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Eastern Oregon wheat harvest off to fiery start

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Wheat harvest is off to a blazing start in Eastern Oregon — literally.

Emery Gentry, who farms about 500 acres of wheat near the small town of Weston, was taken by surprise when he got the phone call July 12 that one of the fields he leases had somehow caught fire.

“I was working with my harvest partners in the Hermiston area when I got the call,” Gentry said. “There was nothing I could do.”

Flames devoured roughly 50 acres of standing wheat and burned right up to nearby homes, prompting evacuation orders for some residents until firefighters could contain the blaze.

One day later, fire broke out again up the Walla Walla River in Cash Hollow, southeast of Milton-Freewater, torching several hundred acres of dry grass and wheat. The Substation Fire burning east of The Dalles in Wasco and Sherman counties has also grown to more than 29,000 acres as of Wednesday morning and is threatening homes and farms, prompting mandatory evacuations.

The incidents underscore just how hot and dry it has been leading up to this year’s dryland wheat harvest, exacerbating the risk of field and rangeland fires.

Average high temperatures so far in July have reached 90 degrees in Pendleton and Yakima, Wash. and 95 degrees in Hermiston, according to the National Weather Service. A red flag warning indicating heightened fire danger was also in effect through Wednesday evening from Pendleton west to The Dalles and as far south as Bend.

Gentry said he is not certain how the fire started in his unharvested wheat. Casey Kump, deputy state fire marshal based in La Grande, said the fire started in a corner of the property that includes a shop and barn, and appears to be accidental.

When he first heard the news, Gentry immediately called his father, who went out in a water truck and was soon joined by neighbors bringing additional trucks and disc plows to dig firebreaks.

“We have a truck with water on it all the time. People always have tractors hooked up to discs,” Gentry said. “My friends and neighbors dropped what they were doing and immediately came to the rescue. I’m really grateful for that.”

As a beginning farmer, Gentry said it hurts to lose 10 percent of his crop. He needs every acre he can get, but he knows the situation could have been much worse.

Gentry said it has been at least a month since the area received any significant rain, and farmers need to be on their toes for fires, keeping ignition sources and idling engines away from dry grass and stubble.

“The biggest thing obviously is just common sense,” he said.

Gentry expects to begin harvest by next week. Harvesting is already underway at lower elevations farther south and west, where forecasts seem to be a mixed bag.

Don Wysocki, extension soil scientist for Oregon State University in Pendleton, said most of the lower elevations in Morrow and Gilliam counties were short on rainfall during May and June, and he expects they may cut around 10-15 bushels of wheat per acre below average.

“The fall stands were good, and the crop looked pretty good all through winter and early spring,” Wysocki said. “But (precipitation) didn’t happen in May.”

To make matters more difficult, Wysocki said conditions for spraying grassy herbicides in spring were less than ideal, causing problems with cheatgrass and other weeds in some fields.

Conditions appear to be better at higher elevations in northern Umatilla County. Preston Winn, who grows 147 acres of wheat near Weston, said they received timely rains throughout the spring, and expects an average crop around 100 bushels per acre.

Interestingly enough, Winn said the early moisture had him prepared to spray for fungal diseases like stripe rust, though it never showed up in his fields.

“The growing conditions have been really quite good,” Winn said. “That always portends a good harvest.”

Two positions opening on Oregon Board of Agriculture

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Farmers and ranchers are being encouraged to apply for two positions that are opening on the Oregon Board of Agriculture, a 10-member body that advises the Oregon Department of Agriculture on policy.

Candidates must be actively engaged in producing agricultural commodities and have until July 30th to submit applications to the Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s executive appointments office, along with a resumé, biography and statement of interest.

Application materials can be found online at www.oregon.gov/gov/admin/Pages/How_To_Apply.aspx. Board members can serve up to two terms of four years.

Alexis Taylor, ODA’s director, said she the board is intended to represent the diversity of Oregon agriculture and also reflect diversity in age, gender, race and sexual orientation.

The board provides “invaluable” insights and leadership to the department, she said. “Having that touchpoint with real farmers and ranchers keeps us grounded at ODA.”

Agricultural water quality, solar developments on farmland and regulation of canola are among the key issues that the board will likely be advising the agency in the near future, she said.

As she makes recommendations to the governor, Taylor said she hopes to put forth a candidate from the Klamath basin to replace outgoing member Tracey Liskey, a farmer from that region.

The board does have members from Central and Eastern Oregon, but the Klamath area faces distinct challenges, she said. “That’s the amazing thing about Oregon but also challenging sometimes.”

Managing conflicts between different crops and types of agriculture — such as marijuana and hemp, canola and related crops as well as genetically engineered organisms and organic crops — will probably continue being one of the major challenges facing the board, Liskey said.

“Coexistence is the big issue,” he said.

During his eight years on the board, Liskey has seen ODA shift its water quality enforcement from being complaint-driven to more proactive.

Board members should ensure the agency ensures regulations are workable and landowners receive help with compliance, he said. “More carrots and less hammer.”

