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Parent firm of Yogi Tea plans expansion
EUGENE, Ore. (AP) — Fueled by growing demand for its lineup of hot teas, the maker of Yogi Tea plans to roughly double its space by building a $12 million facility in west Eugene.
East West Tea Co., Yogi’s parent company, plans to buy 13 acres of vacant land in the Westec Business Park off Highway 126, where it will build a plant and offices totaling 150,000 to 200,000 square feet, CEO Conrad Myers said.
“We have property in escrow,” he said. “We’re deciding whether to start with 150,000 square feet and later enlarge (it), or build out the whole thing at once.”
The company, which has 103 U.S. employees — about 85 of them in the Eugene-Springfield area — plans to expand its workforce as it expands production, Myers said.
The company plans to add five employees in the U.S. by the end of the year, and forecasts adding 30 to 40 positions from 2016 to 2018, said Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, director of global community relations and HR development.
East West Tea Co. is owned by the Sikh Dharma religious community, which is based in Espanola, New Mexico, and was founded by the late Yogi Bhajan.
The tea company is what remains of Golden Temple of Oregon, a food and beverage company that was started by the local Sikh community in the early 1970s and became a pillar of Lane County’s natural food industry.
The investment in the new plant continues that longtime local presence, Myers said, adding, “we’re here for the long haul.”
East West Tea is the unnamed food company that The Register-Guard reported in late April was trying to decide whether to expand at the site in Westec or one farther west in Greenhill Technology Park.
The company ultimately chose Westec, Myers said, because “we think it’s an easier site to build on.”
“We think the soil conditions are better,” he said. “There are some wetland remediation issues not yet complete on the other site, which lends some uncertainty.”
East West Tea hopes to break ground next summer and to move into the new building in mid-2017, Khalsa said.
However, the timeline will be determined by what the company discovers in its due diligence, Myers said. He said the company’s lease for its International Way facility in Springfield expires in September 2018.
“We’ve given ourselves plenty of time to make good decisions and work with our landlord partners,” Myers said.
The 13.3-acre Westec parcel is between Oregon Lox Co. and Lane Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home and is owned by developers John Hammer and Richard Hunsaker, according to Lane County property records.
It is in the west Eugene Enterprise Zone, which offers expanding companies three to five years of property tax waivers.
Myers said they had not calculated the tax savings associated with a waiver.
But “that’s not our prime motivation,” Myers said. “Our prime motivation is our business is growing. We’re situated in several locations. That’s not the most efficient way to run our business, and it doesn’t make it cohesive for our employees.”
When the company opens the new plant, it will close three facilities it leases: a 38,000-square-foot headquarters and factory at 950 International Way in Springfield’s Gateway area, a 32,000-square-foot warehouse in west Eugene, and a 14,000 square-foot warehouse in Coburg, Myers said.
He declined to provide detailed financial figures for the privately held company. But he said, “we’ve had excellent growth both here and in Europe over the last two years.”
In addition to the Springfield site, East West Tea has an office in Portland; European headquarters in Hamburg, Germany, where Myers has been based since the managing director there resigned in November 2013, and a tea packaging plant in Imola, Italy, near Bologna.
East West Tea makes about 60 products for the U.S. market and introduces two to three new products each year, Myers said.
It is pushing to make its products in the U.S. with 100 percent organic ingredients -- something the company has already achieved in Europe, Myers said.
In June 2014, it introduced a recyclable K-Cup product for Keurig brewing machines, he said.
The Yogi brand’s niche in the tea market has always been in “functional, wellness teas,” a niche that is growing more quickly than the overall tea market, Myers said.
U.S. retail sales of tea and ready-to-drink tea in bottles or cans were $7.3 billion in 2014, up nearly 20 percent from 2009, according to Mintel International, a market research firm. Sales are projected to continue to grow at least through 2019.
“The great majority (of Yogi teas) have a functional purpose, with roots in Ayurvedic wellness and medicine,” Myers said. “That’s our sweet spot: They’re functional and delicious.”
Over the past decade, Yogi Tea has made the leap from natural food stores into mass retailers, such as Walmart and Target.
“There are many, many more opportunities to find our products,” Myers said.
For now, East West Tea makes bagged teas and K-Cups, but other products are “always a possibility,” Myers said. “We have a strong brand. Our main focus is on tea. Despite this being a 30-year-old company, it continues to grow like a much younger one.”
Yogi tea had sales of $27 million in 2009, according to court documents filed as part of lengthy legal dispute with a group of then-Golden Temple managers, including former Golden Temple CEO and Eugene resident Kartar Singh Khalsa.
