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OSU agronomist bullish on potential of biochar

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Stephen Machado reaches into a clear plastic Ziploc bag and pulls out the brittle but still intact remains of a pine branch collected from the Umatilla National Forest in Eastern Oregon. The blackened tree limb looks and feels and lot like charcoal.

In fact, that’s exactly what it is.

Woody debris from the forest is just another raw material for making what is known as biochar, which can also be made from organic material such as leaves, grasses, crop residue and even manure.

Machado, a professor and agronomist with the Oregon State University Extension Service, believes biochar has a huge upside potential for dryland farms in the arid Columbia Basin.

Working at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center north of Pendleton, Ore., Machado stumbled onto biochar as part of his mission to make local wheat farms more sustainable.

Most growers in the area use a fallow rotation, meaning they grow a crop every other year and leave their fields fallow during the off years to build soil moisture. But Machado said that system has led to a steady decline in soil organic matter, which is the foundation of crop health and productivity.

“Organic matter is a source of nutrients for both the microbes and the crops,” Machado said.

Still, farmers are reluctant to give up fallow — especially in areas that get less than 10 inches of rain per year. With such little water available, they need every drop to grow enough wheat to pay the bills.

That is where biochar might be able to help. It contains up to 70 percent carbon, and its molecular structure is like a sponge for soaking up and holding water.

Machado began experimenting with biochar on small plots in 2012. Though he was initially skeptical, the results have shown a roughly 25 percent increase in wheat yields.

“I’ve been pleasantly surprised,” Machado said. “There is promise to this technology.”

Machado grew up in Gweru, Zimbabwe, in southern Africa. He remembers spending summer vacations at his grandfather’s farm outside the city, raising cattle and growing corn, peanuts and wheat.

At the time, Machado said he had no interest in farming — “Too much hard work,” he chuckles at himself in hindsight. Even then, he could see the soils deteriorate as they were depleted of nutrients.

“My grandfather was very poor, and could not afford fertilizer,” Machado said. “I could see, every year, the reduction in yields.”

Following Zimbabwe’s war for independence, Machado left the country as a refugee for nearby Swaziland. When the time came for college, he was given a choice between studying animal sciences or agriculture, two important skills that were needed back home.

Machado also played semi-professional soccer for Mbabane Swallows F.C. in Swaziland, and though they competed in packed stadiums, he said the players were not paid well. He decided to stay in school, eventually graduating with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture.

At the time, Machado said Zimbabwe was struggling economically, with 80-90 percent unemployment. Rather than return, he headed for the University of Reading in England, where he earned a master’s degree in crop physiology and agronomy.

From there, Machado arrived in the U.S., where he obtained a doctorate in crop sciences and agronomy from Kansas State University. He joined OSU in 2001, and applied for U.S. citizenship four years later.

Thinking back to the exhausted soils at his grandfather’s farm, Machado said the goal of his current research is to promote cultural sustainability without harming the environment.

“Farming is a business, and they’re looking at this year’s yield, but I want them to think about their children and their grandchildren,” Machado said. “If they’re gone, what are they leaving them with?”

Sustainability is the foundation of Machado’s interest in biochar.

The history of the substance dates back to prehistoric Amazonian tribes in South America. By burning vegetation and raking the charred leftovers into the soil, they could spend their entire lives growing crops in a single location within the dense rainforest.

European settlers came to know it as “terra preta,” or “black earth.”

“I was fascinated by the fact that these soils can remain productive for a thousand years without putting in anything,” Machado said.

Today, biochar is created through a process called pyrolysis, where biomass is burned at extremely high temperatures — up to 1,832 degrees Fahrenheit — with low levels of oxygen, avoiding combustion and leaving behind mostly carbon.

The material can be burned in pits, trenches, homemade kilns or larger, more sophisticated industrial equipment. By restricting oxygen, 50 to 70 percent of the carbon is retained in the solid biochar, while the rest is released as carbon dioxide.

But it’s the structure of biochar that makes it especially valuable to farmers.

Just one gram of biochar has a surface area of 1,000 square meters, Machado said. “It can hold onto everything.”

At the research station, Machado has several small plots of wheat and peas treated with biochar at different rates. His results show steady gains in crop yield for amounts of biochar ranging up to 5 tons per acre.

Another benefit, Machado said, is that biochar can mend acidic soils caused by ammonium nitrogen fertilizers, an issue increasingly seen among Eastern Oregon and Washington farms.

In his trials, soil pH increased from as low as 4.5, or highly acidic, to 6.5, which is closer to neutral. The critical pH level for growing wheat, Machado said, is 5.2.

“This is doing the job we need,” he said.

Gary Betts, who grows 260 acres of wheat near Athena, Ore., is working with Machado on biochar testing at his farm. The first year, Betts said they saw a 20 percent increase in yield on the experimental plots.

“You can dramatically reduce the use of fertilizer, maybe eliminate it completely, and it raises the pH,” Betts said. “It holds incredible promise of reducing agricultural costs, at the same time improving the environment for everyone in the area.”

The challenge is getting more farmers such as Betts to buy into biochar. Machado said the material is still quite expensive, up to 10 cents per pound, because not much is currently produced. That adds up to $1,000 for 5 tons, enough for about an acre.

Different types of biochar also have different properties, which makes it critical that farmers know exactly what they are getting.

“Because it’s a new technology, many farmers are not yet convinced,” Machado said. “And if farmers want it, it’s still a limited supply.”

Machado and Betts are part of a new nonprofit organization dedicated to making biochar more affordable, accessible and widespread.

