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Corps takes another look at stored Willamette River Basin water

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Willamette Valley farmers and ranchers would have rights to about 250,000 acre-feet of irrigation water annually under a reallocation plan suggested by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Oregon Water Resources Department.

The proposal is the latest attempt to decide who gets access to the water stored behind 13 federal dams in the basin. For agriculture, even in the wet Willamette Valley, water availability in spring and summer is crucial.

The Corps’ preferred option allocates more than three times more than what irrigators now draw from the Willamette system, but the Oregon Farm Bureau said that’s not enough.

Cities, industries and fish and wildlife experts and advocates are likely to make the same arguments about their allocation under the plan, and that sets the stage for some tough discussion.

Climate change, urban development, population growth, fish and wildlife habitat decisions and legal technicalities swirl in the current.

It’s not a new problem. Discussion began in 1996, popped up again in 1999, fell off the table in 2000 and was revived in 2015.

This time, the Corps of Engineers emerged with a proposal that specifically divvies up 1.59 million acre-feet stored annually behind the dams.

“We have just reached the point in the study where we are asking the public to review the tentative plan and provide feedback before a decision is made,” Corps project leader Laurie Nicholas said in a prepared statement.

Here’s the Corps’ suggested breakout. As the name implies, an acre foot is the amount of water needed to cover an acre of land with 12 inches of water:

• Fish and wildlife — 962,800 acre-feet.

• Municipalities and industry — 73,300 acre-feet.

• Irrigation — 253,500 acre-feet.

• Joint use — 299,950 acre-feet.

The latter would be available as needed to supplement specific uses and to provide flexibility as conditions change.

Mary Anne Cooper, public policy counsel for the Oregon Farm Bureau, said the amount assigned to irrigation is “not nearly enough.” She said the bureau has seen demand estimates higher than that, but declined to state a number at this point in the process.

The amount designated for joint use is another concern, Cooper said.

“Our concern is that we will never get to use it,” she said. “We think it will go to fish. We don’t believe we’ll ever see any part of that joint use (amount).”

She said the water allocated to fish and wildlife — protected salmon and steelhead runs are the driving factors — are “more than adequate and too large.”

Cooper said an assured water supply is critical to “realize the full potential of agriculture in the valley.”

Producers are driven by markets, she said, and will grow higher value crops when irrigation is available. It’s difficult to predict what crops will be in demand in the decades ahead, she noted.

“I think the state would be shortchanged to not plan for future ag needs,” she said.

The issue has roots in decisions, missed opportunities and delayed action that date back nearly 80 years.

The Willamette River Basin’s 13 dams were built between 1941 and 1969, and their primary purpose is flood control during the winter months. Congress also authorized the Army Corps of Engineers to operate the dams and reservoirs to generate electricity, provide irrigation, assure water quality, offer recreation and to support fish and wildlife. However, there isn’t a specific amount of reservoir storage allocated for any particular use.

Federal bureaucracy complicates the matter because another federal agency, the Bureau of Reclamation, holds the only water right certificates to the “conservation storage” behind the dams. Under those certificates, all 1.59 million acre-feet in storage is designated for irrigation.

But only 75,000 acre-feet per year is now contracted for irrigation. Cooper, of the Oregon Farm Bureau, said a lack of expensive infrastructure — pipes, pumps and canals — limits how much water farmers draw. In any reallocation solution, the Bureau of Reclamation would have to file with the Oregon Water Resources Department to change how water use is designated.

Cooper said the Farm Bureau is willing to engage with the other stakeholders to find a solution.

The stakes are high. The Willamette River Basin encompasses more than 11,000 square miles, is home to nearly 70 percent of the state’s population and contains its biggest cities — Portland, Salem, and Eugene — many of its major industries and some of its best farmland.

The reallocation work comes on the heels of a six-year Oregon State University research project that used computer modeling to predict water availability, demand and storage in the Willamette River Basin to the year 2100.

The OSU modeling projected Willamette Valley farmers will be planting earlier and will begin irrigating about two weeks sooner than they do now. Climate change most likely will result in wetter winters, OSU researchers said, but the snowpack will be severely reduced and will melt and runoff earlier than it does now.

Rainy winters and springs will be followed by hotter and drier summers, but more farmers will have finished irrigating by the time water shutoffs are contemplated, the research team concluded. Although the reduced snowpack will cause the loss of an estimated 600,000 acre-feet of stored water, it won’t have a significant impact on farmers in the Willamette River basin who rely on rain-fed streams. Farmers in the more arid Eastern Oregon and Deschutes and Klamath basins, however, depend more on melting snow for irrigation water and are more likely to face shortages.

Officials seek state help for businesses impacted by fire

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Capital Bureau

SALEM — This summer’s harsh fire season left behind economic damages that Oregon officials and members of the business community are still trying to quantify.

Although the state is still researching the extent of the impact, economic development officials want to ask the Legislature in the upcoming short legislative session for funds for low-interest loans for small businesses affected by wildfires, perhaps triggered by an official disaster declaration by the governor.

Reduced revenues and cash flow for businesses due to disruptive wildfires this summer could impact their credit ratings and their access to capital, Jason Lewis-Berry, director of Regional Solutions and jobs and economy policy adviser to Gov. Kate Brown, told legislators on Tuesday.

The state’s employment department said late last month that the fires didn’t impact the unemployment rate statewide, but certain regions suffered higher job losses in September.

About 600 more leisure and hospitality jobs in Central Oregon, the Columbia River Gorge and southwest Oregon were cut in September than is typical, according to the Oregon Employment Department.

Lewis-Berry said the state is still collecting data on lodging tax receipts and insurance claims, which may provide a fuller picture of the economic impact.