In December 2011, a Multnomah County judge found the group of Golden Temple managers was unjustly enriched by a 2007 corporate restructuring that shifted 90 percent of ownership in Golden Temple to the executives and away from the Sikh Dharma community. The judge ordered the managers to return $36 million to the Sikh community.
The former management group left the company in fall 2012, Myers said. In a settlement reached in late 2012, Kartar Singh Khalsa agreed, among other terms, to relinquish ownership interest in Golden Temple valued at $23.5 million.
That dispute “is tremendously behind us,” Myers said.
However, a different lawsuit is ongoing. It involves allegations of trademark infringement by Yogi Bhajan’s widow, Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Puri, a Los Angeles resident.
“There is unresolved litigation with the widow,” Myers said. “We hope it will be resolved. We’d like to have a settlement. That hasn’t happened yet.”
Arbitrators found several years ago that the Yogi brand name belongs to Yogi Bhajan’s heirs. The yogi died in 2004, leaving half of his estate to his wife and half to a group of 15 female former assistants.
Myers said East West Tea has received authorization to use the trademark from the group of Yogi Bhajan’s former assistants.
The cereal brands Golden Temple built, including Peace Cereal and others, are now owned by Post Holdings, the parent company of Post Foods.
1960s-70s: Yogi Bhajan served a spicy tea after yoga classes, which students called “Yogi Tea.” It was served in restaurants founded by the Sikh Dharma community.
1984: Sikh Dharma community founded a tea company in Los Angeles
1992: Tea company moved to Eugene and was located with Golden Temple of Oregon, which produced cereal products
2008: Tea production moved to facility at 950 International Way in Springfield
2010: All tea production and operations moved to Springfield after Golden Temple cereal division was sold
Future: Plans to build a large tea plant in Westec Business Park in west Eugene
Grass seed suffers from drought, heat
Drought and heat have stressed Oregon’s grass seed crops in multiple ways, which has farmers expecting a substantial decrease in yields now that harvest is underway.
It’s still too early to know the exact impact, but farmers are preliminarily reporting yield reductions of 20-50 percent, said Mark Simmons, executive director of the Oregon Grass Seed Bargaining Association.
“This year is extremely unusual. It’s the equivalent of the 50-year flood,” he said. “It’s really tough for farmers who grow grass seed.”
With less water available, grass cannot carry as much sugar to its seed, said Tom Chastain, seed crop physiology professor at Oregon State University.
That sugar is converted to starch that’s used to “bulk up” the embryonic plant and the “endosperm” that feeds it within the seed, he said. This year, dry conditions in spring have hindered grasses from filling the seed, reducing its weight.
Enzymes that convert sugars to starch are also affected by high temperatures, said Chastain. “The heat is exacerbating the problem because it interferes with some of those enzymes.”
Not only are seeds lighter, but there are also fewer of them — drought hinders pollination and causes the “abortion” of seeds, he said.
“We have a lot of producers who are very concerned right now,” Chastain said.
During 1992, which had weather conditions similar to this year’s, grass seed yields in Oregon’s Willamette Valley were cut by 11-14.5 percent overall, he said. That average includes irrigated acres, so dryland farmers likely experienced more severe impacts.
Chastain said the outlook for 2015 currently appears bleaker, with growers reporting average yield losses of 25 percent.
“Hopefully, that’s a worst-case scenario,” he said.
Ron DeConinck, a farmer near Woodburn, Ore., said he’s expecting a 20 percent reduction in yields despite irrigating his fields, though that figure remains speculative at this point.
Fields that were irrigated twice seem to be faring well but those only irrigated once are clearly damaged, he said. “There were a few days there, it literally burned it.”
Rodney Hightower, a farmer near Junction City, Ore., said growers in the southern Willamette Valley are expecting yield losses of 30 percent.
His farm produces several grass types, as well as specialty seeds and some grain, and the drought stress has affected most of them, he said. “This year, being diversified may not help a whole lot.”
Marion Ag Service’s seed cleaning operation is 10 days ahead of schedule due to the warm weather, which is the earliest that the company’s seed specialist, Scott Banyard, can remember.
An acre usually generates roughly 2,500 pounds of grass seed, but this year the range is about 1,700-2,000 pounds to the acre, said Banyard.
The only upside to the low yield expectations is that demand for grass seed may consume this year’s crop as well as leftover inventories.
If that happens, growers will be in a strong market position next year, said Simmons. “From that perspective, we’re hopeful.”
Farmers in the Willamette Valley have scaled back their grass seed production in favor of other crops in recent years, which has reduced supplies and improved prices, he said.