Forest 2 Farm, established in June 2017, proposes using forest waste as a local feedstock for biochar, which would not only benefit farmers but provide a value-added market for otherwise unsellable wood.

Jim Archuleta, biomass and wood innovation coordinator for the Forest Service Region 6 in Portland, is working alongside the nonprofit. His interest in biochar traces back to his time working in the Diamond Lake Ranger District in the Umpqua National Forest of southwest Oregon, where applying charred material was shown to keep forage green into August, when other vegetation would turn brown.

The goal now is to create a market for biochar that can benefit farms, while also helping the forests harvest fine fuels that help spread increasingly large, destructive wildfires. Archuleta said their focus is branches less than 6 inches in diameter, slash and bark — material that would otherwise be burned in piles or left on the ground to rot.

“We can walk away from it, but at what cost?” Archuleta said. “If we’re able to figure out how to use this system strategically to create zones of reduced wildfire risk ... that’s what I hope this (project) can do.”

It takes 16 tons of raw material to make one ton of biochar, Archuleta said. At that rate, he figures the forests could make a serious dent in halting the rapid spread of wildfires by treating forests and converting the materials to biochar.

Archuleta also said the Forest Service is working with a private company to develop an in-woods mobile biochar processor capable of producing 10-20 cubic yards of biomass per hour. A beta version of the equipment could be placed in the Umatilla National Forest, near where Machado conducts his on-farm research.

Machado said the next step is to expand his trials to one or more acres to demonstrate the value of biochar on a larger scale.

Jerry Adams, secretary of Forest 2 Farm and executive director of the Evaluation and Development Institute, a climate-focused consulting group based in Houston, said they hope to secure funding through a combination of grants and public donations.

“It’s difficult to get farmers to change their practices based on small plots,” Adams said. “They want to look out over the horizon and see what’s changed.”

Adams believes biochar could sequester massive amounts of carbon dioxide in the ground and help stave off the effects of climate change.

Machado, meanwhile, is optimistic biochar could catch on in agricultural circles, if and when the market develops.

“Farmers are so good at transferring knowledge,” he said. “If it works on one farm, others will adopt it.”

Oregon Agriculture Department Will Lead Trade Mission To China Amid Federal Uncertainty

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That’s despite efforts by the Trump Administration to beef up trade tariffs targeted at China. President Donald Trump has said he considers China a bad actor when it comes to trade.

But ODA says trade with China is critical for Oregon’s agricultural producers. China is Oregon’s fourth largest trading partner. Last year, more than $290 million dollars in Oregon food and agricultural products were shipped to China.

“I think there is a lot of trade rhetoric going on at the federal level, but China is a top market across the country for food and agriculture from states all over the country,” said Alexis Taylor, director of the ODA.

“So I think [this trade mission] is very much in line with where agriculture is across the country whether that’s where we are from a policy aspect from the federal government or not.”

Representatives from several Oregon agricultural companies and the Oregon Potato Commission, the Port of Portland and the Oregon Beef Council will also participate in the trade mission to promote their products. The companies will also look at Chinese consumer trends and how to connect with those consumers.

Taylor says this is a great opportunity for Oregon beef producers in particular because it’s the first time in more than a decade that they can ship beef to China.

“Trade is so important to a strong agricultural economy. A strong ag [agriculture] economy equals a strong Oregon economy, and China is a really exciting and dynamic market,” Taylor said.

ODA hosts outbound trade missions throughout the year. The department also has a marketing staff that connects Oregon businesses with markets nationally and internationally.

The trade mission to China will take place from May 12-17.

Oregon town fights back against invading Mormon crickets

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April Aamodt likens it to the zombie apocalypse.

It was about this time last year when hordes of hissing, cannibalistic Mormon crickets began swarming the small town of Arlington, Ore., climbing up the sides of houses, marching down the streets and devouring local crops.

“It was awful,” said Aamodt, who lives in Arlington along the Columbia River in north-central Oregon. “My land was infested with thousands of them. I was working from 5:30 in the morning to 9 at night trying to kill crickets.”

The community is now bracing for round two, but this time Aamodt said they have a plan. With help from Oregon State University Extension and the Oregon Department of Agriculture, residents are mapping hot spots of Mormon crickets and targeting the grotesque insects with an arsenal of pesticides and bait.

Aamodt, who works for the Gilliam County District Attorney’s Office, is at the forefront of the battle, hoping to avoid a repeat of last year’s creepy, crawly invasion.

“Everyone has to do their part to prevail against this infestation,” she said.

Mormon crickets are not actually crickets, but flightless members of the katydid family, closely related to grasshoppers and crickets. Their name comes from the Mormon settlers in Utah, who encountered the pests while pushing westward in the 1800s.

The insects can grow up to 2-3 inches long, emerging in the springtime and undergoing seven stages of development — known as instars — before reaching adulthood, usually after 60-90 days.

Jordan Maley, OSU Extension agent for Gilliam County, said hatchlings began to surface roughly a month and a half ago, and it will be several weeks before adults are on the move.

“They consume anything that is in their path,” Maley said, highlighting the risk to agriculture.

Mormon cricket populations are cyclical, though longtime Arlington resident and rancher Dick Krebs claimed it was the worst infestation since 1942. A public meeting was called in June 2017 to deal with the nightmare, though by that time it was too late.

Instead, Maley said they turned their attention to the next year, plotting a comprehensive strategy to keep the pesky bugs at bay.

“We’re doing whatever it takes to get these things under control,” he said.

Using Google Maps, landowners and townspeople have been able to report sightings of Mormon crickets right from their smartphones. Workers from ODA have also spent the last two weeks scouting for crickets on the hilly rangeland surrounding town.