Liskey said he hopes his replacement will have come from a rural part of Oregon and have a conventional agricultural background.

“I think we need to ensure the niche markets aren’t over-represented,” he said.

Laura Masterson, the other outgoing member and farmer near Portland, likewise said her seat should be filled by someone who’s experienced with small, organic and direct-market agriculture but also has “curiosity and diplomacy” about other farming sectors.

During her eight years on the board, Masterson said she’s tried to expose other members and ODA staff to farmers serving organic and niche markets, who often have a different perspective on policy issues.

“The flip side is I got to see types of production I never would have,” she said.

While membership on the board helps “build bridges” between various types of farmers, it’s still tough for members to “balance natural resources and economic vitality in the state,” Masterson said.

Wildfire expands in north-central Oregon

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The Latest on fires in the Pacific Northwest (all times local):

8:30 a.m.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has invoked the Emergency Conflagration Act in response to a wildfire burning in the north-central part of the state.

The action announced early Wednesday allows the Oregon fire marshal to mobilize resources from around the state to protect homes.

The fire burning in two counties east of The Dalles expanded overnight to more than 45 square miles.

One home has burned, along with some other structures.

Roughly 75 households have been told to evacuate.

7:25 a.m.

Authorities say a small fire that prompted evacuation notices for 700 homes near Spokane Valley, Wash., began in a building and then spread to grass and trees.

KREM-TV reports that the so-called Upriver Beacon Fire died down a bit overnight, and all of the most urgent evacuation notices had been downgraded by Wednesday morning.

The state Department of Natural Resources has been helping fight the fire with water drops from a tanker plane, and more state firefighting teams have been arriving after Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste approved their mobilization Tuesday night.

The fire has burned about one-third of a square mile and has damaged some electrical transmission lines.

ODFW says coyote, not cougar, likely attacked Portland dog

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PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says a small dog attacked in Portland last week was likely bit by a coyote, not a cougar as initially reported.

According to the Portland Police Bureau, a woman reported that the dog was in her yard when a cougar attacked early Thursday. The dog suffered two puncture wounds, but survived and is expected to make a full recovery.

The Fish and Wildlife Department later examined the bite marks and determined they were likely inflicted by a coyote, which are more common in Oregon.

ODFW switching to smartphones for hunting licenses, tags

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MEDFORD, Ore. (AP) — The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife plans to use electronic licensing system that will allow hunters and anglers to buy licenses and tags online.

The Mail Tribune reports hunters and anglers also will be able to download an app that will allow them to use their smartphones to tag their salmon, steelhead, halibut, deer and other species that require tagging.

The new system is scheduled to go live in December, when the agency begins selling licenses and tags for 2019.

Fish and Wildlife says the change will save the agency about $1.4 million a year, in part because the licenses and tags won’t be printed on special paper.

The current point-of-sale system handles about 2.2 million transactions each year.

Judge throws out 2 charges against indicted FBI agent

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PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A federal judge has thrown out two of the five charges against an FBI agent who allegedly lied about firing two rifle shots at the truck of an Oregon refuge occupation spokesman at a roadblock in January 2016.

The Oregonian/OregonLive reports U.S. District Judge Robert E. Jones on Monday struck one count of making a false statement and one count of obstruction of justice against W. Joseph Astarita.

Astarita in a trial set to start next week still faces two counts of making a false statement and one count of obstruction of justice in the incident in which he allegedly fired two errant shots at the truck driven by Robert “LaVoy” Finicum.

Astarita has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Finicum was a spokesman for the Ammon Bundy-led group that took over the refuge to oppose federal control of land in the Western U.S.

Sugar beets ‘nicest looking I’ve ever seen’

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Capital Press

Sid Freeman of Sunny View Farms north of Caldwell, Idaho, likes what he sees in his sugar beet crop.

“We’ve got some of the nicest-looking sugar beets I’ve ever seen, in general,” he said.

Sugar beets in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon appear to be on their way to high yields and strong sugar content — an improvement over the late-to-plant 2017 crop — though field analysts advise growers to remain vigilant in scouting and treating for diseases and pests.

Freeman figured his beets would do well when he noticed his nearby corn was taller than usual in early July.

“That indicated the growing environment for the spring was very good,” he said July 12. “Anything planted early looks very well.”

Beets benefited from higher-than normal heat units — high temperatures and the number of ideal “growing-degree days” — and ample rain that helped keep soil moist, Freeman said.

Growers made the most of the good conditions by picking the right seeds, planting them using precision-agriculture approaches, and developing solid plans for using fertilizer and any chemicals, he said.

“The farmer controlled all the variables he could, and Mother Nature cooperated very well,” Freeman said.

Wendell Robinson, southwest Idaho district agriculture manager for Boise-based Amalgamated Sugar, said the area’s sugar beet crop looks good overall. Grower-owned Amalgamated grows beets and processes them into sugar at its factories.

“We are still actively scouting” for pests and diseases, he said. “Overall, the crop looks very healthy at this point. We’re watching data for pests and diseases, but I think we’ve still got a good crop.”