Prices are expected to exceed 80 cents per pound for perennial ryegrass and 70 cents per pound for tall fescue, Simmons said. To compare, during the market downturn between 2007 and 2009, perennial ryegrass was fetching about 46 cents per pound while tall fescue sold for about 30 cents per pound.
“We had a whole year’s extra supply of seed on hand,” he said.
In Central Oregon, landscape benefits from removing juniper trees
PRINEVILLE, Ore. — Removing intrusive Western juniper trees from the landscape is the buzz among researchers, ranchers and government land managers.
Cutting juniper can improve greater sage grouse habitat, restore rangeland for grazing cattle and even provide jobs in struggling rural communities, the experts say.
John and Lynne Breese have a 30-year jump on them. In the draws and slopes outside Prineville, the Breeses have been cutting juniper since the late 1980s.
Walking a section of what’s called the Stump Puller Pasture, John Breese explains the rapid impact of cutting juniper. Trees on a 16-acre parcel of the pasture were cut a year-and-a-half ago and the branches trimmed and scattered as part of an on-going experiment.
“The object is to get the branches scattered so the sunlight will get to the ground and grass will grow,” Breese said.
Grazing cattle — “1,300-pound stompers,” he calls them — will grind juniper needles into the ground and release stored nitrogen.
“The whole point is to get this watershed functioning,” Breese said.
Native grasses are already thriving amid the debris of downed juniper. That will pay off when cattle come through.
“The direct benefit is the grazing we get out of it,” Breese said. “We can double and triple the animal unit months.”
Western juniper is such a water hog — Lynne Breese calls juniper a “thief” — that removing it has a nearly instant impact on the amount of water available for other plants and for stream flow. In a part of the state that gets by on 10 to 15 inches of precipitation a year, that’s significant.
A 10-year study in the Camp Creek drainage 60 miles southeast of Prineville compared two watersheds. On one, all juniper trees older than 140 years were removed; the other was not treated.
“We were able to show a response in a month,” said Tim DeBoodt, with Oregon State University Extension in Crook County. According to a published account, juniper removal increased the late season spring flow by 225 percent and increased the time in which monitors detected groundwater by an average of 41 days.
DeBoodt said the needles of mature juniper trees capture moisture. Snow or rain held in the needles either dribbles down the tree for its own use or evaporates.
For every 1 percent of the forest canopy that is juniper, the land loses 1 percent of moisture, DeBoodt said.
“If 20 percent of the canopy is juniper, 20 percent of the moisture never gets to the soil,” he said.
“Nine to 35 trees per acre can use all the water delivered to that site,” he said. “We have a lot of places where the (juniper) tree density is 50 to 200 trees per acre.”
Cutting juniper reduces soil loss to erosion tenfold, said DeBoodt, while forage production can increase six to 10 times per acre.
Juniper trees crowd out sage and provide perches for hawks and other predators that make life tough for sage grouse. As few as four juniper trees per acre can have a negative impact on sage grouse, DeBoodt said.
The problem with removing juniper is figuring out how to make the work pay for itself. Leaving the wood lay can add to the fuel load when wildfire sweeps through. Selling juniper logs to mills or cutting it for firewood can help offset the cost of clearing them, but that isn’t easy, either.
While urban lumber yards say they can sell all the juniper boards and posts they can get, the logging, milling and hauling infrastructure hasn’t kept up with demand.
For now, government grants help landowners, including Breese, offset the cost. Two bills signed by Gov. Kate Brown during this legislative session will make Oregon Lottery money available to solidify the supply chain, aid rural mills and develop markets.
“There’s not enough grant money in the world to do what has to be done,” Breese said. “Somehow it has got to pay its way.”
It’s important to Breese on a personal basis.
The extended family’s cattle and timber operation covers 8,000 acres and dates to 1888. John Breese was a high school science teacher but returned to the family property after his father died in the late 1980s.
The first thing that struck him was the sad state of the watershed and its diminished creeks. Breese said he discussed it with Lee Eddleman, a retired OSU range ecologist.
Instead of working along the creekbeds, Eddleman told him to start in the uplands, where the juniper grows.
“Fix the uplands and you’re going to win in the crick,” Breese said.
Removing juniper became his way of sustaining the family heritage.
“We’re not screwing it up on our watch,” he said.
Video available
To see a video about juniper removal, go to
Biologists: Second set of pups for wandering wolf OR-7
GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) — Biologists have found evidence that Oregon’s famous wandering wolf, OR-7, has fathered a second set of pups.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced Tuesday that when biologists were picking up trail cameras set to record OR-7s Rogue Pack in the Cascades east of Medford, they found fresh scat confirming a second set of pups, though just how many is not known.