The highest concentrations of crickets seem to be about a mile west of Arlington in Jones Canyon, Maley said. In some cases, the crickets are “too numerous to count accurately,” as many as 200 per square yard.

By mapping the hot spots for Mormon crickets, Maley said they can make the best use of their limited resources.

“We’re just trying to make sure we’re being effective,” he said.

Outside city limits, the county has agreed to pay $105,000 for an aerial applicator to spray Dimilin, a pesticide that targets younger, smaller crickets and inhibits their growth.

Charlie Anderson, a wheat farmer up Blalock Canyon, was hit especially hard by last year’s infestation, as crickets devastated 50 acres on the outskirts of his fields. He was the first to conduct aerial spraying around his property on April 24, and so far the treatments appear to be working.

“Those crickets are gone,” Anderson said. “There’s not a sign of them.”

Once the Mormon crickets become adults and Dimilin is no longer effective, Maley said they will begin applying 4,000 pounds of grainy Sevin bait, donated by the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, to kill the oncoming swarm.

In town, residents are already spraying Tempo, a general use insecticide that is considered safe to use around children and pets. The city of Arlington and Gilliam County also joined together to bring in a herd of goats to eat overgrown grass on steep, tricky hillsides where crickets might hide.

To prevail against the infestation, Aamodt said everyone is going to have to do their part.

“I do think that people are working together,” she said. “I receive phone calls and messages every single day.”

Maley said it is unrealistic to think they will solve the problem in one year, but is optimistic they are on the right track.

“We had that outbreak last summer, which was really horrendous and pretty much ruined the summer for Arlington,” he said. “We got organized, and I think we’re going to put a dent in it this year.”

Name dispute prompts Oregon cider company to become Avid

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BEND, Ore. (AP) — Oregon’s second-largest cider maker is changing its name after another company complained it was too similar.

The Bulletin newspaper of Bend reports Atlas will soon be named Avid Hard Cider.

The name dispute was with Atlas Brew Works, which produces beer in Washington D.C.

The 5-year-old cider company has a production facility in Bend and is getting ready to open a restaurant in Portland’s Pearl District.

Group promotes natural resource careers, self-development

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SALEM, Ore. — Kirk Hutchinson, former agriculture instructor and FFA adviser at Perrydale High School in Amity Ore., came out of retirement to become executive director of the newly organized Future Natural Resource Leaders of Oregon.

Chartered in 2016, the organization is the first statewide Career Technical Education program in the nation for students who wish to pursue careers in forestry, outdoor recreation, fish and wildlife, ecology, environmental science or other areas of natural resources. The group held its second annual convention April 27-28 at Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Oregon City.

The organization is the brainchild of Reynold Gardner, agriculture and natural resource systems specialist for the Oregon Department of Education, and Peter Matzka, Oregon State University Clackamas County forestry outreach coordinator. It is modeled after the 90-year-old nationwide FFA program that provides a vital connection between classroom study, real world applications, leadership training and career placement.

Matzka, who led the group through the first year to get it started, will continue to work with Hutchinson as its adviser.

“My ultimate goal is education, and to that end I am challenged to build a career education organization that does the best possible for these kids,” Hutchinson said. “We had 125 kids or so from 11 schools attend the convention, we have five or six more (schools) that are ready to be on board.”

The five-year plan anticipates 50 schools enrolled in the program.

“It’s thanks to the help, support and enthusiasm of students, teachers, industry representatives and other partners, that we have had a remarkable year of growth and development,” Hutchinson said. “We’ve been fortunate to have a great group of Career Technical Education instructors that have understood the importance of broadening the kids’ education beyond the classroom, putting time and effort into these kids outside of their regular teaching duties.”

Hutchinson, who was born and raised on a small farm in southwest Portland’s Multnomah Village, attended Wilson High School before achieving agriculture and teaching degrees from Oregon State University. His award-winning years as an agriculture teacher and FFA adviser at Perrydale High School are legendary.

“I milked the cow, fed the chickens and pigs every morning before school and thought I wanted to be a farmer when I grew up,” Hutchinson said. “I went to Portland Community College and learned to be a welder but didn’t like sitting in fumes all day so went to OSU and studied agriculture. I had never heard of FFA or seen a ‘blue jacket’ and when I found out that you could teach agriculture, I decided I would teach for 10 years and then be a farmer. I taught two years in St. Paul, came to Perrydale in 1984 and stayed there until I retired in 2011.”

During the first day of convention, students heard talks from representatives of Seneca Sawmill Co. and Basco Logging and participated in technical events that included such topics as compass and pacing, ground log scaling, job interviews, map reading, timber cruising and tree identification.

The next day included skill events such as arbor tree climbing, ax throwing, crosscut bucking, spur tree climbing, cable splicing, choker setting, chainsaw bucking and log rolling.

“FNRL isn’t just about coming to convention and sawing logs and throwing a few axes, however,” Hutchinson said. “It is learning how to work hard, be on time, be respectful and learn to work in groups. Many will work in jobs we don’t even know about today so it is important get away from specific knowledge and focus on the type of worker you are. We need to prepare these kids to be successful in any job that may come their way.”

This summer they will develop a handbook for chapters at the local and state levels.

“It is this education beyond the classroom that I believe helps make lifelong learners and to help them realize that what we learn today will just be background for what we do tomorrow is important.”

For more info call Kirk Hutchinson at 503-550-0471 or email him at hutchfnrl@gmail.com

Oregonians lead effort to delist wildflower

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ENTERPRISE — Northeastern Oregonians are leading a grassroots effort to get Spalding’s catchfly, a wildflower endemic to the inland Northwest, removed from the Endangered Species List.

