Feed aggregator
Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative (CCEC) held its 85th annual meeting of the members on June 22, 2023, where Tyler C. Pepple, CCEC General Council, made the official announcement of the directors' election results.
This week in Coos County History
These stories were found in the Marshfield Sun Printing Museum newspaper repository stored in Marshfield High School.
Letter: Thank you so much
The Langlois Lions Club wishes to thank all the wonderful contributors to our recent Mary Hildebrand Plant Sale. The donations included many plants from community members as well as other donations from local businesses. A new feature included the presence…
Fatal Crash on Highway 101 in Coos County
On Monday, June 5, 2023, at approximately 6:42 P.M., the Oregon State Police responded to a two-vehicle crash on Hwy-101, near milepost 284, in Coos County.
As I See It: Hospitals after the Fire
Although we know there were several hospitals in Bandon before the Fire of 1936, including Emergency Hospital on Alabama Avenue and Leep Hospital on Garfield, this week I am going to talk about the three hospital buildings which served the…
As I See It: Saying goodbye in 1946
'Bye Now, .... and THANK YOU was the headline of a big ad in the January 2, 1946, issue of Western World, inserted by long-time business owner Annie Erdman.
Hildebrand Plant Sale coming to Langlois
The Langlois Lions is hosting the annual Mary Hildebrand Memorial Plant Sale Friday and Saturday, May 19 and 20 from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the club, 48136 Floras Lake Loop. There will outstanding variety of garden, yard and house…
Letter: A great success
The event for rock aficionados and beach lovers sponsored by the Lions Club and known as" Rockin' in Langlois" was a phenomenal success. The number of attendees, the enthusiasm and engagement was extraordinary. More than 50 people attended Geoff Ogle's…
Musical quartet returning to Bandon
The community is invited to an encore performance May 7 from 2 to 3 p.m.., at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 355 Oregon Ave, Bandon.
As I See It: Booming in Randolph
The first picture I am sharing is the Randolph School, probably taken around 1908. Randolph, on the north bank of the Coquille River, was at one time the largest community in this area. Gold was discovered in 1852 and within…
Alice in Wonderland coming to Bandon
Get ready for a wild ride down the rabbit hole! MarLo Dance Studio premieres, Alice in Wonderland, Mother’s Day weekend 2023 in Bandon.
Harold “Harry” Wayne Caughell
January 22, 1939 – March 30, 2023
As I See It: Banks in Bandon
I found a neat story, which appeared in the Morning Oregonian (Portland) on March 2, 1916, which allowed me to share three photos from my collection for the same story.
New rabbits hopping into Bandon
Some new bunnies in town made their Easter debut.
Letter: Thank you
The Langlois Lions Club wishes to thank the following businesses that have so generously donated the ground beef for our recent Spaghetti Feed & Dessert Auction event: Langlois Market, McKay's, and Ray's Food Place of Bandon.
April Fool's Chess Tournament was not fooling around
Thirty Five Chess Players were not fooling around on April Fool’s Day as they played in the Pacific High School Chess Tournament.
Guest Column: How many deputies are on duty?
The Coos County Sheriff’s Office has a mandatory minimum of two patrol deputy sheriffs per shift to cover the 1,806 square miles and 28,175 residents.
Chess expanding in Coos County
Chess expanding in Coos County March 25th, 48 chess players from all over the country and one adult from Washington, competed in the Coquille “There be Dragons” Chess Tournament. Dragon stauettes were the prizes. Many players were preparing for upcoming…
As I See It: Looking for Gold
The realization that I can copy photos out of my original Western World newspapers, and that they print well as evidenced by the photo of the Coast Guard station last week, has opened up a whole new avenue for me…
Rockin in Langlois coming April 15
The Langlois Lions Club is hosting an event: “ Rockin in Langlois,” a small-town fair for rock aficionados and beach lovers on Saturday, April 15, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Lions Club, 48136 Floras Lake Loop.