The trail cameras captured pictures June 24 of two yearlings from OR-7’s first set of three pups born last year.
OR-7 became famous when he left northeastern Oregon and traveled across the state and into Northern California in search of a mate. He eventually found one and fathered the first wolf pack in southwestern Oregon in more than six decades.
EEUU: jueces migratorios buscan reducir casos pendientes
Nine-day heat wave finally breaks in Treasure Valley
Treasure Valley farmers say their crops suffered some heat stress during a brutal nine-day heat wave but for the most part made it through OK.
But researchers and growers are concerned the prolonged stretch of hot days will lead to higher insect and disease pressure.
“The more heat units you have, you have more generations of insects and diseases,” said Saad Hafez, professor of nematology at the University of Idaho’s Parma research station. “We expect (we’re) going to see a lot of diseases and insects.”
Stuart Reitz, an Oregon State University cropping systems extension agent in Ontario, Ore., said there is significant concern about spider mites, which proliferate in hot, dry conditions and affect several crops grown in the region.
The high temperatures in Boise and in Ontario topped 100 degrees for nine straight days through July 4 and several records were set during that stretch.
The nine-day streak of 100-degree temps was a record in Boise, matching the previous record set in 2006 and 2003.
On July 5, the high temperature in Ontario only reached 95 and the forecast for the region has highs mostly in the low to mid-90s for the rest of the week.
“We’ve had a lot of heat for a long time,” said Nyssa, Ore., farmer Paul Skeen. “The heat’s tough on everything, including the people out working in it. This cool-down, if you can call it that, will help quite a bit.”
The tips of some onions in the valley are burned on the end of the leaves, which is a sign of heat stress, said Reitz.
But other than that, “the crops (in the valley) made it through better than I anticipated,” Skeen said.
The entire year has been unusually hot.
It was the hottest June ever in Boise, according to the National Weather Service.
According to Clint Shock, director of OSU’s Malheur County experiment station, the growing degree day index — an accumulation of heat used to predict when crops will bloom and mature — is at a record level.
There were 1,718 growing degree days from Jan. 1-July 5, far more than the typical 1,300 or fewer that could be expected by now during an average year, Shock said.
Farmers said the unusually warm year has resulted in crops at a growth stage far ahead of normal.
Skeen began harvesting wheat on June 30.
“That’s absolutely unheard of around here,” he said.
Middleton, Idaho, farmer Sid Freeman said he was detasseling corn on July 4 for the first time ever.
“Some farmers have corn that is 8, 9 or 10 feet high. Unbelievable,” he said. “The biggest thing we’re seeing from the heat right now is that the growth stage for crops is way ahead of where we normally are. Corn, sugar beets, everything is ahead of normal. There’s never been anything like this year.”
How Oregon’s legislative session impacts farmers
SALEM — With the conclusion of Oregon’s 2015 legislative session, numerous bills impacting agriculture will go into effect.
Some of the most controversial proposals — including a prohibition against aerial spraying, new restrictions on antibiotics in livestock and regulations for planting genetically engineered crops — failed to pass muster at the committee level.
Of the bills that passed, some required major revisions to overcome opposition while others moved through the legislature with little controversy.
Following is a summary of legislation that will impact Oregon’s farmers and ranchers:
House Bills 5005 and 5030 provide $50 million for water supply development through loan and grant programs. Among the most significant pieces of legislation for agriculture, they were also among the last to receive approval, with lawmakers passing the bills on July 6, the final day of the session. The bond-backed funds will be used for feasibility studies, project construction and technical assistance positions at the Oregon Water Resources Department.
House Bill 5024 provides an additional $14 million for Oregon State University agricultural research and extension programs, which represents the first major increase in funding in more than a decade. OSU’s original proposal would have funded 40 positions with an additional $16 million, so some needs will continue to be unfulfilled under HB 5024. Nonetheless, a university official referred to the bill as “a glass that’s 88 percent full.”
House Bill 2509 encourages farmers with conflicts over biotech crops to seek mediation through the Oregon Department of Agriculture or the USDA. The bill initially met with little controversy but biotech critics later rallied against it, claiming it would prevent organic and conventional farmers from obtaining legal remedies. In response, the language was toned down. Originally, farmers who refused mediation would be liable for legal costs if they lost a lawsuit. Now, their refusal will simply be considered by a judge when imposing sanctions.