More growing days typically mean higher potential sugar accumulation in the beet root and greater yield given the longer growing season, Robinson said.

A handful of diseases and insect pests have shown up in Idaho sugar beet fields, though in controllable numbers, said Lance Pitcher, who works with growers as a crop consultant with Amalgamated.

“Now is probably prime time, the best time for treatment,” he said July 16. Waiting until mid-August to treat would substantially increase the risk that beet yield and quality would drop due to diseases and pests, he said.

Pitcher saw Powdery Mildew earlier than usual, though not necessarily in alarming amounts. Cercospora Leaf Spot has become more prevalent, and “we are starting to see Black Bean Aphid more,” he said.

Black Bean Aphid so far is not widespread, he said. In heavy populations, it can stunt plants and transmit the Western Yellows Virus.

Pitcher said he also has seen army worms and grasshoppers in some beet fields. Both can reduce photosynthesis — and, in turn, yields — if their populations get high enough, he said.

“Generally they are not a problem, but this year they seem to be a little more prevalent,” he said.

Robinson said Black Bean Aphids and other insects seen thus far “are certainly very treatable at this point.” Amalgamated recently has been helping growers and suppliers recognize and treat for pests and diseases.

He and Pitcher expect 2018 crop yield and sugar content to be between the excellent 2015 and record-high 2016. Last year’s crop produced solid yields overall, but disappointing sugar content.

Galen Lee, who serves on the American Beet Growers Association board and is president of the Nyssa/Nampa Sugar Beet Growers Association, said his beet fields look distinctly better than they did last year. He co-owns Sunnyside Farm LLC outside New Plymouth, Idaho, near the Oregon border.

Snowfall was especially heavy and long-lasting in early 2017 on south Idaho’s western edge. Lee said the cold compacted the ground, one factor in delaying planting and ultimately stalling maturation.

This year, the sugar beet crop at Sunnyside looks good, he said. He sees closed rows of strongly standing plants with canopies sufficient to provide good shade.

“It’s that time of year when we are seeing mildew, so we are spraying for mildew,” Lee said. “And we are just trying to keep water on them, keeping them healthy and going from there.”

Anheuser-Busch expands barley sustainability efforts

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IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — Officials at Anheuser-Busch have set a goal of including 100 percent of their U.S. barley growers in a corporate sustainability program, called SmartBarley, by 2025.

Already, nearly 80 percent of the grower base participates in the voluntary sustainability program, which surveys growers about their production methods, irrigation usage, agronomic inputs and yields.

The company provides growers with anonymous data comparing their practices to others in the region, and throughout the world, hoping growers will implement the best practices to improve efficiency.

The program already includes 525 U.S. participants, and 4,500 participants worldwide. Company officials declined to say if they would ever mandate participation to reach their goal.

Idaho is the nation’s top barley-producing state, with an estimated 530,000 planted acres this season.

During a July 13 Grower Days event at its Idaho Falls malt plant, Anheuser-Busch celebrated 50 years of working with Idaho growers.

“Almost half of the beer we deliver to consumers (in North America) is dependent on barley grown in Idaho,” said Dave Taylor, an Anheuser-Busch brewmaster and vice president of supply. “Our partnership is essential to us, and we are the biggest buyer of barley in Idaho.”

The event included a SmartBarley booth, where staff showed growers a cluster chart on nitrogen application rates. They explained they’ll likely contact growers represented by a few outlying dots who appear to be overapplying fertilizer.

“It gives us a good comparison on where to benchmark what we could be doing and what others are doing,” said Hamer, Idaho, grower Justin Place. “We all need to be looking at a way to conserve and maintain our quality of what we’re doing, using less fertilizer and inputs of water.”

In addition to SmartBarley, the company is helping growers improve sustainability through development of new barley varieties, crop-management trials, funding AgriMet weather stations to provide farm-specific evapotranspiration data and research into new pivot irrigation technology designed to conserve water and power.

The company recently updated its overall sustainability goals ­— covering its own operations and its entire supply chain through 2025.

In addition to its grower program, the company is working to improve water stewardship, reduce energy use and emissions and to boost the amount of reused and recycled material in manufacturing and packing.

“Every time we’ve launched sustainability goals, we’ve achieved them much sooner than our original timeframe,” said Ingrid De Ryck, vice president of procurement and sustainability for Anheuser-Busch. “The difference now is we’ve raised the bar significantly. We’re going wider.”

The company, which reduced its water use by 38 percent during the past decade, aims to conserve another 9 percent by 2025. At its Idaho Falls malt plant, John Drake, director of western malting operations, explained the company is investigating a plan to reuse a million gallons of wastewater per day, or to clean it and inject it into the aquifer to boost groundwater levels.

The company aims to cut carbon emissions by a quarter throughout its value chain — including its grower base. Toward that end, the company has ordered 40 Tesla electric trucks and recently announced the purchase of 800 hydrogen trucks, hoping to pilot the zero-emissions fleet by next year.

