Controversial bills meet their end in legislature
SALEM — A slew of bills that stirred up controversy in Oregon’s agriculture and timber industries have met their end, at least for the 2017 legislative session.
In some cases, though, legislators have vowed to revisit the issues in future years or find other ways to approach the underlying disputes.
Following is a summary of proposals that were voted down or killed by an April 18 legislative deadline:
• Solar development restrictions: A proposal to make commercial solar projects tougher to build on high-value farmland in Oregon has died, but discussions on the subject are expected to continue.
House Bill 3050 would have required developers to conduct an “alternatives analysis” to search for other sites before installing solar panels on high-value farmland.
Critics say the proposal would preserve agriculture from incompatible uses but solar industry representatives argued the bill would impede Oregon requirements that utilities buy power from small-scale producers.
The “alternatives analysis” bill will go no further this legislative session but a work group will study the issue of commercial solar development on farmland, said Rep. Brian Clem, D-Salem, who chairs the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.
• Wage and hour lawsuits: Employers would be barred from recovering attorney fees from workers who filed losing lawsuits over unpaid wages under a bill that recently sank in the House Business and Labor Committee.
Labor advocates claimed that workers are currently afraid to bring wage and hour claims against their bosses due to the possibility of owing attorney fees.
Proponents argued that HB 2169 would have removed this deterrent to legitimate claims, but opponents said it would have disrupted a necessary balance in such disputes.
• Dairy emission regulations: Two large dairies in Oregon have forestalled a bill that aimed to impose air emissions regulations on dairy farms across the state.
State regulators would have been required to draw up rules restricting dairy air emissions under Senate Bill 197, which supporters said was recommended by a 2008 task force that included dairy industry representatives.
Opponents countered that Oregon’s air quality is highly regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and that dairies are voluntarily adopting measures to reduce emissions.
An alternative to SB 197 was made possible by Three Mile Canyon Farms, a large dairy near Boardman, and Lost Valley Ranch, a proposed large dairy nearby, which have agreed to devise “best management practices” to control emissions, said Sen. Mike Dembrow, D-Portland, who chairs the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee.
• Pesticide spray notification: A bill imposing new notification requirements for aerial pesticide sprays in Oregon forests was voted down 3-2 despite several changes proposed by Dembrow, its chief sponsor.
Timber industry representatives complained the original language of Senate Bill 892 would have unreasonably complicated the timing of pesticide applications, which must often be shifted due to weather.
In an attempted compromise, Dembrow proposed delegating the length of the notification window to the Oregon Board of Forestry and exempting uninhabited areas from the spray notification requirement.
The deciding vote against the amended bill was cast by Sen. Arnie Roblan, D-Coos Bay, who said he’s uncomfortable with the notification requirements due to the history of sabotage against Oregon’s timber industry.
• Neonicotinoid restrictions: The Energy and Natural Resources Committee allowed Senate Bill 929, which would have restricted the use of neonicotinoid pesticides, to die without comment.
Proponents of the bill argued that homeowners without pesticide training shouldn’t be allowed to buy the chemicals, which have been linked to pollinator die-offs.
However, critics said that classifying neonicotinoids as restricted-use pesticides could steer people to more toxic pesticides that are harmful to people as well as insects.
• Livestock antibiotic limits: A bill restricting antibiotic usage in Oregon’s livestock industry has died in the Senate Committee on Health Care despite objections from critics who claim federal controls insufficiently limit usage of the drugs.
Pharmaceutical companies changed antibiotic labels to disallow uses aimed at livestock growth promotion, but critics claim this “loophole” continues to permit antibiotic usage for disease prevention in livestock.
Senate Bill 785 would have restricted antibiotics to treat or control the spread of a disease under the supervision of a veterinarian and required confined animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, to report usage.
Supporters of the bill said it would help slow bacterial resistance to medically important antibiotics, but opponents argued the proposal was too rigid and rendered unnecessary by federal measures.