House Bill 3549 represents several ideas that were agreed upon by environmental and agribusiness groups, though pesticide critics claim the bill doesn’t go far enough to protect people from health risks. Aerial applicators must pass specific tests and obtain special certification under the bill. Fines for pesticide violations double, procedures for investigations must be established, and a new hotline for complaints will be created. Forestry applications are now subject to 60-foot buffers around schools and homes. However, the bill doesn’t require prior notification of applications, which environmentalists supported.
House Bill 341 absolves farmers from liability for accidents that occur at their agritourism operations, as long as they post notices informing visitors of dangers. House Bill 2038 extends similar protection to farmers for aviation-related injuries that occur on their land. Both bills were opposed by trial lawyers until revisions specified that farmers who act negligently could not avoid liability.
Landowners can petition their county governments for enhanced predator control under House Bill 3188. Areas with enough support will become special districts in which landowners are assessed $1 an acre to raise additional funds for USDA Wildlife Services, which provides predator control. Those landowners who choose not to pay cannot benefit from the program. The bill was opposed by animal rights advocates who argued that wildlife management decisions should not be made at the local level.
Under House Bill 3382, canola growers in Oregon’s Willamette Valley will be able to grow 500 acres of the crop through 2019 despite an overall moratorium in the region. In 2013, lawmakers decided to halt most canola production in the area for six years while OSU studied the potential for cross-pollination and diseases affecting related seed crops. The research required 500 acres a year to be grown. With the passage of HB 3382, that limited production is extended for another three years. Specialty seed growers opposed the bill, claiming it will expand the “seed bank” of potential canola volunteers.
Harvest of juniper trees, which is intended to improve sensitive habitats and create rural jobs, won broad bipartisan approval with the legislature allocating $1.15 million to assist with the undertaking. House Bill 2997 provides $900,000 in loans, grants and technical assistance to companies that cut and process the trees. House Bill 2998 designates $250,000 for cooperative efforts run by Portland State University.
A $3.3 million increase in funding for the farm-to-school food program was included in Senate Bill 5507, a broader appropriations bill. The farm-to-school program, which reimburses schools for part of the cost of buying from local producers, will now be available in every school in the state. Previously, school districts competed for grant funding.
A longstanding ban on advertising raw milk was overturned with the passage of House Bill 2446, which came as the result of a dairy farmer challenging the law as unconstitutional. Under a legal settlement, the Oregon Department of Agriculture recognized that the advertising prohibition likely violates free speech rights and lobbied lawmakers to remove the provision from statute. All other restrictions on raw milk, such as herd size limits, remain in place.
House Bill 206 gives farmers in the Klamath Basin more flexibility at a time they’re struggling with drought. They may now lease or transfer water rights before formal adjudication of water rights in the region is complete. The benefit of such leases is that water can be designated for in-stream uses without endangering the farmer’s water rights due to forfeiture. Companion legislation, House Bill 264, provided state regulators with authority to engage in a water use settlement in the Upper Klamath Basin. Both bills faced opposition from critics of the proposed removal of four dams in the region, who claimed the legislation was a necessary component of that deal.
Oregon farm regulators will be able to revoke the shipping permits of nurseries they find to violate plant health standards under Senate Bill 256. The legislation was supported by the Oregon Association of Nurseries, which believes this new authority is necessary to prevent negligent companies from causing disease outbreaks in other states. Increased license fees for nurseries are also authorized by the bill.
Cities and counties will be encouraged to standardize their rules for beekeeping in urban and residential areas under House Bill 2653. OSU will draft “best practices” to minimize the potential for nuisance problems, which will be distributed to local governments. The bill was intended to create uniformity across the state, which currently has rules of varying stringency depending on city and county. Beekeeper groups opposed the original version of HB 2653, which would have made the rules mandatory. They feared it would result in new fees and other restrictions, so the bill was amended to make the “best practices” voluntary.
Umatilla wolf pack blamed for Oregon sheep attack
Three sheep died and a fourth was injured in what state wildlife officials said was a wolf attack.
A sheepherder working on private land in the Weston Mountain area of Northeast Oregon found three injured sheep July 2. One died shortly after being found, one was euthanized due to its injuries and the the third was treated. A dead lamb, partially consumed, was found the next day in the same area.
Based on the size of bite marks and the nature of wounds inflicted, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife investigators concluded one or more wolves were responsible.
An ODFW news release said the site is within the home range of the Umatilla River pack, which has attacked sheep in the past. No radio collar or GPS tracking information was available, but investigators believe the attack was done by sub-adult members of the pack.
New RCCS principal likes small towns
New RCCS principal likes small towns
Crews, helicopters tackle wildfires in Oregon
DAYVILLE, Ore. (AP) — Slightly cooler than expected temperatures and higher humidity have helped firefighters get a better handle on a massive fire burning in central Oregon about 11 miles south of Dayville, fire officials said Sunday.