Convinced that the elusive plant with its irregular blooming cycle is more populous than some fear, the Wallowa County Stockgrowers Association asked Kelly Birkmaier, a rancher and rangeland consultant in Joseph, to spearhead a community-wide project to map the county’s Spalding’s catchfly.

The plant is found all over Wallowa County from ridge tops to canyon bottoms, but is most prevalent on the Zumwalt Prairie and around Wallowa Lake. Its range extends north into Eastern Washington, northern Idaho and northwestern Montana. Ever since it was federally listed as threatened in 2001 Birkmaier said there has been ongoing National Environmental Policy Act analysis on federally managed pubic grazing allotments that includes protection of Spalding’s catchfly.

“Stringent mitigation measures have been placed on allotments where catchfly is located,” Birkmaier said.

At the Stockgrowers scholarship dinner in January, Birkmaier asked for volunteers to help locate catchfly on their land. Those who sign up are asked to photograph plants they find and either mark the location with a GPS unit or flag the site. Birkmaier will then go out to confirm the plant’s identity.

If the landowner approves, Birkmaier said she will upload the information into a database run by Oregon Biodiversity Information Center, part of Oregon State University’s Institute for Natural Resources based at Portland State. Created by the legislature in 1979 ORBIC houses the most comprehensive database of rare, threatened and endangered species of Oregon.

“If you have the plant on your land, by law nothing can happen — the government can’t tell you what you can or can’t do, but if someone has catchfly on their property, putting it in the database can help their neighbor grazing on federally managed land.”

Once sites are documented Birkmaier said she will begin monitoring population trends in different areas around the county.

“Then we can start doing soil disturbance monitoring, but it’s going to require funding,” Birkmaier said.

In April Birkmaier received a grant from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to find and document catchfly. Jodie Davalan, a biologist with Fish and Wildlife, said Fish and Wildlife is already funding a contract for catchfly monitoring on the Wallowa Lake moraines for the Wallowa Land Trust.

“It’s not uncommon to find someone who specializes in a particular survey,” Davalan said. “A lot of times it is more efficient to pass money to someone who does this regularly.”

Researchers with The Nature Conservancy’s 33,000-acre Zumwalt Prairie Preserve have been documenting catchfly for a couple decades. Manager Jeff Fields said his staff has data eligible for OSU’s database and is happy to share the information.

“Our general goal is supporting ORBIC so it can be as complete as it can be,” Fields said.

Fully involved in the catchfly monitoring effort, Conservancy staff has served on a multi-agency technical committee the last 10 years and alongside the U.S. Forest Service, Fields said his staff has developed successful monitoring methods.

“Across thousands of acres we can get an estimate of population sizes based on a repeatable survey method,” Fields said.

All together, at least 100 new sites have been found in Wallowa County over the last few years, Birkmaier said.

Fields said his staff is going to try to do a small scale case study on the Preserve’s grazed pastures looking for impacts of cattle browse and hoof shear on the plant.

“We want to observe those populations of catchfly before and after livestock grazing,” Fields said.

Wallowa Resources, an Enterprise-based natural resource organization, is also contributing to catchfly monitoring.

Wallowa Resources Director Nils Christoffersen said, “The most productive step now is to get more botanists in the field to assess the distribution and condition of Spalding’s catchfly; not only in the grazing allotments but in the surrounding areas as well.”

ODA-led trade mission heads to China

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

While concerns of a possible trade war continue to loom between the U.S. and China, representatives of Oregon agriculture will embark Friday on a week-long trade mission May 12-17 to Shanghai in hopes of building new relationships with overseas customers.

Alexis Taylor, director of the Oregon Department of Agriculture, will lead the statewide delegation, including beef, berry, potato and grain producers, as well as the Oregon State University Food Innovation Center and Port of Portland.

“I’m excited about showcasing the variety of what we have here in Oregon,” Taylor said in an interview with the Capital Press.

China is the fourth-largest export market for Oregon agriculture, behind Japan, South Korea and Canada. Last year, China purchased $290 million worth of Oregon food and agricultural products.

Oregon’s farm economy is also highly dependent on exports. About 80 percent of all agricultural goods leave the state, half of which are shipped overseas. The total value of exports in 2015 topped $1.8 billion, according to ODA.

Factor in China’s rapidly growing middle class, which is poised to add 160 million households over the next decade, and Taylor said there is a clear opportunity for Oregon farmers and ranchers to broaden their customer base.

“There’s a lot of room to grow in some of these high-value products,” Taylor said. “They bring a premium in China.”

One industry especially looking to court Chinese buyers is Oregon beef. China has reopened access to U.S. beef for the first time since 2003, following an agreement between the countries last year, though USDA figures show sales of beef to China is still less than 1 percent of overall exports this year.

Both the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association and Oregon Beef Council will participate in the upcoming trade mission. Nathan Jackson, OCA president and general manager of sales and administration at K Bar Ranches in Myrtle Creek, Ore., said the trip is all about finding out what Chinese consumers want from beef producers, and how they can supply the market in a way that makes sense.

“This is really more of a research and reconnaissance mission,” Jackson said. “There is obviously a really big potential opportunity there. We want to know how we can do that profitably. If we can’t add dollars to our production, then it doesn’t make much sense.”

Exports are vitally important to the beef industry, Jackson said, adding as much as $300 of value per head of cattle. Overseas customers tend to buy parts of the animal that aren’t as desirable domestically, such as tongue and offal.

