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Sunset Bay Trail Run
1952 Langlois Catalog

1952 Langlois Catalog

1952 Langlois Catalog

1952 Langlois Catalog

As I See It: Boat basin fire
For years, I've been posting photos without much of a story, but now that I have access to old issues of the Western World, I will be telling more of the story. As a result I may be sharing some…
As I See It, Aug. 19: South Jetty restroom
The first picture I am sharing is the original restroom building at the South Jetty, which opened in April of 1965. The caption under the picture, which appeared in Western World, explained that the restrooms were a joint undertaking by…
Practice starts Aug. 19 for high school sports
Summer officially ends for high school athletes in Oregon on Sunday. That’s because Monday is the kickoff for practice for all fall sports, including football, volleyball, soccer and cross country.
Clubs and activities for Neighbors
Author event at Langlois Library
LANGLOIS - An author reading and book signing event will take place at the from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, at the Langlois Public Library, 48234 Highway 101, Langlois.
Classes & Workshops
Thursday, Aug. 1
'Our Place in Space' for kids and teens Aug. 2
LANGLOIS — The Langlois Public Library will welcome children ages 3-15 to a Museum of Natural and Cultural History presentation of "Our Place in Space." The program will begin at 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 2.
Langlois resident awaits lung transplant
LANGLOIS - Oregon coast native Jeremy Rhodes was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of 4. He's now 43, which is "old" for someone with the disease.
Langlois woman arrested after alleged assault
BANDON - A Langlois woman is in custody pending assault and other charges following an alleged assault Wednesday evening.
‘Our Place in Space’ at Bandon and Langlois libraries
BANDON - The Museum of Natural and Cultural History will visit the Langlois and Bandon public libraries this week, offering a presentation of “Our Place in Space.”
Enterprise zone sponsors try to reach CEP compromise
COOS COUNTY - Local sponsors of the Jordan Cove Enterprise Zone met recently to discuss allocations of funds through the Jordan Cove Community Enhancement Plan.
Children's theater features 'My Mother the Astronaut'
LANGLOIS — Children ages 3-15 are invited to the Langlois Public Library for a Traveling Lantern Theatre Company presentation of “My Mother the Astronaut.” The presentation will begin at 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 9.
E.A.T. celebrates 15th anniversary
BANDON - Everyone At Table celebrated its 15th anniversary on June 18 in The Barn's dining room.
Boulders traveling through town headed to North Jetty of Columbia River
SOUTH COAST - Wondering about those large single boulders strapped onto flatbed trucks rolling north? The massive granite rocks, that can weigh up to 30 tons each, are headed to the Coos Bay North Spit, where they are being loaded…
South Coast Striders to hike Blacklock Point
LANGLOIS - The South Coast Striders invite the public on a hike to Blacklock Point from Floras Lake on Sunday, July 7.