All of its packaging should soon be made from majority recycled or returnable materials.

In May, the company added a logo to cans acknowledging its goal of using 100 percent renewable electricity. Anheuser-Busch recently covered half of its power goal by opening an Oklahoma wind farm.

Anheuser-Busch also has a global breeding program to release more sustainable barley varieties, producing about 1,300 experimental lines per year.

Gary Hanning, director of the company’s global barley research program, said the company has an experimental line close to release that should give growers a hardy new winter barley that uses a quarter less water and is suited for a broader area of Idaho. Hanning said Anheuser-Busch is also evaluating an Oregon State University winter barley, called Thunder.

New OSU Extension agent hired for Marion, Clackamas counties

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Betsy Verhoeven, an agricultural scientist with international credentials, is coming home.

Verhoeven, whose mother, Mary Verhoeven, worked in the wheat program at Oregon State University, and who worked in OSU barley breeder Pat Hayes’ lab as a teenager, has been named Oregon State University Extension’s new field crops agent for Marion and Clackamas counties.

Verhoeven holds a Ph.D. in agricultural sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, or ETH-Zurich, as well as a master’s in soils and biochemistry from University of California-Davis, and a bachelor’s degree in biology from Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. She started June 20.

“What you see in Betsy is someone who grew up in (OSU’s Department of) Crop and Soil Science, someone with a great foundation, and somebody who well identifies with agriculture as we know it here in Oregon,” said Jay Noller, head of the College of Agricultural Sciences’ Department of Crop and Soil Science.

“She is super intelligent, loves solving problems, including big problems, and she wanted to come home, so here she is,” Noller said.

Verhoeven said she chose to return to Oregon “to be closer to family” and because of her connection with the state.

“Growing up here, both the natural and farmed lands of Oregon were a huge part of my life,” she said. “I want Oregon agriculture to thrive, because I want it to be there and be prosperous for many future generations.”

She said her immediate plans are to connect with growers in the mid-Willamette Valley, listen to their concerns and “get the word out that there is someone here.”

“Longer term, I want to work with growers, faculty and researchers to develop and improve practices that maintain and enhance the long-term productivity of Oregon lands,” she said.

Verhoeven is the third field crops extension agent recently hired by OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences, including the second serving the Willamette Valley, and she is the first field crops extension agent to serve Marion and Clackamas counties since Tom Silberstein left in 2013 to take a position as faculty research assistant in Klamath Falls.

Will Jessie, an Oklahoma native, was introduced May 23 as field crops extension agent for Linn and Benton counties and parts of Polk County. Christy Tanner started June 25 with the Malheur County Extension Service.

“These hires represent the commitment of the College of Agricultural Sciences and OSU Extension to place faculty where they are needed,” Noller said. “We recognize that doesn’t happen as fast as everyone would like, but, nevertheless, it has happened.”

Bryan Ostlund, administrator of three Oregon grass seed commissions, as well as the Oregon clover and mint commissions, said the industry is looking forward to working with the new hires.

“It is a long time coming,” Ostlund said. “Grower issues seem to be stacking up more and more all the time, and we’ve got a lot of work to do, so it is nice to see new people come in.”

Ostlund said he appreciated the commitment of former College of Agricultural Sciences Dean Dan Arp to bring on the new field crops personnel. Arp retired June 30.

“There is a lot of pressure on OSU budgets, and it is much appreciated that he came through for us and put in these new agents,” Ostlund said.

Noller said the latest round of new hires may not be over, noting that he hopes in a few weeks to announce the hiring of a weed scientist who will fill the position formerly held by Carol Mallory Smith, who has retired.

He added: “And I think we have a few more surprises coming up.”

OSU receives grant to study mass timber

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Oregon State University will receive nearly $500,000 from the USDA to continue studying mass timber in commercial building design.

The latest grant comes on the heels of the Timber Innovation Act, which was recently included in the Senate version of the 2018 Farm Bill. That legislation would create a new research and development program under the USDA for mass timber, including cross-laminated panels, glue laminated beams and laminated veneer lumber.

Mass timber is not currently recognized as an official construction material in U.S. building codes, leaving it without a standard rating system for quality and safety such as fire and earthquake resistance. Researchers at OSU are now investigating the effects of moisture accumulation in mass timber buildings.

“Obviously in the Pacific Northwest, rain and moisture is a factor,” said Iain Macdonald, associate director of the TallWood Design Institute at OSU. There’s pretty good anecdotal evidence that these buildings perform well in moisture. ... We see a need for a bit more empirical analysis of the whole thing.”

The TallWood Design Institute — formerly the National Center for Advanced Wood Products Manufacturing and Design — combines the forestry and engineering colleges at OSU and the University of Oregon’s School of Architecture and Allied Arts to focus exclusively on advancing structural wood products.

Macdonald said the interest in mass timber is twofold — one, to lower the carbon footprint of buildings versus using traditional concrete and steel, and two, to reinvigorate the timber economy in rural communities that depend on forestry for jobs.