Special wildfire recovery councils in Southwest Oregon and the Columbia River Gorge are also working on recommendations to help local economies bounce back. In those areas, the Chetco Bar and Eagle Creek Fires were particularly severe.

“We’re trying to have this be a data-driven and locally-driven process to inform the kind of support we can deliver,” Lewis-Berry said.

Broader economic impacts were also felt in Eastern Oregon — not only did fires affect air quality, but road closures of Interstate 84 on the state’s northern border likely impacted summer travel and commerce to and from Eastern Oregon, Lewis-Berry told legislators Tuesday.

“Even though Eastern Oregon technically wasn’t directly impacted by the fires, you certainly had a lot of people and businesses that were due to the road closures,” Lewis-Berry said.

The interstate was closed 19 days eastbound and eight days westbound. State economists calculated that each day the interstate was closed cost shippers an extra $250,000 to $290,000, Lewis-Berry said.

He added that the state parks department also estimates that it lost $157,000 in expected revenues due to fire season, while needing an additional $150,000 for restoration costs at state parks.

While wildfires are nothing new for the state’s rural areas east of the mountains, poor air quality due to smoke brought the wildfire issue front and center in the state’s cities as well this summer, including Portland, Eugene and Salem. It also led to closures of popular events across the state.

Cycle Oregon, an annual cycling tradition in Central and Southern Oregon, was canceled, as were some outdoor performances at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. This year’s Sisters Folk Festival west of Bend also got the ax.

As a result, Lewis-Berry said, the fire season posed a threat to the Oregon “brand” of world-class tourism and recreation, which Travel Oregon and other groups are trying to protect.

There are also environmental concerns in areas affected by fire, such as watershed problems and soil erosion, which could also lead to public safety and public health issues.

But the wildfires aren’t likely to stop anytime soon — which may require local economies to adapt.

“We really need to think about economic resilience in communities that could be affected by fires in the future,” Lewis-Berry said.

Mark Johnson, president and CEO of Oregon Business and Industry, a business lobbying group, and chair of the local recovery council for the Eagle Creek Fire on the Columbia Gorge, agreed.

Johnson, who stepped down from his post as a state representative from Hood River earlier this month, said that the Columbia River Gorge communities needed more year-round jobs that weren’t dependent on a “somebody from Portland coming out to either buy an ice cream cone or a pint of beer.”

Land policies to be tested in Bundy standoff trial in Vegas

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LAS VEGAS (AP) — A stubborn rancher’s refusal to recognize federal authority in the West will be presented to a jury in Las Vegas, where a trial is set to start Tuesday for cattleman Cliven Bundy, two of his sons and a co-defendant accused of leading a 2014 armed standoff against government agents.

Acting U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre, the lead prosecutor, has accused the Bundys of trying to instigate a “range war” against federal agents who were enforcing lawful court orders after Bundy racked up more than $1.1 million in unpaid fees and penalties letting cattle graze for decades in what is now Gold Butte National Monument.

Defense attorneys say the four men didn’t conspire with anyone and didn’t wield weapons. They say no shots were fired in the standoff near Bunkerville, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

Each defendant faces 15 felony charges, including conspiracy, assault and threats against federal officers, firearms counts, obstruction and extortion. Stacked together, convictions on all charges carry the possibility of more than 170 years in prison.

The trial sets up as a test of public land policies in Western U.S. states such as Nevada, where the federal government controls about 85 percent of the land and juries have twice balked at full convictions of men who had guns during the tense April 2014 confrontation.

Bundy argues that his family has used the same public range for more than a century, and the land belongs to the state not the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

The trial is expected to be contentious. The 71-year-old Bundy, sons Ryan and Ammon Bundy and co-defendant Ryan Payne have been jailed since early 2016, and each refused to enter a plea saying he didn’t recognize the authority of the government. A magistrate judge entered not-guilty pleas for them.

Openings in the long-awaited trial were postponed at the last minute last week, amid a fight about whether prosecutors properly disclosed evidence about surveillance cameras watching the Bundy homestead.

The defendants also asked to be released to a halfway house during proceedings that are expected to take about four months.

Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro last week ordered Cliven and Ammon Bundy and Payne to remain in custody. She agreed Monday to release Ryan Bundy to halfway house supervision, said Trisha Young, spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Las Vegas.

Ryan Bundy, who is serving as his own attorney, argued he was hampered preparing his case from jail.

The Bunkerville standoff was a precursor to an early 2016 protest in rural eastern Oregon, where Ryan and Ammon Bundy and Payne led a 41-day takeover of a federal wildlife refuge and called for the U.S. government to turn over public land to local control.

A federal jury in Portland refused last year to convict Ryan and Ammon Bundy of any crime. Payne pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge, but wants to withdraw his plea and his expected sentence of more than three years in prison.

Port of Portland brings back container shipping

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The Port of Portland plans to resume shipping through its container terminal next year as part of a deal with an ocean carrier that was announced Nov. 13.

During a recent trade mission to Hong Kong, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown helped strike a deal with the Swire Group to bring container service back to the terminal. London-based Swire Group already provides air cargo service at the port’s Portland International Airport through its Cathay Pacific division.

A mix of general, non-containerized cargo and container service could become available at Terminal 6 as soon as January, most likely on a monthly basis.

“This is a critical first step toward restarting container service at Terminal 6 and will aid in efforts to attract an additional service in the future,” according to a joint press release from Brown and the port.

Container shipping lines stopped calling at the port in 2016 due to productivity slowdowns blamed on a dispute between the terminal operator, ICTSI, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union.

Agricultural exporters have been hurt by the shutdown of container traffic at Terminal 6, as they were forced to ship straw and other farm products through the ports of Seattle and Tacoma.