The question is how Oregon ranchers can deliver the product economically, Jackson said.

“That’s where the rubber really meets the road,” he said.

Part of the trade mission will focus heavily on the rise of E-commerce in China, which surpassed the U.S. in 2016 to become the world’s largest online retail market.

Before becoming ODA director, Taylor spent four years at the USDA in Washington, D.C., where she oversaw the Foreign Agricultural Service. She said a survey of Chinese consumers found about 70 percent buy food online as well as in stores — including fresh produce and seafood.

“It’s really interesting, and an exciting part of selling into China as a market,” she said. “They’re looking for that convenience even more today than they were two years ago.”

The final day of the visit will overlap with SIAL China, the largest food and beverage trade show in Asia. Bob’s Red Mill of Portland and the Oregon Potato Commission will be exhibiting at the show, while others in the delegation will make the rounds to see how competitors are marketing their products in the country.

“It’s about opening those doors and making those sales,” Taylor said.

Reaching out to China may be more important now than ever, Taylor added, given uncertainty around federal trade policies between the two countries that could result in hefty tariffs on U.S. agriculture.

Taylor said Oregonians need certainty at the federal level, though by developing business-to-business relationships they can help keep their markets open.

“Doing business in China is about long-term relationships,” Taylor said. “I think it’s important that we’re still showing up and saying, ‘We still value you, and we’re still investing in you.’”

The entire Oregon delegation to China will include:

• All Berry & Fruits, Portland.

• Bob’s Red Mill, Portland.

• Country Natural Beef, Burns, Ore.

• Fresh Elements Farms, Salem, Ore.

• Harper Farms, Junction City, Ore.

• Herb Guru Brand, Portland.

• Hoopla Global, Portland.

• Kombucha Wonder Drink, Portland.

• Seaview Cranberries, Sixes, Ore.

• Willamette Valley Fruit Co., Salem, Ore.

• Oregon Beef Council, Portland.

• Oregon Cattlemen’s Association/K Bar Ranches, Myrtle Creek, Ore.

• Oregon Potato Commission/Gold Dust Potato Processors, Merrill, Ore.

• Oregon Potato Commission/Bailey-Trotman Farms, Malin, Ore.

• Oregon State University Food Innovation Center, Portland.

• Port of Portland.

Report: Legal marijuana boosts government revenue — a little

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A new report finds that legalizing and taxing marijuana boosts revenue for state and local governments, but not by much.

The credit rating agency Moody’s Investor Service says in a study released Tuesday that legalizing recreational use of marijuana brings governments more money than it costs to regulate it.

Despite high taxes on the legal sales of the drug, the revenue accounts for a small portion of government budgets. In Colorado, the first state to legalize recreational use, a marijuana tax brings in the equivalent of about 2 percent of the state budget.

In Washington state, gross revenue from marijuana legalization equaled 1.2 percent of general fund revenue in the 2015-17 state budget.

Most of the states that have legalized marijuana earmark the revenue for law enforcement, drug treatment and other specific programs, which doesn’t help the states’ financial flexibility.

Likewise, Moody’s described the revenue effect as minimal on local governments in states with legalized pot.

Creating revenue for the state is one argument proponents use for legalization in New Jersey. Gov. Phil Murphy, who supports the effort, is planning on having an additional $60 million in taxes from legalized marijuana in the next fiscal year. That’s less than 1 percent of the state’s annual spending.

Twenty-nine states now allow marijuana for either medicinal or recreational uses, and the business is growing quickly. Moody’s cited data from the market research firm Euromonitor International that projects it will grow from a $5.4 billion business in the U.S. in 2015 to $16 billion by 2020.

Meanwhile, illegal marijuana sales are estimated at $40 billion.

Oregon receives grant for endangered species study

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SEATTLE (AP) — Federal and state funds totaling $1 million have been set aside to study a new endangered species protection plan in Oregon forests, a decade after a similar effort stalled amid controversy.

The money is earmarked to pay for the first step in laying out new rules for protecting endangered species in 630,000 acres of state-owned forest land west of the Cascades, including large tracts on the state’s northern coast.

The plan would consider species including the spotted owl and marbled murrelet, and set guidelines for timber harvesting and recreational use. Officials hope the study phase will take about a year, followed by a year to craft the rules themselves, and a final year of review, said Cindy Kolomechuk, leader of the project at the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Formally called Habitat Conservation Plans, the plans facilitate logging on lands where threatened species are found, essentially authorizing negative impacts in exchange for enhancing other protections.

Previous efforts have sparked controversy in the state. A plan laying out protections in the Elliot State Forest, in southwestern Oregon, became mired after disagreement over marbled murrelet rules. And an attempt to create a broader plan ended in 2008 without guidelines being adopted, amid controversy over balancing protections against logging revenues.

The conflicts reflect deeper tensions in the state, where businesses with ties to an historic logging industry have found themselves pitted against environmental groups.

Preservation efforts potentially have a new dimension amid a national focus on climate change, said Bob Van Dyk, of the Wild Salmon Center, a Portland conservation group.

“These are soggy, long-lived forests,” Van Dyk said. “They sequester enormous amounts of carbon.”

The forestry department announced the funding for the study Monday.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service contributed $750,000 with the remainder coming from the state.

Farmers in many parts of Oregon brace for low water year

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Despite a mercifully wet April, water shortages remain likely for farmers and ranchers across much of Oregon, especially in southern and eastern portions of the state that are dealing with the onset of drought.

Gov. Kate Brown has already declared a drought emergency for Klamath and Grant counties, while a request from Harney County is pending, according to a spokeswoman for the Oregon Water Resources Department.