“Our aim is to try and help people innovate these new products,” Macdonald said.

Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, who pushed for the Timber Innovation Act, said Oregon is working to become a hub for mass timber manufacturing using locally sourced wood.

“This research at OSU supports the innovative manufacturing that helps to create jobs in rural parts of the state, and lays the groundwork for tall building construction in urban parts of the state,” said Merkley, a Democrat. “I will continue to use my seat on the appropriations committee to get this important research and development funded.”

Other research projects at the TallWood Design Institute include fire-resistance testing, seismic and structural performance tests, studying the carbon and environmental impacts of mass timber products and mass plywood development.

Anthony Davis, acting dean of the OSU College of Forestry, said the university is at the forefront of research to inform engineering design guidelines for these products.

“This grant award is another example of the excellent research done by scientists affiliated with OSU and the TallWood Design Institute,” Davis said.

OSU Forestry dean dies following illness

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Thomas Maness, dean of the College of Forestry at Oregon State University since 2012, died Thursday in Corvallis following a 2 1/2-year battle with an undisclosed illness. He was 63.

Under Maness’ leadership, OSU was ranked the second-best college of forestry in the world in 2017 by the Center for World University Rankings, behind only the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden.

“Thomas will be greatly missed,” said OSU President Ed Ray in a statement released Friday by the university. “Thomas’ effective and strong aspirational leadership of the College of Forestry helped guide many key decisions and served to advance the university, our environment and the wood products industry.”

Maness arrived at OSU in 2009, serving as head of the Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management before succeeding Hal Salwasser as dean of the College of Forestry.

In January, Maness stepped away from his day-to-day duties as dean to focus on his health. Since then, Executive Associate Dean Anthony Davis has served as acting dean.

In a letter posted on the OSU website, Davis described Maness as “true visionary.”

“One only needs to look at the Institute for Working Forest Landscapes and the TallWood Design Institute to understand Thomas’ dedication to improving the health of our lands, people, businesses, and ecosystems, and to do so through collaborative work,” Davis wrote. “Through his vision, he helped propel our college into a globally recognized leader in forestry.”

The College of Forestry is currently undergoing a massive restoration with the $79.5 million Oregon Forest Science Complex, which is anticipated to open next spring. The 95,000-square-foot project will include the new George W. Peavy Forest Science Center, A.A. “Red” Emmerson Advanced Wood Products Laboratory and Richardson Hall.

Before joining OSU, Maness spent a decade in private industry as a research engineer, and in 1994 he founded the Canadian National Centre of Excellence in Advancing Wood Processing at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

Working closely with industry, he led research in sawmill optimization and real-time quality control systems. He also founded the British Columbia Forum on Forest Economics and Policy a decade later, guiding research in forest policy and sustainability.

Maness earned his bachelor’s degree in forest resources management from West Virginia University in 1979, a master’s degree in forest operations from Virginia Tech in 1981 and a doctorate in forest economics from the University of Washington in 1989.

Ed Feser, OSU provost and executive vice president, said Maness carried on a long tradition of leadership excellence and advances during his time at the College of Forestry.

“His stewardship in expanding the college through the new Oregon Forest Science Complex will serve students, research and OSU’s outreach and engagement mission for many future generations,” Feser said.

Maness was also a board member for the Oregon Forest Resources Institute, established by the Oregon Legislature in 1991 to encourage responsible forestry practices through public outreach.

“Thomas was an incredible OFRI board member, thought leader and trusted friend,” said Paul Barnum, OFRI executive director. “His leadership, professionalism and vision for the future of Oregon’s forests — and all forests — will be greatly missed.”

Hot times at the Marion County Fair

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SALEM, Ore. — Temperatures near 100 degrees couldn’t stop Willamette Valley 4-H and FFA members from showing their livestock and other animals at this week’s Marion County Fair.

Melanie McCabe, Marion County 4-H Youth Development Educator for Oregon State University Extension, said Friday that even with the hot weather, the fair has been going well. She said the barns are a little crowded because of record entry numbers. They have also had to shuffle a couple of shows between show rings, but aside from that there haven’t been any major problems.

“The kids are all still in good spirits. The animals, so far, are holding up OK,” McCabe said.

FFA exhibitors, due to the heat, were allowed to show their animals without their signature blue corduroy jackets on Thursday, showing instead in their plain white shirts and official scarves and ties.

4-H member Wylie Bean, from St. Paul Ore., has a brother who shows pigs, so he decided to follow in his footsteps. At age 13, he has no intention of quitting the show ring any time soon and is looking forward to showing in a blue FFA jacket when he gets into high school.

Nick Anderson didn’t start out showing cattle, but he decided to switch from market goats. Anderson’s steer took the FFA grand champion title this year and placed third overall.

“I am really happy, it was a good year,” he said.

This year is Anderson’s third year showing, but his first year he showed a market goat. He said that he always admired FFA and when he started at Cascade High School and found out they had an FFA program he wanted to join. Anderson’s father showed steers when he was younger and pointed him in the direction of a friend who helped him learn to show.