Broader impact expected from Oregon landfill dispute

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SALEM — The Oregon Supreme Court is considering a dispute over a landfill that’s expected to resolve a broader question about allowable impacts on farmland from non-farm development.

Several neighbors of the Riverbend Landfill near McMinnville, Ore., have long been fighting its planned expansion, arguing the larger facility will further disrupt surrounding agriculture.

Landfills and certain other non-farm developments are allowed in areas zoned for “exclusive farm use,” or EFU, as long as they don’t have significant impacts on nearby farmers.

In this case, Yamhill County approved the landfill’s expansion because its owner, Waste Management, agreed to compensate local farmers for the cost of picking up litter and for the damage caused to fruit by defecating birds.

The arrangement was approved by the Oregon Court of Appeals but has failed to satisfy opponents of the landfill, who argue that it allows developers to pay off farmers for adverse effects.

Under Oregon law, conditions imposed on non-farm developments are meant to prevent such negative impacts, rather than simply compensate growers financially, according to landfill critics.

“You’re already taking farmland out of production. We really have to be protective of the farms in the surrounding EFU area or we’re losing more,” said Jeff Kleinman, attorney for the Stop the Dump Coalition and other opponents, during oral arguments on Nov. 13 before the Oregon Supreme Court.

The interpretation of statewide land use law by the Oregon Court of Appeals effectively creates “primacy of non-farm use over the farm use,” contrary to the intent of Oregon lawmakers, Kleinman said.

Tommy Brooks, attorney for Waste Management, disagreed that the Oregon Court of Appeals ruling marked a serious departure from accepted standards for non-farm development in farm zones.

Significant impacts from development are prohibited if they render surrounding farmland unviable for agricultural purposes, such as a pasture that can no longer be grazed by cattle, Brooks said.

However, conditions imposed on a project can mitigate those concerns until they’re no longer significant, he said.

For the hay farmer who was allegedly burdened with litter patrols, the added cost was shifted to Waste Management, he said.

Similarly, another farmer was still able to produce cherries, but Waste Management provided compensation for the crop’s lost value due to alleged bird damage, Brooks said.

“As long as the incremental cost (to the grower) is removed, it cannot be significant,” he said.

During the oral arguments, several Oregon Supreme Court justices questioned whether significant impacts to agriculture are permissible in farm zones under statewide land use law, as long as the developer compensates the grower.

Conditions imposed on non-farm developments can prevent undesirable changes from occurring in the first place, said Justice Martha Lee Walters.

“That’s different than reducing the cost of the change,” she said.

Unique ‘brewery-raising’ at abbey

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

MT. ANGEL, Ore. — Saturday morning 100 workers — the majority of them monks and seminarians — assembled near Mount Angel Abbey for a barn-raising.

Or, more accurately, a brewery-raising.

They raised the frame of the abbey’s new Benedictine Brewery. The job was finished by 5 p.m.

The 3,000-square-foot brewery and tap room will consist almost solely of logs harvested on abbey property.

The abbey was established in 1882 by Swiss monks, who settled on 300 pastoral acres atop a butte just east of Mt. Angel in the Willamette Valley.

They built a community and purchased 600 acres of farmland in the Cascade Foothills, where they planted Douglas fir trees 100 years ago.

“They were 200 feet tall,” volunteer John Gooley said. “The first 160 feet there were no limbs, so we got a lot of clear wood.”

Eight truckloads, to be exact. With others, Gooley began calling contacts made over a 42-year career with Withers Lumber. Hull-Oakes Lumber Co. in Monroe, Ore., cut the entire order in exchange for one truckload. Freres Lumber in Lyons transported a full semi-load of wood.

Universal Forest Products, New Energy Works Timber Frame Homes and others also became involved.

The timber was harvested, cut, dried, milled tongue-in-groove and prepared for a seamless, no-hammer, no-saw construction. This saved the Abbey as much as $100,000.

“It was really awesome,” Gooley said. “We ended up with about 26,000 board-feet of lumber; there were even logs left over. We cut all of their siding, too.”

Construction should be complete in March or April, at which time Benedictine Brewery will begin hosting guests and expanding their beer repertoire. Until now it has consisted of Black Habit, a dark beer, and Saint Benedict, which is pale, brewed at Seven Brides Brewing in nearby Silverton.

Abbey procurator and brew master Father Martin Grassel has worked closely with Abbey Enterprises Manager Chris Jones on the brewery. It will be run by Grassel and Father Jacob Stronach, an intern at Seven Brides and Benedictine breweries. Their new custom-made 5-barrel system has been waiting in the wings for two years.

Benedictine monks in Europe have been brewing beer for more than 1,000 years. In the Middle Ages they supplied beer to the locals because the water was often undrinkable, and breweries became part of the character of European monasteries.

“There’s a vision forming for what we want here,” Grassel said. “We hope people come to our taproom to seek and enjoy good beer, but we also want them to experience something of who we are. … It’s all for the kingdom of God and our brewery must be oriented to that.

“Everybody’s got a brand; everybody’s got a unique character, and ours has to be consistent with who we are as monks,” he said.

Part of that is self-sufficiency through work, and if they didn’t think the brewery was going to be profitable they wouldn’t be doing it, he said.

“We don’t want another operation you have to raise money for,” Grassel said. “Libraries and schools don’t make money and we expect the brewery to help support us — or at least break even.”

Hanford board says more money needed for cleanup

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

RICHLAND, Wash. (AP) — The Hanford Advisory Board says more money is needed to clean up the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

The board says Congress needs to give Hanford some $4 billion per year to reach cleanup deadlines.

The Tri-City Herald reports Hanford currently receives $2.2 billion to $2.5 billion per year.

The board is composed of people from the Tri-Cities and the Northwest who have an interest in cleaning up the site.

