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Sloping sand
Emma and Rachel play in quicksand
Panorama at the oasis
Wind driven designs
I foretell uphill hiking in soft sand
Wind driven designs
The dunes were full of these little ponds
Mountains of sand
Our route followed the top of the tall dune
Our route followed the top of the tall dune
All the sand you could ever want to walk on
Dellenback Dunes view from atop the "Great Dune"
Uphill path to the dunes
Uphill path to the dunes
Now we're hiking!
Morning dew collects on a Scotch broom flower
It was a cold and misty start to the hike
Morning dew collects on a Scotch broom flower
ODFW investigating Wallowa County wolf death
Wildlife officials are investigating the death of a wolf in Wallowa County, in Northeast Oregon.
The body of OR-42, believed to be the breeding female of the Chesnimnus Pack, was recovered May 8, according to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife spokeswoman Michelle Dennehy. The finding was not announced until May 23. The wolf was wearing a GPS tracking collar; ODFW went looking for it after receiving a “mortality signal” from the device, Dennehy said.
A forensic examination did not pinpoint a cause of death, but ODFW said foul play, such as poaching, is not suspected “at this time.”
The case remains under investigation, however, and additional lab tests are being conducted by Oregon State University.
The Chesnimnus Pack has two subadult wolves that are wearing ODFW tracking collars.