One cabin has burned and other structures on scattered ranches are threatened, fire incident spokesman Brian Ballou said.
The blaze had burned nearly 26,000 acres, or about 40 square miles, on the west side of the South Fork John Day River. It was about 10 percent contained.
Crews are setting new fire lines and improving ones already in place as they battle the Corner Creek Fire, Ballou said. “It’s getting more favorable as the temperature drops and humidity inches up,” he said Sunday afternoon.
A forest closure has been issued for a part of the Ochoco National Forest. Several roads, trails and campgrounds are also closed.
To the west, helicopter and air tankers were slowing the growth of a fire that broke out Saturday and spread rapidly through forested hills above Big Cliff Dam along Highway 22.
The cause of that 70-acre fire west of Detroit Lake is under investigation.
Russ Lane, the incident commander, said Sunday’s goal is to knock down the fire by air and get a containment line around it on the ground. About 100 people are working the fire, with help from five helicopters.
The Oregon Department of Forestry said Sunday that there are no road or recreational closures caused by the fire. But the agency cautioned the public to be careful when traveling in the area. It says fire-related traffic is heavy in the vicinity of the Big Cliff Dam.
Bandon runners win age groups at Catching Slough
Bandon runners win age groups at Catching Slough
Peter Pan and the Magic Crystal
Oregon House backs higher speed limits
SALEM, Ore. (AP) — The Oregon House is getting behind a plan to boost speed limits on Eastern Oregon highways.
The House approved the hike in a 52-5 vote on Wednesday, sending it to the Senate.
Most of the highways in Eastern Oregon would have a speed limit of 65 mph outside city limits, up from 55. Interstate 84 from The Dalles to Idaho would rise to 70, as would all of Highway 95 in the state’s southeastern corner.
According to legislative staff, Oregon is one of just 11 states with a top speed limit of 65 mph. Twenty-two states have a 70 mph limit.
Supporters say higher speed limits would more closely match neighboring states and drivers’ behavior. Critics worry about the potential for accidents.
Increased institutional food buying could bolster local farms
PORTLAND — At Oregon Health & Science University recently, the lunch offerings included sandwiches made with organic chicken breast — locally sourced — on focaccia bread, baked locally and delivered daily. Plus salad made from local greens. Not a pre-packaged, mass-produced item in sight.
This is hospital food?
Providing minimally-processed, nutritious food at a hospital, where the clientele includes patients, doctors and nurses, medical students and visitors, seems like a solid idea. And OHSU, the teaching hospital that employs 13,700 people and has one of Oregon’s biggest economic footprints, was an early adopter of the practice.
The greater impact, however, could be to what a recent study referred to as “Ag of the Middle.” That is, the farmers, ranchers and processors who are too big to make a living selling solely at farmers’ markets and CSAs, but too small to compete at the commodity level.
The study by Ecotrust, a Portland non-profit, identified institutions as a prime market opportunity for middle-sized producers.
Ecotrust estimated Oregon’s hospitals, schools, prisons, assisted living facilities and other institutions serve 40 million meals a year.
Institutional food service departments have immense buying power and purchase large quantities, the report pointed out. Even a relatively small tweak toward buying more Oregon grown and processed products would have a “significant ripple effect across the domestic food system,” the Ecotrust report said.
It paid off for a pair of Northeast Oregon cattle ranches. Carman Ranch in Wallowa, in partnership with McClaren Ranch, sells about 1,000 pounds of beef and bones a week to OHSU. The ranches take about five cows a week to a processor in Brownsville, 90 miles south of Portland, and sell the hospital 500 pounds of ground beef, 200 pounds of rounds, 100 pounds of steaks and 200 pounds of bones for soup and broth.
Cory Carman, a fourth generation cattle rancher, said the relationship has been “phenomenal.” OHSU accounts for 20 to 25 percent of the ranch’s annual sales and is by far the ranch’s biggest account, she said. The business would be “much smaller” without OHSU’s consistent demand for quality and quantity.
She said producers pursuing such relationships must understand they require patience, collaboration and flexibility on both ends.
“The biggest lesson is having that anchor customer,” Carman said.
Carman said OHSU approached her out of the blue when it was looking for grass-fed beef to serve the thousands who are at “Pill Hill,” as the campus overlooking Portland is known, every day.
Fernando Divina, OHSU’s executive chef, said the complex counts about 10,000 food transactions a day at nine outlets within the facility, including cafe and snack kiosk sales and 1,200 meals delivered to patients’ rooms. OHSU’s annual budget for food and beverages is about $5 million, and the hospital made a conscious decision to walk its health talk by seeking out local producers, preferably organic.