The board at a meeting last week said the current funding level is “dangerous and destructive.”

Hanford is located near the Tri-Cities and for decades made plutonium for nuclear weapons. The site is now engaged in cleaning up the resulting radioactive wastes.

BLM hosts sage grouse meetings in Utah Tues, Wed, Thurs

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

VERNAL, Utah (AP) — The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is hosting three public meetings in Utah this week to gather input on Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s plans to reassess sage grouse management policies adopted under the Obama administration.

The evening scoping sessions are scheduled Tuesday in Vernal, Wednesday in Cedar City and Thursday in Snowville. They’re the last of a series of meetings held across the West in recent weeks.

Zinke says he wants to make sure the land planning amendments don’t harm local economies.

Conservationists say it’s a thinly veiled attempt to allow more livestock grazing and drilling, similar to President Trump’s efforts to roll back national monument designations. They warn it could land the hen-sized bird on the endangered species list in 2020 when the Fish and Wildlife Service is scheduled to review its 2015 decision not to list it.

Reopening The Sage Grouse Debate Has Ranchers, Conservationists Weighing Risk And Reward

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The Interior Department is set on changing up an Obama-era plan to protect greater sage grouse. That’s given stakeholders in the high-desert Northwest a lot to reconsider.

For more than 10 years, ranchers, conservationists and government agencies worked on a plan to keep the greater sage grouse off the endangered species list. That hard-fought compromise led to what many hoped would be a new way to protect species on the brink.

But Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke wants to take another look at the plans, with an eye toward more mining and drilling on public lands. Many in Oregon who have worked hard to save the birds are worried that any roll back of the Obama-era plans could threaten the work that’s been done so far — and lead to the birds’ ultimate landing on the endangered species list.

That could mean more land-use restrictions that many ranchers and industry groups involved in the original plans had hoped to avoid.

“If we make any amendments at all to those federal plans, we do not want a federal listing of the species. We are walking somewhat of a fine line here — there’s a balance here,” said Tom Sharp, a rancher and landowner in Harney County. He was one of several stakeholders in Baker City, Oregon, this week for a gathering called the Sage-Grouse Conservation Partnership — or SageCon, for short.

Both ranchers and conservationists in Oregon have expressed misgivings about the current plans. Some said the secretarial order to open up public comments on the plans could be an opportunity to address those issues.

“Any plan amendments that we make going forward should follow the science,” Sharp said. “We have an opportunity here, but at the end of the day we don’t want to see a listing of the species.”

Many people said one issue with reworking current sage grouse plans is that there hasn’t been enough time to try them out.

“Bottom line is this plan has not been allowed enough time to work so that we can see if it will work to stop concerning trends,” said Dan Morse, conservation director with the Oregon Natural Desert Association.

Morse’s organization was not initially happy with the plans — it wanted more stringent conservation goals. But the group decided if the current plans were “implemented aggressively it could work,” Morse said.

“We should not turn our backs on this work,” Morse said. “We shouldn’t open Pandora’s Box and expose ourselves to the uncertainty of new plans and more litigation and the possibility of a listing.”

Dave Hunnicutt, with the Eastern Oregon Mining Association, said his organization was originally concerned with initial plans to withdraw 2 million acres of mining land in Oregon. The federal government canceled those plans in October.

“At this point,” Hunnicutt said, “We’re okay with the status quo. If nothing changes, we’re fine with that. We can live with what we have, and that’s good. We’re fine if (the U.S. Bureau of Land Management) wants to reopen discussions, but not if the end result is a listing or if you get a counter reaction from the state saying, ‘Well, we’re reducing standards on federal land. We’re going to tighten them up on state land.’”

There are federal and state plans to manage and protect sage grouse and sagebrush habitat. Many people at the meeting said they liked how the plans currently line up and work together. You need both plans, they said, because sage grouse don’t see land boundaries.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s natural resources director, Jason Minor, said the state is committed to moving forward with its conservation plans.

“The Oregon plan and approach is a solid plan. It’s one that is durable because of stakeholder buy-in,” Minor said.

The hope, said ODFW director Curt Melcher, is to not get stuck.

“We don’t want to get into a perpetual planning mode. We really think that we need to give the plans a chance to work,” Melcher said.

Sage grouse are quirky looking, iconic birds across 11 western states, especially known for their flamboyant mating dances in the spring.

It’s difficult to say exactly how many birds live across its wide habitat, including parts of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Federal estimates range from 200,000 to 500,000 birds.

Threats to the bird are as wide-ranging as their habitat. It’s been said that sagebrush country is facing a “death of 1,000 cuts.” In the Northwest, the most prevalent threats include wildfires, invasive grasses, like cheatgrass, and encroaching juniper trees. Less known are threats from corvids and West Nile virus. Elsewhere, the birds have faced habitat fragmentation from energy development and mining.

Oregon’s most recent sage grouse counts, discussed at this week’s SageCon Partnership Summit, showed the state’s population decreased by about 8 percent in 2017, likely because of a normal downswing in the birds’ numbers, biologists said.

Officials estimate there are now around 20,466 sage grouse in Oregon. That number is still above the 2015 population estimates — the decline follows three consecutive years of population growth.

The state department of Fish and Wildlife also reported discovering 23 new leks, or mating grounds, and 12 new lek complexes this year during helicopter and ground surveys. Leks are an important part of sage grouse habitat.

Lee Foster, the ODFW sage grouse conservation coordinator, said this 8 percent decline was “fairly slight” compared to earlier years — and it was much smaller than what other states saw in 2017.

“I’m decently optimistic that this is just a bit of a blip on the radar, and hopefully we’ll be moving back up next year with the good snow conditions we had last winter,” Foster said.

A lot of conservation positives have happened over the past year, but there are still bumps in the road, said Brett Brownscombe, with the National Policy Consensus Center.

