper reports since October have chronicled Hayes’ work for organizations with an interest in Oregon public policy. At the same time, she was paid by advocacy groups, she played an active role in Kitzhaber’s administration, a potential conflict of interest.
The spotlight on Hayes led to her revealing that she accepted about $5,000 to illegally marry a man seeking immigration benefits in the 1990s. Later, she admitted she bought a remote property with the intent to grow marijuana.
Though questions about Hayes have swirled for months, the pressure on Kitzhaber intensified in recent weeks after newspapers raised questions about whether Hayes reported all her income on her tax returns. She has not publicly addressed the allegation and Kitzhaber has declined to. Earlier this week, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum said she was launching a criminal investigation.
Kitzhaber has consistently maintained that he and Hayes worked hard to avoid conflicts between her public and private roles.
A fiercely private person, Kitzhaber has been forced to answer embarrassing and personal questions about his relationship. In response to questions at a news conference last month, Kitzhaber told reporters that he’s in love with Hayes, but he’s not blinded by it.
Kitzhaber, 67, met the 47-year-old Hayes before the 2002 election, when he was governor and she was a candidate for the state Legislature. She lost her race, but they later reconnected after Kitzhaber’s term ended.
After eight years out of office, Kitzhaber was elected governor again in 2011. Hayes used the title “first lady,” though the couple never married, and she took an active role in his administration. They were engaged last summer.
The scandal over alleged influence-peddling was not the only one to hammer Kitzhaber since his return as governor. Kitzhaber, a former emergency room physician and passionate advocate for health care reform, was embarrassed last year when Oregon was the only state that was unable to launch an online health insurance exchange in the first year of the federal health care law.
Oregon spent millions of dollars in federal grant money but has abandoned the technology for Cover Oregon. The state and its main technology contractor, Oracle Inc., are blaming each other for the failure in multiple lawsuits.
Before the Cover Oregon debacle, Kitzhaber had racked up a series of successes. He convinced lawmakers to overhaul the state Medicaid system, then convinced the Obama administration to give Oregon $2 billion to implement it. He spearheaded cuts to retirement benefits for public employees despite being elected with considerable help from the unions whose members lost out.
After the successes, top Republicans declined to challenge Kitzhaber in last year’s election. He easily defeated state Rep. Dennis Richardson, who relentlessly pounded Kitzhaber over the Hayes scandal but was unable to overcome Oregon voters’ aversion to his social conservative views.
Kitzhaber has an acute understanding of the Legislature and how to use the power of the governor’s office to achieve his objectives. He proved adept at isolating the people he disagreed with, but he also angered his supporters and was left with few friends. When he got into trouble, his fellow Democrats did not speak up.
Beekeepers nervous over urban hive proposal
SALEM — Beekeeper groups in Oregon are nervous about legislation to establish statewide standards for managing honeybee hives in residential zones.
Supporters of House Bill 2653 say they want the Oregon Department of Agriculture to set baseline expectations for safety because cities have divergent rules for beekeepers in urban areas.
However, representatives of beekeeper groups told lawmakers they’re worried that regulations will be onerous for hobbyists and result in new fees to pay for enforcement.
“We know nothing the government does is for free,” said Fred Van Natta, a beekeeper from Salem, Ore., who spoke on behalf of the Oregon State Beekeepers Association during a recent hearing on HB 2653.
Beekeepers in residential areas often keep only a handful of hives, said Joe Maresh, president of the Portland Metro Beekeepers Association.
Even larger operations that sell honey and offer pollination services often don’t generate enough income to cover the cost of maintaining bees, Maresh said.
“Our concern is some of our members would be regulated out of a place to keep bees,” he said. “We’re really terrified of this.”
Rep. Chris Gorsek, D-Troutdale, said he introduced the bill to provide a “streamlined process” for municipalities that want to set beekeeping rules.
“Some places have them, some places don’t. Some are more stringent, some are less stringent,” he said during a Feb. 12 meeting of the House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.
The standards established by ODA would not require beekeepers to pay any fees or subject them to penalties, Gorsek said.
Raine Ritalto, a beekeeper who supports the legislation, said she encountered the problem of disparate rules for beekeepers upon moving from Portland to Gresham.
Portland allows up to 15 hives per residence, while Gresham does not permit any, she said. In other areas, no rules exist for urban beekeeping at all.
Ritalto said she hopes the bill will convince communities to open their doors to beekeeping, which poses little risk to residents.
Few people are actually allergic to bee stings, but complete bans limit small business opportunities and reduce pollination in backyard gardens, she said.
“We’ve created sterile almost-deserts in many of our cities,” said Gorsek.
When asked by lawmakers about the pro-beekeeping intent of the legislation, Maresh of the Portland Metro Beekeepers Association said he would nonetheless prefer no new regulations.
Beekeeping organizations would rather work with municipalities to resolve questions over beekeeping and convince them to allow the practice in residential areas, he said.
If statewide standards are developed, beekeeper groups want to participate in crafting them, Maresh said.
Committee Chair Brad Witt, D-Clatskanie, said a work group headed by Gorsek should try to “iron out” the issue.
Gorsek said it may be better for the bill to instruct ODA to work with beekeeper groups to set “best practices” for managing urban hives.
Wyden, Crapo file bill to renew timber county payments
GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) — A bill to renew federal subsidies to timber counties has been filed in the Senate.
The Secure Rural Schools program made up for federal timber revenues that declined as environmental protections reduced national forest logging, but it expired last year. Efforts to renew it failed in the lame-duck session of Congress.
The latest version was filed Thursday by Oregon Democrat Ron Wyden and Idaho Republican Mike Crapo.
It calls for sharing $360 million with more than 700 counties across the country. The program has been particularly important in Oregon timber counties, which shared nearly a third of the total.
The bill would restore funding for three years at 2011 levels. And it would provide full funding of the Payment In Lieu of Taxes program, which expired in 2013.