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service released its May 2018 Oregon basin outlook report, detailing stream flow forecasts heading into summer. Though statewide precipitation was 124 percent of average for April, most of the state is still below average for the water year dating back to October.

As of May 6, the Hood, Sandy and Lower Deschutes basins are holding onto 95 percent of their normal snowpack for the season. Nowhere else is even close to average, with the John Day and Owyhee basins at 2 and 5 percent, respectively.

“During a normal May, about 45 percent of our snow monitoring sites are snow-free,” said Julie Koeberle, snow survey hydrologist for NRCS Oregon. “This year, 60 percent are without snow.”

Just eight snow monitoring sites recorded above-average snow for the season — all on the west side of the Cascade Range. More than half of the sites failed to break 70 percent of average snowpack.

All of that combines for gloomy summer stream flow forecasts throughout much of the state. Stream flows in the Klamath Basin are projected to be 26-68 percent of normal through September. The John Day Basin should range between 38 and 84 percent of average, and the Owyhee and Malheur basins are forecast at 30-55 percent of average.

Farther north, higher snowpack should translate into healthier flows for local streams. Flows should be 89-100 percent of normal in the Hood, Sandy and Lower Deschutes basins; 79-97 percent in the Willamette Basin; 68-120 percent in the Umatilla, Walla Walla and Willow basins; and 41-103 percent in the Grande Ronde, Powder, Burnt and Imnaha basins.

Reservoir levels vary across the state, though most are at or near capacity, which may be the saving grace for farmers and ranchers who rely on surface water for irrigation.

“Water supplies will still need to be carefully managed, but healthy reservoir storage across the state will likely provide some buffer for the low stream flows that are anticipated this summer,” the NRCS reports.

As bad as water supplies are shaping up this year, conditions still are not as bad as they were before the 2015 drought. That year holds the record for the lowest snowpack in Oregon, which was just 11 percent of normal as of May 1 and peaked months ahead of schedule.

Lower John Day Working Group receives state partnership award

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A local effort to study water resources in the Lower John Day Basin of north-central Oregon is garnering statewide recognition.

The Lower John Day Working Group is one of four pilot projects funded in part by the Oregon Water Resources Department to conduct water resources planning, led by local partners as opposed to agency officials.

Last month, the group received a Partnership Award from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board during the 2018 CONNECT Conference, hosted by the Oregon Conservation Education and Assistance Network.

OWRD awarded a grant for $190,000 in 2016 to establish the Lower John Day Working Group, focusing primarily on Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler counties. The state also approved planning groups in the Upper Grande Ronde, Mid Coast and Malheur Lake basins.

Christina Kirwan, manager of the Gilliam Soil and Water Conservation District in Condon, Ore., said she was “beyond pleased” to be honored by OWEB.

“Water is important for everyone, in my field especially,” Kirwan said. “We have worked very hard to build a collaborative process to bring all of these stakeholders to the table.”

Partners in the Lower John Day Working Group include conservation groups, such as WaterWatch of Oregon and the Oregon Natural Desert Association; agricultural groups such as the Gilliam County Cattlemen; agencies such as the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service; and local tribes such as the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.

Kirwan said the group is nearly finished writing its report detailing water resources available in the basin. From there, members will look to address demands and conflicts on the system before implementing a full water resources plan by 2019.

“We’re pulling data from municipalities in our area, agricultural data, recreation and every water use in the lower basin,” Kirwan said.

Steve Parrett, OWRD planning coordinator, said the local water resource plans are intended to mirror the state Integrated Water Resources Strategy, which was most recently updated in December 2017.

The agency fully funded the Lower John Day and Upper Grande Ronde projects, while partially funding the Mid Coast and Malheur Lake studies. The hope, Parrett said, is to expand place-based planning across the state.

“The idea is it could become sort of an addendum to the statewide strategy,” Parrett said. “I think the value is to get the local folks both interested and knowledgeable about their water and their water issues, and get them to work together.”

Sustainable Northwest, a Portland-based nonprofit, has helped to facilitate meetings with the Lower John Day Working Group. Program Director Lee Rahr said he has been impressed by the group’s effort and dedication.

“This is a place where people are planning ahead to avoid a possible water crisis,” Rahr said. “And that’s good news for anyone who cares about local economies, recreation, fish and wildlife.”

For more information about the group, or to request a copy of the latest report, email Kirwan at christina.gilliamswcd@gmail.com.

Study: Wildfires Burn More Severely On Private Timber Plantations Than Public Forests

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It arrived at 3 a.m on July 26, 2013. Dennis Sifford remembers details like this. They marked the beginning of his final shift as an incident commander on a wildfire.

“The lightning storm came in — dry lightning storm,” Sifford said, describing that morning. “It was unexpected.”

The storm touched down in mountainous terrain just north of the town of Glendale, Oregon. More than 80 fires started.

Twelve hours later Sifford got the call. He would lead the 3,000 people needed to fight what would be known as the Douglas Complex.

Sifford would retire afterwards, bringing an end to a long career in wildland firefighting. The Douglas Complex would eventually cover close to 50,000 acres — two large, ashy smudges on a landscape referred to as “the checkerboard” — because forest ownership alternates every square mile.

“Pretty much the fire area was evenly split between Bureau of Land Management land and private commercial timber lands,” Sifford said.

Fast forward five years and the scar of the Douglas Complex is at the center of new research looking at what causes some wildfires to creep along at low intensity and others to rip through the forest, scorching everything in its path.