“Yeah, we’re having a big policy discussion now. We were having a big policy discussion then. People come. People go. Administrations change. We’ve been through bumps and high pressure times before,” Brownscombe said. “We’re still learning as we go, and we’re still here, despite bumps in the road — maybe to help with the bumps in the road.”

Groups ask governor to reopen wolf killing case

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An alliance of conservation groups is asking Oregon Gov. Kate Brown to reopen the state’s investigation into the killing of a female wolf Oct. 27 in Union County.

Brian Scott, a 38-year-old elk hunter from Clackamas, shot the wolf after he claims the animal charged him, though critics argue that photos released by Oregon State Police directly contradict that story.

The groups — 18 in all — sent a letter Thursday to Brown requesting that OSP reopen the case, with independent oversight from the Office of the Attorney General and full cooperation from the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife.

“Enforcement of Oregon’s wildlife laws is crucial to deter criminals and to protect our state’s most vulnerable species,” the letter reads. “A failure to hold OSP accountable in this case could set a dangerous precedent and send a message that Oregon will look the other way when it comes to illegally killing wolves and other wildlife.”

A spokesman for the governor’s office did not return calls by press time.

In a recent interview with the Capital Press Scott said he screamed when he saw the wolf charging him, pulled up his rifle and fired a single shot. The 83-pound female was associated with the OR-30 pair of wolves occupying the Starkey and Ukiah wildlife management units, straddling Umatilla and Union counties.

Scott said he feared for his life, and felt he would have been mauled had he not shot.

“I take no pride in this at all,” Scott said. “The only thing I’m happy about is I made it home to my wife and two children.”

However, as the groups point out, photos show the bullet passed through the wolf’s shoulders, an indication that maybe the animal was standing broadside to Scott rather than running directly at him. The evidence “casts serious doubt on both the hunter’s story and OSP’s interpretation of the evidence,” the letter states.

The Union County District Attorney’s Office declined to prosecute Scott, chalking up the incident to self-defense. It is illegal to kill wolves in Oregon except in defense of human life or to protect livestock under a specific set of circumstances.

“Self-defense claims are difficult to substantiate in cases like this,” the letter goes on. “We are not questioning that the hunter may have felt fearful. We are, however, questioning his story that he shot the wolf while it was running toward him. We are questioning OSP’s official report of the incident, which corroborated the hunter’s story even though the evidence suggested otherwise. And we are questioning the Union County District Attorney’s decision not to prosecute.”

Scott told the Capital Press he cannot explain the bullet’s trajectory, and does not know if the animal veered sideways as he shot. He said the moment makes him almost nauseous, and it will be something he has to live with the rest of his life.

Steve Pedery, conservation director for Oregon Wild, said the physical evidence raises a red flag, and he does not want to see self-defense become a “get out of jail free card” for potential poachers.

“It’s irresponsible of ODFW and OSP to let this stand, if the physical evidence contradicts it,” Pedery said.

In addition to Oregon Wild, groups that signed on to the letter include the Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife and Endangered Species Coalition, among others.

Sick horse quarantined at OSU veterinary teaching hospital

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A horse remains quarantined at Oregon State University after it was diagnosed with a particularly damaging neurotropic form of a common virus.

The horse became severely ill Nov. 4 at its owner’s property in Coos Bay, Ore., and was taken to OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine for treatment. The virus is contagious, and the college has suspended elective procedures on other horses and on alpacas and llamas for two weeks to reduce the risk of them becoming ill as well. The virus is not dangerous to humans, but people can spread it to animals through hand or clothing contact with sick horses.

Erica McKenzie, professor of large animal internal medicine at OSU, said the horse has a good prognosis but remains in isolation at the Lois Bates Acheson Veterinary Teaching Hospital for now.

The illness is caused by a mutated form of Equine Herpes Virus-1, a common ailment somewhat like a cold is to humans. Most horses will contract EHV-1 and develop minor respiratory problems at some point, but in some animals the virus takes a turn and attacks the nervous system.

The illness usually shows up first as weakness in the hind quarters, with animals stumbling or developing an unusual gait. Other signs include weak tail tone, nasal discharge, fever and difficulty urinating. Geldings and stallions may be unable to retract their penis. Pregnant mares may abort. In rare cases, EHV-1 can cause blindness and central nervous system damage in alpacas and llamas.

Animals showing signs of the illness should immediately be isolated and owners should contact their vets, according to OSU.

McKenzie said a vaccine for EHV-1 can ease symptoms of the common form of the virus, but it does not prevent animals from developing the more serious neurotropic form of the virus.


More information regarding EHV-1 and biosecurity recommendations from the American Association of Equine Practitioners http://bit.ly/2jeDtmh

7 leaks found in Hanford’s oldest double-walled tank

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RICHLAND, Wash. (AP) — Inspectors at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south-central Washington state have found at least seven leaks in the site’s oldest double-walled radioactive waste storage tank.

Tank AY-102 was known since 2012 to have a slow leak from its inner shell into the space between its inner and outer walls.

The Tri-City Herald reports that the tank, which was built in the 1960s and once held 744,000 gallons of waste, had been emptied of all but 19,000 gallons by February.

Then an inspection was done with video cameras.

Glyn Trenchard, a tank manager for the U.S. Department of Energy, told the Hanford Advisory Board on Wednesday that a total of seven leaks were found.

The Energy Department said no waste is believed to have breached the outer shell to contaminate the environment.

Hanford for decades made plutonium for nuclear weapons and the wastes are left over from that work. The most toxic wastes are stored in 177 giant underground tanks. There are 28 newer double-walled tanks and 149 single-walled tanks, some of which date back to the dawn of the Cold War. Many of the single-walled tanks have leaked over the years.