This year is Madi McKenzie’s first year showing goats, and she received second place for both of her entries, Oliver and Buster. A member of the Jefferson Livestock Club, McKenzie has a sister who shows sheep.

Soon to be a high school junior, Abbie Barber started out showing sheep, but now the Cascade FFA member shows Hereford cattle. This year, her heifer is the supreme female for FFA at the fair. Barber’s bull calf also won supreme, and she showed a steer that took first in his class.

Barber said that her favorite part of showing is the animals themselves aside from the money she can make selling them at the auction, describing the cattle as “cute.”

Showing is a generational thing in Barber’s family. When her father was young he also showed cattle at the fair.

Oregon’s medical marijuana program admits to problems

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SALEM, Ore. (AP) — The agency overseeing Oregon’s legal medical marijuana industry conceded in a report Thursday it has not provided effective oversight of growers and others in the industry, creating opportunities for weed to be diverted to the black market.

The blunt internal review echoes complaints from federal authorities that Oregon hasn’t adequately controlled its marijuana businesses, and that overproduction of pot is feeding a black market in states that haven’t legalized it.

Oregon was one of the first states to legalize medical marijuana in 1998, and in 2014 voters approved allowing recreational use. The state’s struggle to transform a business that for decades had operated illegally in the shadows into a regulated industry sets an example for other states moving toward legalization.

Oregon Health Authority Director Patrick Allen ordered the internal review amid complaints from state and local law enforcement officials about lack of oversight of the pot industry. The health authority directs the state’s Medical Marijuana Program, while the Liquor Control Commission regulates recreational pot.

The review showed there were more than 20,000 grow sites, but only 58 inspections were carried out in 2017.

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program has far too few inspectors, while the tracking of growers and the pot they produce has been inadequate and inaccurate, the report concluded.

“Potentially erroneous reporting coupled with low reporting compliance makes it difficult to accurately track how much product is in the medical system,” the report said. “This limits OMMP’s ability to successfully identify and address potential diversion.”

The report said the medical marijuana oversight agency lacks reliable, independent tools to validate grow site locations and relies on inconsistent county databases.

Law enforcement authorities say they often have trouble identifying which marijuana growers are legal. Seen from a helicopter just before harvest season, marijuana grows are like a green patchwork across one southwestern county, one drug enforcement officer recalled.

In Deschutes County, the sheriff and district attorney in February went public with their frustrations, saying the state was allowing black market operations to proliferate through lack of oversight. They asked the Health Authority to provide a list of medical marijuana grow sites, but the agency refused, saying the law doesn’t permit it to provide such a list. The agency could only respond on a case-by-case basis.

Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel commended OHA director Allen for ordering the study. The two met last month and agreed to use the results of the study to discuss improved oversight.

In a statement, the health authority said the confidentiality of grow site addresses is protected by law, but added it’s exploring ways to work more closely with law enforcement to ensure medical marijuana grow sites are operating legally.

“We are taking steps to maintain the integrity of Oregon’s medical marijuana program and make sure medical products reach the patients who need them,” Allen said. “The actions we’re taking include better tracking of growers, better enforcement, and making sure product that fails testing has been destroyed.”

Oregon, California farmers reappointed to dairy board

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Warren L. Chamberlain of Oregon and Brad J. Scott and Pauline Tjaarda of California were reappointed to their seats on the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board in an announcement from Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue.

Michael R. Oosten of California, has also been appointed to fill an open seat.

The new terms begin in November and will last three years. Oosten, however, will only serve until October of 2019.

The National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, known as the Dairy Checkoff Program, promotes dairy products and provides funding for research.

Dairy farmers pay a 15 cent-per-hundredweight assessment on their milk, and importers pay 7.5 cents to fund the program.

Purdue said the new appointees will aid in the “promotion and research to maintain and expand” dairy markets. He also said that the individuals will serve the dairy industry well.

The board is made up of 37 individuals from 12 regions.

Each member is selected by the secretary after nominations are submitted by various dairy and farm organizations.

Shepherd’s Grain brings farmers, customers together

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REARDAN, Wash. — Shepherd’s Grain, a farmer-owned company based in the Northwest, brought farmers and bakers together at the same table this week.

The company is owned by wheat farmers and focuses on no-till farming practices. It uses the cost of production to set its prices instead of the commodity market.

Shepherd’s Grain has sales offices in Seattle and Portland. Farmers grow wheat in Eastern Washington, Idaho and Eastern Oregon.

Forty-four customers who use Shepherd’s Grain flour on July 11 visited farms in Ritzville, Reardan and Davenport, Wash.

“The farmers love to see who it is who’s using their wheat and on the other side, the users like to see who’s growing the wheat,” Shepherd’s Grain general manager Mark Swenson said.

Company co-founder Fred Fleming, who farms near Reardan, said the company tests new wheat varieties to see how well they meet Shepherd Grain standards, checking for milling and baking quality.