“The perception for a long time has been that high-biomass forests will burn more severely,” said Harold Zald, forestry researcher at Humboldt State University in Northern California.

Zald is author of a new paper published in the journal Ecological Applications.

The checkerboard of ownership allowed Zald and his fellow researchers to compare different variables across property boundaries. He looked at weather during the Douglas Complex, and, not surprisingly, that was the dominant driver of fire severity.

But they also looked at things like how forest management and tree age affect how severely the wildfire burned.

And what they found flipped the common narrative.

“Management and forest age were really important, but oddly enough how much biomass was there before the fire was not important,” Zald said.

In fact, he found that the private timberland in the Douglas Complex burned 30 percent more severely than the public lands.

University of Washington Tacoma fire researcher Maureen Kennedy said these kinds of studies should be approached with a degree of caution.

“Each individual fire tells its own story. So a lot of these individual fires you’re going to find different factors in that moment … that are really more about the story of that fire,” she said.

Zald acknowledges this. He said he probably wouldn’t support extrapolating these findings to the Rockies or even northeast Oregon. But he says parts of the analysis should stand up across different landscapes and regions.

“Plantation forestry, due to both the tree ages and the homogenization of fuel … making things simpler. It’s easier for things to burn in a simpler pile of fuel. I think that basic finding holds,” Zald said.

Study co-author Chris Dunn of Oregon State University says federal forests (BLM- or Forest Service-managed) still burn severely. And the exclusion of fire in the 20th century likely means the wildfires across public lands are burning hotter than they did historically.

But he said tree plantations on commercial timberland play a larger role in severe wildfire than is often acknowledged.

“To me it means that they share in the responsibility in this checkerboard landscape to the overall picture of fire risk,” Dunn said. “It’s not the full picture, but it’s part of it. But if they contribute to part of it, then they share in that responsibility.”

Whether that means paying a greater share to help fight fire or changing how logging is done to reduce risk or something else entirely, what “responsibility” means here is not a question scientists will answer.

That will be up to communities, businesses and policy makers to decide how to deal with the increasing threat of severe wildfire going forward.

Farmers look for damage from hail storm

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Capital Press

Farmers in parts of southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon were scouting their onion fields this morning looking for damage from a strong thunderstorm that swept through the region last night packing high winds and hail.

“We got a little bit of rain and thunder, but no hail at all,” said Dell Winegar, a Fruitland-based grower and president of the Idaho Onion Growers Association. “We have no damage this morning.”

Winegar had not received calls from other onion growers as of mid-morning May 7, but said he planned to call growers in various locations around mid-day to see how their crop fared.

Hail can wound onion plants and leave them susceptible to disease if not treated correctly and promptly, ultimately reducing yields.

Stuart Reitz, an Oregon State University Extension agent based in Ontario, said in a May 6 post on the Pacific Northwest Pest Alert Network that the National Weather Service reported the storm went from Nyssa, Ore., to the Fruitland and Payette areas in Idaho.

OSU’s Reitz, in the alert, said If onions sustained damage, plants will benefit from a protective bactericide/fungicide application. Hail can create wounds that leave the plants extremely vulnerable to disease, he said.

“As soon as you can get on the field, apply a copper-containing protectant spray,” he said in the alert. “Copper protects against bacterial and fungal diseases, so it is a better option than fungicides that do not contain copper. This will help prevent infections while those wounds heal. The sooner after any damage occurs, the better.”

In an interview, Reitz said a couple of growers on May 6 reported they were getting some hail. The National Weather Service alert at the time called for half-inch-sized hail.

“That would pack a wallop,” he said. And the windblown dirt and debris can nick and cut leaves, creating “an entry point for pathogens, just like if you cut your finger.”

Onion planting this year was in line with typical schedules and overall the crop looks good so far, Reitz said. Irrigation water is ample. Early on in a few fields, wind picked up drip-irrigation tubing, which was replaced, he said.

Last year’s late start to planting, following the harsh winter and subsequent wet conditions, factored into onion production that was 20 to 25 percent below normal, he said.

Kircher appointed to Oregon Dairy Farmers Association board

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Salem, Ore. — Robert Kircher, a partner to two organic dairy farms, has been appointed to the Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Board of Directors representing producers in the Willamette Valley.

Kircher will complete the remaining two years of a term vacated by Pete DeHaan, according to an ODFA press release.

Kircher has a unique background for a dairy producer. He was born in Kodiak, Alaska, and moved to Oregon when he was two years old. His family invested in a brew pub, and when Robert was 11, he met Dan Bansen, the owner of Forest Glen Jerseys. Robert’s father was looking for a dairy to take the brewers grain leftover from the beer making process and Bansen was interested. He invited Robert and his two younger brothers to spend the day with him and learn about the farm. That one-day visit turned into a job after school, working weekends and during summer break.

Kircher graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in agriculture and a focus on dairy science. He spent a term on a conventional dairy in Hilmar, Calif. Following his graduation, he returned to the farm full-time. He worked his way up to farm manager and became a partner in the business with his brother, Stewart Kircher, and Dan Bansen. They currently milk 1,500 organic Jerseys on two farms.

Kircher and his wife Callyn have two children. Kircher graduated from ODFA’s Dairy Leadership Program and currently serves on Organic Valley’s Dairy Executive Committee.

The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association is governed by eight producers from across the state and one industry representative. ODFA was founded in 1892 to work on behalf of Oregon dairy farmers. ODFA represents Oregon’s 218 multi-generational Grade A dairy farming families.



Marion County’s dairy princess ambassador crowned

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Donata Doornenbal is the 2018 Marion County Dairy Princess Ambassador.