The tanks are made of carbon steel and contain more than 56 million gallons of the wastes that are the most difficult to treat for permanent disposal. Efforts to dispose of those wastes are expected to take decades and cost tens of billions of dollars.

When Tank AY-102 was emptied, leaks were revealed in two welds on the bottom of the inner wall, Trenchard said.

In addition, corrosion appeared to have left pits in the floor of the inner wall, he said.

To determine if any of the pits went all the way through the steel, a small amount of liquid was pumped into the space. The liquid drained through the pits in five places, bringing the total number of known leaks to at least seven, Trenchard said.

The inspection data will be used as the Department of Energy and state Department of Ecology negotiate on whether the tank can be repaired and returned to service.

House approves bill to expand hydropower

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-controlled House has approved a bill aimed at expanding hydroelectric power, an action supporters said would boost a clean source of renewable energy but opponents denounced as a giveaway to large power companies.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington state, would define hydropower as a renewable energy source and streamline the way projects are licensed, with primary authority granted to a single federal agency. Lawmakers approved the bill Wednesday, 257-166.

Power from rivers and streams makes up nearly 70 percent of electricity generated in Washington state and accounts for more than 50 percent of power in Oregon and Idaho and 36 percent in Montana. But hydropower only accounts for 7 percent of electricity nationwide.

McMorris Rodgers, the fourth-highest ranking Republican, said that figure could be doubled without constructing a single dam. While it takes an average of 18 months to license a new natural gas plant, it can take up to 10 years or longer to license a new dam or relicense an existing dam, she and other Republicans said.

Only 3 percent of the nation’s 80,000 dams now produce electricity. Electrifying some of the larger sites - primarily locks and dams on the Ohio, Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas Rivers that are operated by the Army Corps of Engineers - would generate electricity for millions of homes and create thousands of jobs, an Energy Department report said.

The bill would make the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission the lead agency on hydropower licensing and require states, tribes and other federal agencies to defer to the commission.

The GOP bill would lower electricity costs and help the nation follow the Northwest in providing “reliable, clean and affordable energy for generations to come,” McMorris Rodgers said.

Opponents said the bill turns over public waterways to industry at the expense of fishermen, boaters and Native American tribes.

“This bill is an industry wish list and it’s facing major opposition by states, tribes, conservation and recreation groups,” said Amy Kober, a spokeswoman for American Rivers, an environmental group. The legislation weakens protections for clean water and wildlife and strips states and tribes of their authority to ensure crucial environmental safeguards, Kober said.

“We’ve made progress when it comes to balancing hydro production and river health, but this bill would take us backward, giving big energy companies all the power at the expense of local communities,” she said.

Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., said a major cause for licensing delays was due to incomplete applications submitted by power companies rather than bureaucratic bungling, as Republicans charge.

“We cannot allow hydropower facilities to claim a monopoly over our public waterways without mitigating the negative impacts of these facilities ... and without complying with modern environmental laws,” Rush said.

But LeRoy Coleman, a spokesman for the National Hydropower Association, said the bill “would not have the unintended effect of rolling back environmental protections.” He noted it preserves the current environmental regulatory authorities of state and federal agencies.

The bill now goes to the Senate.

Potato Expo 2018 to help children in need

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Potato farmers who attend National Potato Council’s upcoming Potato Expo 2018 in Orlando, Fla., will also be helping to feed children in need.

Potato Expo is scheduled for Jan. 10-12 at Rosen Shingle Creek, and will be followed by the NPC’s annual meeting Jan. 12-13.

NPC will solicit donations from guests at the event, aiming to fund at least 2,000 Hi-Five Kids Packs, which are provided by Second Harvest of Central Florida to keep children who qualify for free or reduced-price school lunches fed during weekends and breaks. The packs contain cereal, milk, juice, fruit cups and shelf-stable potato products.

Potato Expo co-chairman Jim Tiede, a farmer from American Falls, Idaho, said the Eastern Idaho dehydrated potato manufacturers Idahoan Foods and Basic American Foods have donated potato products for the packs.

“They get those kids eating those potato products at an early age, and they’ll be buyers for the rest of their lives,” Tiede said, adding that the primary reason for the donations is to support a good cause and “feed some hungry kids.”

The headline speaker during Potato Expo will be Jim Knight, described as an author, a “business culture catalyst” and a former Hard Rock International executive. His talk will be titled “Culture that Rocks: How to Amp up or Revolutionize a Company’s Culture.”

The event’s keynote speaker will be Merril Hoge, a former NFL star and ESPN analyst and a cancer survivor. Hoge played college football at Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho. His talk will be called “Finding a Way: Succeeding in the Face of Adversity.”

In addition to the talks, Tiede said the event will include exhibits featuring “state-of-the-art chemicals and equipment.” The expo will also include the Third Annual Spud Nation Throwdown, a cooking competition hosted by supermarket expert Phil Lempert.

“The most important part is the networking you get to do with the other growers from other areas,” Tiede said.

For more information, or to register, visit potato-expo.com.

New CEO will oversee Wilco’s hazelnut foray

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

With its forceful foray into the hazelnut business, the Wilco farmers’ cooperative is also bringing in a new CEO with experience in the food processing industry.

Last year, Wilco merged with the Hazelnut Growers of Oregon cooperative, adding a significant new venture to its existing businesses of retail stores, agronomy supplies and fuel distribution.

The merged cooperatives will operate out of a massive new processing facility and distribution center in Donald, Ore., that’s nearing completion.

By the end of the year, former Oregon Chery Growers CEO Tim Ramsey will be taking the helm at Wilco when its current chief, Doug Hoffman, retires after 23 years.

As he switches from cherries to hazelnuts, Ramsey looks forward to growing the consumer market for the crop.