Some varieties don’t meet the company standards, Fleming said. One didn’t have the needed flavor component; another yielded well, but also didn’t have the necessary flavor. Others had too strong a mixing component, because much of Shepherd’s Grain flour must be worked by hand, he said.

Tom McLaughlin, merchandiser for Archer Daniels Midland, told tour participants that his company keeps Shepherd’s Grain wheat separate from other wheats when milling.

“It’s a niche compared to the commodity world, no doubt, but it’s a quality product with much more consistency in its production,” McLaughlin said. “The biggest thing is being able to pick the varieties that meet the customer’s end need.”

Shepherd’s Grain’s approach is unique, McLaughlin said, primarily because it came from a grassroots level.

“A lot of producers don’t look at net margin per acre,” he said. “They focus on yield. If we could get producers to start looking at net margin per acre — we’re going to give up 10 percent yield, but guess what? (The farmer is) getting 20 percent more revenue — that would facilitate the process.”

Swenson estimated 20 percent of the wheat produced by its 37 farmers goes to Shepherd’s Grain. Farmers sell the remainder on their own or on the commodity market. The company would like to increase demand to sell the remaining 80 percent, he said.

Shepherd’s Grain farmers received $9.54 per bushel for dark northern spring wheat, $6.71 per bushel for hard red winter wheat and $5.63 per bushel for soft white wheat. Prices are arrived at by calculating the grower’s costs of producing the wheat and a fair rate of return to the farmer, Swenson said.

There is a waiting list for farmers to join the company, Swenson said. The group is not likely to add new members for several years, unless it reaches a point where demand exceeds supply.

All wheat produced by Shepherd’s Grain is sold domestically. Swenson said the company is looking at several overseas opportunities. It is also in discussions with several larger grocery stores, he said.

Research station fights back against rose stem girdler

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

A new pest has burst on the scene at Oregon State University’s North Willamette Research and Extension Center.

Rose stem girdler, a small, metallic beetle that bores into raspberry and blackberry canes, was discovered last year at the station, prompting faculty to come up with a plan of attack to control the damaging insects.

With reports of rose stem girdler in cane fruit on the rise across the Willamette Valley and southwest Washington, researchers discussed the latest infestation during Caneberry Field Day Wednesday at the station in Aurora, Ore.

Patrick Jones, faculty research assistant, said the problem first arose in late July and early August last season, when they noticed wilting among the tops of blackberry and raspberry plants.

Typically, Jones said the plants will die all the way down the crown if there is an issue with root rot or general health. These canes, however, were snapping around the middle.

“That was the big tell that we had a new pest problem,” he said.

Jones figures rose stem girdler was present at the station for years, but last year they did not conduct early season spraying for spotted wing drosophila, which may have allowed the beetle population to explode.

“It was just kind of a fluke year,” he said. “At least it’s on everybody’s radar now.”

In response, the station began spraying pesticides to control rose stem girdler, based on a 2015 Utah State University Extension report. While it is still tell, Jones said he is optimistic the results will be positive.

“I think we’ll do better than last year,” he said.

About 50 growers attended Caneberry Field Day, which featured updates on field trials for new varieties of blackberries and raspberries, along with presentations on pest and weed control.

Oregon produced 42 million pounds of cane fruit in 2017-18, according to the state Raspberry and Blackberry Commission. Those numbers were down from 59 million pounds in 2016-17, though Bernadine Strik, berry crop specialist for OSU, said part of that is due to growers tearing out older varieties of blackberries to replace with newer ones more highly sought by processors — namely Black Diamond and Columbia Star.

Together, Black Diamond and Columbia Star accounted for more than 70 percent of plant sales in Oregon in 2017. The next closest was Marionberry, at just more than 8 percent.

As for raspberries, Tom Peerbolt, director of the Northwest Berry Foundation, said he is excited about several new varieties in development that he hopes will break through the “bottleneck” currently facing growers.

Oregon grew roughly 4.5 million pounds of red and black raspberries last year, with 72 percent of sales from just four varieties: Cascade Delight, Cascade Harvest, Cascade Gold and Meeker.

Peerbolt said he is particularly enthused about Cascade Premier, a just-released variety from Washington State University.

“I think these guys really have potential to be grown here economically in heavier soils,” Peerbolt said. “If we can help accelerate that even a year or two, it could really help growers out there, and the industry as a whole.”

Pardoned ranchers arrive home, plan lots of ‘decompressing’

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Father and son ranchers, who were the focus of a battle about public lands and were freed from prison after receiving a presidential pardon, were welcomed home Wednesday in Oregon by relatives and horseback riders carrying American flags.

A lawyer for the family of Steven and Dwight Hammond said they remain focused on their attempt to restore grazing rights on Bureau of Land Management acreage.

Attorney Morgan Philpot also told The Associated Press the men feel persecuted by federal officials after they were convicted of setting fires on public land and sentenced to five-year prison terms under an anti-terrorism statute.

“We’re exploring potential civil suits on behalf of the family to make sure they have their rights over land restored to them, that they’re protected from more harassment and overzealousness of government agencies,” Philpot said.