“We want to buy everything regionally, if possible,” Divina said. “That’s our goal.”
It isn’t a simple process.
Scott Cochrane, OHSU’s food purchasing agent, said large institutions such as schools often have tight budgets. It’s often cheaper for them to buy the volume they need from large distributors. To purchase in bulk locally at a competitive price point, institutions may have to ask multiple growers to aggregate their production.
“I know they all want to, but there’s a point where they can’t cut their own throat,” Cochrane said. “There’s a lot of willing participants on the outside of the circle who can’t get in.”
Eecole Copen, OHSU’s sustainable foods program coordinator, acknowledged it takes more work to buy food from smaller producers.
“You have to commit to being OK with dealing with multiple vendors,” she said. “The whole system is based on willingness.”
She and others refer to this type of purchasing as a larger version of Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA. It’s ISA in this case: Institutional Supported Agriculture.
Copen said the payoff is a strengthened regional food system.
“We need more farmers,” she said. “That’s about food security, growing the local economy, jobs, income.”
OHSU’s first foray into the local food scene was establishing a farmers’ market on campus. It’s now in its ninth year and serves as an incubator for growers who eventually reach the point where they can sell wholesale to OHSU’s food services department.
The idea isn’t just a Portland foodie thing. Good Shepherd Medical Center in Hermiston, about 180 miles east of Portland, buys vegetables from Finley’s Fresh Produce, berries from another local grower, and pork and chicken from suppliers across the border in Washington. All of the beef purchased by the hospital is raised within 50 miles.
Nancy Gummer, Good Shepherd’s nutrition services and diabetes education director, said she began buying locally about 10 years ago.
Gummer said she wanted to quit buying meat from animals treated with antibiotics or raised in confined feeding operations. It took 10 years to find chicken she felt comfortable feeding hospital patients, staff and visitors.
In addition to buying local, Gummer avoids purchasing products that contain artificial colors, flavors or other additives. Her food budget is about $500,000 annually.
“We feel what you eat has the biggest impact on your health,” she said. “Food that’s really healthy for humans is going to be grown in healthier soil, and handled and processed in a way that has less impact on the environment.”
Gummer said.
Increased institutional buying of locally grown and processed food can reshape the food system, said Amanda Oborne, vice president of food and farms for Ecotrust and the lead author of the “Ag of the Middle” report.
Producer and buyer have to make some adjustments, however, Oborne said.
Institutions have to be flexible enough to partner with farmers and “take what they’ve got when they’ve got it” and pay promptly, she said.
They also should increase their frozen storage space so they can buy in bulk when things are in season and use them over time.
Farmers “have to be able to think like a bigger operation,” she said. They need proper insurance coverage and must comply with food safety regulations.
“Those are barriers for institutional buyers,” Oborne said. “That liability related stuff has to be in order.”
Institutions can’t afford to have employees standing around chopping, slicing and dicing vegetables, she added, and producers should look for creative ways to provide some of that minimal processing.
To fill big institutional orders, farmers can coordinate crop planning and combine production with neighbors, she said.
“This is a partnership and we problem solve together,” she said. “That’s the mindset to bring to it.”
Oregon adds century, sesquicentennial farms and ranches
Eleven farms and ranches that have been in continuous operation by the same family for 100 years have been added to the state’s list of Century Farms, the Oregon Farm Bureau announced.
Five more farms reached the 150-year mark and will be honored as Sesquicentennial Farms during the Oregon State Fair in August.
With the additions, Oregon now has 1,175 Century Farms and Ranches and 33 Sesquicentennial Farms and Ranches.
The Century Farms added this year are: Cheyne Farm, Klamath County; the Louis & Anna Falk Farm and Charles Ludwig Falk Farm, both in Linn County; Hynes Farm, Marion County; Taghon Farm, Washington County; Fisher Patterson Farm, Marion County; Christensen Farm, Linn County; McCready Ranch, Klamath County; Padget Ranches, Sherman County; Gentleacres, Polk County; and Bingaman Enterprises, Union County.
Sesquicentennial Farms added this year are: Mid Valley Farm, Washington County; George W. Smith Ranch, Coos County; James Monroe Hemphill Farm, Umatilla County; Lieuallen Century Ranches, Umatilla County; and John F. Adams Farming Enterprise, Umatilla County.
To be eligible, the farm or ranch has to have remained in continuous family operation and attain a gross income from farm use of at least $1,000 per year in at least three out of five years prior to application. Family members must live on or actively manage the farm or ranch.