“We want to take the lead in driving new products and domestic consumption growth,” he said.

Traditionally, Hazelnut Growers of Oregon has largely been geared toward packing in-shell hazelnuts for China — a major export destination — and shelling them for food manufacturers.

Since it already operates 18 retail stores in Oregon and Washington, Wilco now sees an opportunity to sell packaged hazelnut products to consumers as well.

Hazelnuts aren’t widely available at mainstream grocery stores, so consumers must often seek them out at specialty shops, said Hoffman.

“Today, it’s hard to find on the shelf,” he said.

To compare, walnuts processed by the Blue Diamond company have a strong consumer presence, said Ramsey.

As it works to increase the domestic visibility of hazelnuts, Wilco benefits from the fact they’re grown by its own farmers — modern consumers value such transparency, he said.

Market research will determine the exact nature of Wilco’s hazelnut products, but history has shown that crops can quickly achieve breakthrough popularity with the right approach, Ramsey said.

“Who had a pomegranate before five years ago? Look what POM (the food products company) has done with the pomegranate,” he said.

Wilco’s retail farm stores have been successful at a time when the overall bricks-and-mortar retail industry is under stress.

Up until now, the cooperative has focused on the Interstate 5 corridor in Oregon and Washington, but it’s exploring an expansion into California and elsewhere in the Northwest, said Hoffman.

The company has found its niche in locations with a substantial population base that earns a decent income but are still rural enough for raising livestock and hobby farming.

“Our stores don’t fit in all communities,” Hoffman said.

The biggest challenge for Wilco’s retail stores is e-commerce, which the cooperative aims to overcome with its own strategy for online shopping.

Retail stores can serve as useful pickup points for items bought online, said Hoffman. “It’s the same reason Amazon bought Whole Foods.”

Wilco isn’t as vulnerable to the rise of e-commerce as grocery stores, since its retail stores often sell items that are too heavy or unwieldy for easy shipping, Ramsey said.

“Not everybody is going to buy T posts online,” he said.

Wilco’s agronomy unit is also adapting to changes in production agriculture with its recent joint venture with Valley Agronomics and Winfield Solutions.

The joint venture allows the three companies to reach more farmers over a larger geographical area while increasing their buying power for fertilizers and chemicals, said Hoffman.

Such expansion is necessary as farmers have grown larger and suppliers have become more consolidated, he said. “Our competitors also grew. They became national competitors.”

“I screamed, pulled my rifle up and I shot,” an Oregon elk hunter says

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The Oregon elk hunter who shot a protected gray wolf believes he would have been mauled or killed if he hadn’t fired when it ran at him.

Brian Scott is being roasted on social media and criticized by biologists and activists who question his story. They’ve keyed in on the bullet’s trajectory, which passed through the wolf’s shoulders, perhaps indicating it was standing broadside to Scott instead of running directly at him.

Scott said he can’t explain it and doesn’t know if the wolf perhaps veered sideways as he fired. Scott said he has replayed the moment in his mind countless times and always concludes he did what he had to do.

“I’ve got to live with what I did for the rest of my life,” Scott said in an hour-long phone interview with the Capital Press. “I killed a wolf. It makes me almost nauseous to think about that moment.

“I take no pride in this at all,” he said. “The only thing I’m happy about is I made it home to my wife and children.”

Scott, 38, lives in Clackamas, Ore., a suburb of Portland. He and his wife have two elementary school-age children and he owns a small business. He said he has hunted since he was a boy in Texas and described himself as a “meat hunter,” someone who eats what they kill. On Oct. 27 he was on his third day of hunting elk in ODFW’s Starkey Wildlife Management Unit west of La Grande, in Northeast Oregon.

Scott said he was in fog-shrouded timber and intermittently saw animals moving around him, but wasn’t sure if he was seeing a cougar, coyotes or something else. He made his way out of the fog to a ridge top and sat for perhaps 25 minutes, then walked out into a meadow. Two wolves emerged from the fog to his left, looked at him, then headed in what he described as a flanking move behind him. A third wolf came running directly at him.

“I screamed, got it in my (scope) crosshairs, saw fur and pulled the trigger,” Scott said. He said he whirled around, fearing the other two would attack, but saw them running away. He heard a fourth wolf howl nearby, and believes a pack was around him. ODFW has not officially designated a pack in that area; instead referring to it as territory of a collared wolf known as OR-30 and his mate. The wolf Scott shot, an 83-pound female, might be their offspring.

Badly shaken, Scott returned to his hunting camp about a mile away and told companions what had happened. They went to the site, confirmed it was a wolf and Scott called Oregon State Police and ODFW.

A casing from Scott’s 30.06 rifle was found 27 yards from the carcass. The Union County district attorney’s office in La Grande reviewed the case and decided not to press charges. An Oregon State Police spokesman said evidence at the scene backed Scott’s story and said the fact that he self-reported killing the wolf was “compelling.”

Scott, who was hunting alone at the time, said he could have hidden the wolf’s carcass and told his companions back at camp that the gunshot they heard was him firing at an elk and missing.

“I feel like I did the right thing,” he said. “I reported it immediately and was ready to face public scrutiny.”

That has surely been the case. On social media and in comments to on-line news articles, posters have called Scott a liar, coward and an irresponsible hunter.

Carter Niemeyer, a retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist who is considered one of the nation’s top wolf experts, said he didn’t believe Scott’s story because of the bullet’s path. “That’s a broadside shot,” he told the Capital Press.

He and others said wolves are afraid of humans. People in such situations should make their presence known, shout, throw things or, if armed, fire a shot into the ground. Niemeyer said people venturing into the forest should carry bear repellent spray, which would work on wolves, cougars or coyotes.