The family also wants a dialogue between ranchers, politicians, federal agencies and bureaucrats, he said.

A news conference that had been set with family members outside the high-desert town of Burns was canceled when their convoy was delayed by a roadblock set up to allow a wide-load vehicle to pass.

“The family has already gone through enough. They were tired and wanted to go home and spend time with family,” Philpot said. “Perhaps it was sheer coincidence that the oversized load was coming through the same road we were using.”

The local BLM office did not immediately return a phone call or email seeking comment.

Earlier in the day, Steven Hammond and his father Dwight stepped from a private jet and into the arms of family members at a municipal airport outside the huigh desert community of Burns. A day earlier they were pardoned by President Donald Trump and released from a federal prison near Los Angeles.

“We’re going to do a lot of decompressing and get back to our families,” Steven Hammond said.

Just 25 miles (40 kilometers) away is Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which was taken over in 2016 by armed protesters angered by the sentences given to the Hammonds.

The standoff lasted 41 days, ending when occupation leaders Ammon and Ryan Bundy were arrested and LaVoy Finicum was killed by police.

The occupiers, who believe federal control of public lands violates the Constitution, insisted the Hammonds were victimized by federal overreach.

Steven Hammond thanked Trump and many people on Wednesday for writing to him and his father while they were in prison.

“We received thousands of letters. There’s a time you get to that point where a letter means a lot,” Steven Hammond said, his voice choking up in video posted on Twitter by The Oregonian/OregonLive.

Some environmentalists see a pattern in the way Trump is approaching public lands, which comprise almost half of the U.S. West, and have linked the pardons to his position on the issue.

Witnesses testified that a 2001 arson fire occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered deer on BLM property. The fire destroyed all evidence of the game violations, the U.S. attorney’s office said.

The jury also convicted Steven Hammond for a 2006 blaze that prosecutors said began when he started several back fires, violating a burn ban, to save his winter feed after lightning started numerous fires nearby.

Federal anti-terrorism law called for mandatory five-year sentences for the 2012 convictions. A federal judge said those sentences wouldn’t fit the crime, and instead sentenced Dwight Hammond to three months in prison and Steven Hammond to a year and one day.

A federal appeals court in October 2015 ordered them to be resentenced to the mandatory prison time.

“The use of anti-terrorism laws to prosecute Western ranchers makes no sense, from our perspective,” Philpot said.

Oregon company lands $50K county grant to build test greenhouse

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Michelle Moore steps inside one of several commercial greenhouses on display at Adapt8 headquarters in Salem, Ore., noting how sunlight reaches into every nook and cranny of the structure.

“There are no shadows in the greenhouse at all,” said Moore, company president and CEO. “It’s a surprising effect.”

Adapt8, formerly Adaptive Plastics Inc., is known for manufacturing corrugated plastic panels used for greenhouses and greenhouse coverings. The material, branded as Solexx, is highly dense and translucent, meaning it diffuses light to spread over the entire space.

Solexx greenhouses have been sold in all 50 states, Moore said, and in May the company announced it received a $50,000 economic development grant from Marion County for additional product testing and research.

With the money, Adapt8 plans to build a new 2,500-square-foot greenhouse at its offices on Brooklake Road Northeast, where employees will try out new systems and products to reduce energy while maximizing plant growth. Eventually, Moore said the greenhouse will be used to grow fresh fruits and vegetables for the community, with 1,000 pounds donated annually to the Marion-Polk Food Share.

Employees will also establish their own community-supported agriculture program, or CSA, and begin teaching classes to the public on how they can grow their own healthful food at home.

“We want to show people how we’re doing things differently,” Moore said.

The goal, Moore said, is to help commercial growers and hobby farmers conserve resources and become more sustainable. Solexx greenhouses, with their light-scattering polyethylene panels, offer 25 percent more plant growth versus direct light provided by polycarbonate panels, and 30 percent more insulation, she said.

Adapt8, a second-generation family-owned company founded by Moore’s parents, actually got its start by accident. At the time, they were selling plastic totes made from a material similar to Solexx to growers for harvesting fruit. The totes caused less bruising than metal buckets, Moore said.

One day, they left a plastic tote upside down in their yard. The grass underneath, they found, had grown 6-8 inches tall, and was a deep verdant green.

Moore’s father, Mike Perry, quickly realized the material would make for a good greenhouse.

“The family has deemed him the mad scientist,” Moore said with a laugh. “That’s how the company started, as a hobby greenhouse business.”

Today, the business has about 20 employees, and expects to hire 10 more with construction and maintenance of the new test greenhouse. Moore said they plan to break ground sometime before the end of the year.

In 2009, Moore said the company managed to harvest $5,000 worth of food in one season out of an 8-foot-by-8-foot greenhouse. She believes they can produce the same results on a larger scale in a commercial-size building.

“We want to challenge the status quo of how that’s done,” she said. “It’s really a pretty astounding amount of food.”


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