Documentation can include photos, original deeds, personal stories or other historic records.
The program is supported by a partnership that includes the Oregon Farm Bureau the State Historic Preservation Office and Oregon State University Archives.
PGG announces new marketing agreement to strengthen selling price
When it comes to marketing and selling wheat, Pendleton Grain Growers is banking on greater strength in numbers.
PGG recently announced it will join a growing alliance of Northwest grain cooperatives to improve their overall market access and fetch more competitive bids for members across Eastern Oregon and Washington.
The agreement with McCoy Grain Terminal LLC, a trading company based in Colfax, Wash., lumps PGG’s 10 million to 17 million bushel grain handle under one partnership that will market 50 million to 60 million bushels.
At that volume, wheat can be blended and offered to exporters in larger packages for potentially more money, said Jason Middleton, director of grain operations for PGG.
“By that, we’re able to go out for a better bid,” Middleton said.
A better bid means a better bottom line for the co-op, which gets passed down to members, Middleton said.
McCoy Grain Terminal started as a joint venture in 2012 between Cooperative Agricultural Producers of Rosalia, Washington, and Pacific Northwest Farmers Cooperative of Genesee, Idaho. Together, they built and co-own a $17 million grain handling facility just outside of Rosalia, a small farm town in the Palouse region of Washington.
Last year, McCoy Grain Terminal added Mid-Columbia Producers of Moro as a partner to boost marketing capabilities. Now with PGG in the fold, the company can market grain from more than 70 countryside elevators and eight river terminals — three on the Snake River, and five on the Columbia River.
Bud Riedner, general manager of McCoy Grain Terminal, said the agreement with PGG provides better collaboration during the 2015 harvest season, which is already expected to be a down due to hot, dry weather.
Indeed, Middleton said the partnership should pull together the most complete information about markets and conditions throughout the region, from The Dalles to Pendleton and Eastern Washington and Idaho up to Canada.
“Information is the most valuable thing you can have in the grain business,” Middleton said. “It’s definitely a bonus to have all that information at our disposal so we can see what’s going on.”
PGG will continue to provide marketing services at their grower trading desk in Pendleton. The marketing department can be reached at 541-278-5018.
Water utility teams up with farmers to fight hazelnut worms
A three-year research project involving a water utility, growers and university researchers showed pheromone trickery can reduce the use of pesticides 60 to 75 percent in hazelnut orchards.
At orchards along the McKenzie River east of Eugene, Ore., and in the Northern Willamette Valley, researchers placed pheromone-laden rings in the upper-third of the tree canopy. The rings, about 3 feet in diameter with a texture similar to baling twine, release a plume of pheromones in the air space above the orchard. That confuses male filbert moths and makes it difficult for them find females, which attract mates by releasing similar come-hither compounds.
Filbert worms emerging from the moth’s eggs cause severe damage to nuts.
The mating disruption technique reduced the filbert worm population. Some moths find each other by accident, but the process takes longer and weakens the reproductive cycle, Oregon State University horticultural entomologist Vaughn Walton said. Applied at a rate of 10 pheromone rings per acre, the option works as well as spraying and costs slightly more, Walton said.
The Oregon Hazelnut Commission provided about $100,000 and Eugene Water & Electric Board contributed about $60,000 to fund the project. Faculty research assistant Betsey Miller of OSU did much of the field work.
EWEB’s interest is in keeping pesticides out of the McKenzie River, which provides drinking water for the city of Eugene, utility spokesman Joe Harwood said.
Hazelnut grower Garry Rodakowski said he appreciates the utility’s willingness to work with farmers.
“Having that type of help makes you want do more,” he said.
Rodakowski said he’s willing to continue using mating disruption against filbert moths but said growers could use help monitoring traps. That work is key to tracking the presence of moths in the orchard, although it doesn’t tell growers if the moths are mating.
“Any time you’re spraying less you’ve got dollar savings, time savings, equipment,” Rodakowski said.
Walton, of OSU, said growers who use mating disruption may still want to spray around the border of their orchards, because other trees such as oaks can be hosts to the moths. Growers may find it necessary to do a “knock-down” spray every two or three years, he said.
Walton estimated the pheromone method costs about $55 an acre, compared to $52 or $53 per acre with chemical control.
Pheromone mating disruption techniques are widely used to protect crops such as apples, which are attacked by coddling moths, but hazelnuts is a small crop by comparison, Walton said. Chemical companies prefer to develop products that can be used on a wide range of crops, and generate more business, he said.
But the Oregon hazelnut industry has grown significantly over the years, and the moth compound has been found to work in pecans as well, which expands the market, Walton said.