Activists point out that wolves have not harmed anyone since they re-entered Oregon and the state established a management plan. At the end of 2016, ODFW confirmed 112 wolves in Oregon; the actual number is presumed to be higher.

Rob Klavins, Northeast Oregon representative for the conservation group Oregon Wild, said he’s encountered wolves several times in Wallowa County without harm to his hiking party or his dogs, which he keeps on leash in wolf territory.

“This person may have felt fear, but since wolves returned to Oregon no one has so much as been licked by a wolf, and that’s still true today,” he said.

Derek Broman, an ODFW carnivore biologist, said wolves often travel in pairs or packs, and seeing several together does not necessarily mean they were in a hunting formation.

He said wolves are “coursing” hunters, meaning they take down prey by chasing, repeatedly biting and wearing down elk, deer or cattle. They will approach stealthily and charge, seeking to attack in habitat that allows them to move easily, Broman said.

Broman said animals in the wild usually avoid people, and wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare. People faced with a wolf should not run, he said, because that would trigger an innate, evolutionary chase response.

Animals have evolved to recognize certain prey, and humans are “something completely different” to predators, he said.

“On a minute by minute basis, wildlife is trying to survive,” Broman said. “If they don’t have a 90 percent chance of success, they’re not going to give it a go. Cougars are so powerful they could do anything, but they don’t.

“For a wolf to come near is not totally unheard of, and it’s not necessarily concerning,” he said. “We don’t know what the animal was keying in on, or if it was keying in on anything at all.”

Scott said critics should put themselves in his shoes.

“I felt I had run out of time,” he said. “I’m a dog owner, I grew up on a ranch, I know how fast dogs are. Twenty-seven yards gave me seconds to react.”

Scott said he doesn’t demonize wolves; he considers them majestic animals. He said hunters and others going into the wild should be aware they are more likely now to encounter wolves. He thinks ODFW should do more to educate the public, an effort that could include posting warning signs at the approaches to known pack territory.

In the meantime, he’s enduring ridicule and doubt about his account.

“This isn’t me sitting there watching a wolf, taking a pot shot, then panicking, calling up Oregon State Police and making up an absurd story,” he said.

“I was being charged by a wolf,” he said. “The wolf is now dead and I got to come home. Whether people want to buy that or not, I don’t care.”

Tiny Burnt River School shines at national FFA convention

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UNION, Ore. — Shelby Swindlehurst was one of the first to join Burnt River School’s FFA chapter when she was a sophomore at the high school. Now a sophomore at Eastern Oregon University studying agricultural sciences, she was awarded one of the organization’s top honors, the American Degree, at this year’s FFA national convention.

The degree is awarded to FFA members who have “demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their supervised agricultural experiences,” according to the FFA website.

Less than 1 percent of members are awarded the degree each year.

“At first I didn’t realize how big it really was because I’ve never been around anyone who had it,” she said. “Same with my advisor, but she knew it was a big deal. This year when I went to nationals, it was an eye-opener about how big an accomplishment it was.”

Swindlehurst is the first in the Burnt River School District to receive this award.

Among the requirements for the American Degree are: receiving the State FFA Degree, being an active member for the past three years, having completed three years of systematic secondary school instruction in an agricultural education program, having graduated from high school, maintaining records to substantiate an outstanding supervised agricultural experience, earning at least $10,000 and productively investing $7,500 and having participated in at least 50 hours of community service.

Along with Swindlehurst, seven other students from Burnt River participated at the convention. Shayla Winton, Noah Ray, Stran Siddoway, Shea Swindlehurst and Tyler Belveal went for the experience, and Gustavo Ferrareto and Tim Barabas competed.

Ferrareto and Barabas were exchange students from Brazil and Germany, respectively. Their Agriscience project compared 13 countries’ agricultural knowledge.

“I didn’t believe when Mrs. Wilson sent me the message telling me that we made it to nationals,” Ferrareto said. “It was an incredible thing for Tim and I, the first people from Burnt River in FFA Nationals convention. Being exchange students made us feel a lot more special because we had the feeling that we did awesome even being against American high school students.”

The results of their project showed that agricultural knowledge in urban areas of the countries were “not outstanding at all,” Barabas said. The most surprising find: the U.S. ranked last in the overall average scores.

“Even in a country with an extremely effective agricultural education with FFA and subjects like animal science, ag mechanics, ag business and plant science, urban areas have a huge problem,” Barabas said. “In our opinion, the lack of agricultural knowledge is an international problem, which can be solved even better by the cooperation of nations.”

Ferrareto and Barabas placed ninth at the convention.

Although Burnt River High School, about 40 miles southwest of Baker City, Ore., has only 19 students enrolled at the high school, 17 of them are involved in FFA. Jessica Wilson, FFA advisor for the school district, said that half of the population is exchange students from around the urban U.S. and abroad.

“It’s an opportunity we have that’s available,” she said. “I’d like it if we could get more kids to come to the school, kids that want to be in ag and experience life in the West.”

Rory and Krystal Swindlehurst offer lodging for exchange students at the Burnt River Integrated Agriculture Research Ranch (BRIARR). Krystal Swindlehurst said she hopes that it helps the school grow.

“At our state convention almost every kid in our group was up there competing against schools with three thousand kids,” she said. “I just think it shows that as a group they’re very committed.”

Barabas and Ferrareto said FFA was instrumental in their exchange, and they thanked Wilson and the entire Burnt River School District for their support. Barabas said that next to the community, agriculture was what helped him and Ferrareto have a great year.

“Agriculture gave us no time to become bored in a town that consists of one main street, a gas station and one school. It brought us together with the entire school on the weekends and created a very special relationship between every single individual in school,” Barabas said. “It taught us to respect our food and the people taking care of our nutrition.”


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