Her coronation was May 1.

This is Donata’s second term as Marion County’s princess ambassador. She is the daughter of Joe and Astrid Doornenbal of Scio, Ore. She was raised on her family’s 200-cow organic dairy farm, where she attained her high school diploma as a home school student, according to a press release from the Marion County Dairy Women.

Currently, Donata attends Chemeketa Community College and works as a tax preparer in Salem. In her time off she enjoys working on the dairy, feeding calves and mowing pastures, among other chores. She plans to further her education and aims for a degree in linguistics and translation in foreign language.

Donata was a member of the Salem Youth Symphony, playing the violin and is active in the music group at Immanuel’s Reformed Church.

As part of her coronation Donata gave a speech titled “For the Love of Milk.” She then presented a TV commercial about milk and cheese and answered an impromptu question.

The 2018 Oregon Dairy Princess Ambassador, Stephanie Breazile, presented her with the tiara that she will wear as she represents Marion County dairy farm families and promotes dairy products. In addition, she will compete for the title of 2019 Oregon Dairy Princess Ambassador in January.

Donata will receive education scholarships from Marion County Dairy Women, Woodburn Livestock Exchange, Delaval Direct, Cascade Dairy Service, Vande Burgt & Co., The Summit Group, Buchanan Cellars/Valley Feed, All West/Select Sires, Purina Nutrition, Excel Dairy Service and Oak Lea Mixers.

To schedule an appearance for Donata, contact her advisor, Jessie DeJager, at 503-588-9092.

In addition, Andrew DeJager and Catherine Wavra each received $3,000 in college scholarships from Marion County Dairy Women.

Andrew is the son of Robert and Holli DeJager of Jefferson. He is a senior at Crosshill Christian School.

Catherine, the daughter of Dan and Diane Wavra of Salem, is a senior at Regis High School in Stayton.

Bankruptcy shouldn’t stop Oregon dairy cattle auction, creditor claims

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A major farm lender is arguing bankruptcy protections shouldn’t stop the liquidation sale of cattle owned by a controversial Oregon dairy that’s become financially unsustainable.

Since starting operations a year ago, Lost Valley Farm of Boardman, Ore., has encountered serious financial and regulatory problems that now threaten its survival.

The company’s owner, Greg te Velde, recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection to halt the foreclosure of property at his three dairies in Oregon and California while he restructures debt.

By filing a bankruptcy petition on April 26, te Velde was able to cancel an auction of Lost Valley Farm’s 14,500 cattle scheduled for the next day.

Rabobank, one of his main creditors, had previously convinced an Oregon judge to order the auction because te Velde had defaulted on $67 million worth of loans for which the cattle served as collateral.

Because te Velde isn’t able to meet financial obligations to feed, water and otherwise care for the cattle, the herd’s value is at risk of declining, according to Rabobank.

Rabobank is now seeking “relief” from the automatic stay of te Velde’s property foreclosure under bankruptcy law to allow for an auction and avoid “potentially catastrophic consequences” to its collateral at Lost Valley Farm.

A bankruptcy judge will consider the motion at a hearing set for May 8 in Fresno, Calif., during which te Velde will also ask to use cash that serves as collateral for debt.

Te Velde said he had no comment about Rabobank’s claims and Capital Press was unable to reach the attorney representing him in the bankruptcy case.

After several loans went into default, Te Velde had the opportunity to restructure his “massive debt load” during a “lengthy” forbearance agreement that expired at the end of 2017, but he never developed such a plan, according to Rabobank.

In its court filing, Rabobank claims te Velde’s “erratic and unreliable” behavior is caused by “habitual” use of methamphetamine, which prompted a subsidiary of the Tillamook County Creamery Association to cancel its milk-buying contract with the dairy.

Te Velde has “no cash on hand” and wouldn’t be able to continue operating his dairies without $4 million in advances from Rabobank to pay for feed, water and labor at the facility, according to Rabobank’s filing.

“While Rabobank will act responsibly to protect the value of the LVF herd, Rabobank is not willing to finance the drug-addled fanciful dreams of this Debtor during a lengthy Chapter 11 case that involves about 24,000 cows, 28,000 other head of livestock, three dairies in two states and about $160 million in total debt,” the company said in a court filing.

Rabobank claims that te Velde checked out of a drug rehab clinic in April to convince Columbia River Processing — the Tillamook creamery’s affiliate — to reinstate the milk-buying contract, but then returned to the facility.

“As a regulated financial institution, Rabobank cannot continue to lend to a borrower in this condition,” the company said.

Patrick Criteser, CEO of the Tillamook creamery, submitted a declaration in support of Rabobank’s request and stated the company has withheld milk proceeds from Lost Valley Farm due to agricultural service liens filed by other unpaid creditors.

The subsidiary, Columbia River Processing, or CRP, is buying milk from the dairy to until Rabobank is able to conduct an auction but will stop after May 31, Criteser said.

“In no event, however, is CRP willing to continue to accept and pay for milk from the dairy on an ongoing basis, other than that for a short period and solely to facilitate an auction of te Velde’s herd,” he said.

Man, 27, drowns in Oregon reservoir

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DALLAS, Ore. (AP) — Authorities say a 27-year-old man has drowned near a farm in Polk County, Oregon.

Sheriff Mark Garton says witnesses tried to help the struggling man, but lost sight of him as he slipped under a body of water that is part of the Marvin Fast Reservoir.

The Newberg Swift Water Rescue Team recovered the body shortly before noon Thursday.

The sheriff’s office says the man was a farmworker who had gone for a swim during a break. His name has not been released.


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