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Oregonians for Food and Shelter group reorganizes

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Oregonians for Food and Shelter, an agribusiness industry group, has hired a lobbyist from the Oregon Farm Bureau as its new executive director.

Katie Fast, vice president of public policy for the Oregon Farm Bureau, will split her time between the bureau and OFS until the end of the 2015 legislative session.

Scott Dahlman, former executive director of OFS, will continue to serve the organization as its policy director.

The change was triggered by the announced retirement of Paulette Pyle, director of grass roots at OFS, who will leave at the end of the session, said Doug Hoffman, the group’s chairman and CEO of the Wilco farm cooperative.

OFS is reorganizing due to Pyle’s departure, with Fast serving as the group’s public face while Dahlman works behind the scenes setting policy, said Hoffman.

“We’re aligning skills where they need to go,” he said.

Renewed pesticide lawsuit omits “right to farm” challenge

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Rural residents in Oregon’s Curry County have revived a lawsuit over pesticide spraying without directly challenging the state’s “right to farm” law.

Their case originally sought to overturn Oregon’s “right to farm” statute — which shields growers from nuisance and trespass lawsuits over common farm practices — for allegedly infringing on the constitutional right to seek legal remedies for an injury.

The initial complaint was dismissed by Curry County Circuit Court Judge Jesse Margolis, who ruled that the 17 plaintiffs must first claim actual damages before seeking to invalidate the “right to farm” law.

In 2013 the Curry County residents told state regulators that Pacific Air Research sprayed their properties with pesticides, causing serious medical problems.

An investigation by the Oregon Department of Agriculture determined the aerial applicator used 2,4-D and triclopyr on off-target sites and falsified information.

Last year, the residents filed a complaint trying to get the “right to farm” law pre-emptively declared unconstitutional without formally accusing Pacific Air Research of committing nuisance or trespass violations.

The plaintiffs attempted to void the “right to farm” statute before making such claims because they didn’t want to be held liable for the defendants’ legal fees, as permitted by the law.

Margolis threw out their original complaint, finding it was merely hypothetical that Pacific Air Research would use the “right to farm” law as a defense and thus he lacked jurisdiction to deem it unconstitutional.

Even so, Margolis allowed the plaintiffs to amend their complaint.

The revised lawsuit includes charges of nuisance, trespass and negligence against Pacific Air Research as well as other logging, forestry and timberland companies allegedly involved in the pesticide operation.

However, the latest version removes any mention of the “right to farm” law, which presumably means the defendants would have to raise that statute as a defense to throw its constitutionality into question.

The plaintiffs are ready to “tackle” that debate if it comes up, though it’s unclear whether the subject will be raised, said William Sherlock, their attorney.

Such a defense could be risky, since an unlawful and improper pesticide application would not be protected under the law and invoking the statute would open the defendants to liability for their opponents’ litigation expenses.

Bradley Piscadlo, attorney for the defendants, said he has not decided whether to employ the statute.

Regardless of what happens in the case, questions about the law’s constitutionality are unlikely to end, experts say.

The farm industry would face such a challenge if a plaintiff crossed the appropriate procedural hurdles, said Tim Bernasek, an agricultural attorney.

“It is an issue for the ag and forestry community to prepare for,” he said.

Two previous challenges to the “right to farm” law were dismissed on procedural grounds in 2008 and 2013 by the Oregon Court of Appeals, which left the underlying constitutional question unanswered.

In 1993, the Oregon Court of Appeals upheld the statute’s constitutionality without explaining its legal rationale but the Curry County plaintiffs claim this ruling was superseded by a 2001 Oregon Supreme Court opinion.

An attack on the “right to farm” statute based on the remedy clause of Oregon’s constitution “sounds like at least a good theoretical argument,” said Paul Diller, a law professor at Willamette University.

The Oregon Supreme Court has been “vigilant” in protecting tort rights that existed when Oregon attained statehood in 1859, he said.

The argument that the “right to farm” law unconstitutionally violates these rights would be a “colorable claim” — meaning the challenge would be allowed to proceed under the right circumstances without being immediately thrown out of court — even if it’s not ultimately found valid, Diller said.

Defenders of the “right to farm” statute could claim that the ability to sue over common agricultural practices was not recognized under the original Oregon constitution, he said.

They could also argue the state’s land use planning law has already created a system to reduce nuisance and trespass conflicts, Diller said.

“It’s designed to minimize them,” Diller said. “I think that’s a relevant component.”

Oregon agency accepting applications from hemp farmers

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The Oregon Agriculture Department has begun accepting applications to grow industrial hemp, in time for spring planting.

Industrial hemp is the cousin of marijuana that doesn’t cause a high.

Historically, the crop was used for rope, but these days it goes into clothing, food and cosmetics as well.

The Hemp Industries Association tells The Oregonian that 18 states have removed barriers to production, but only three reported crops last year: Colorado, Kentucky and Vermont.

Under federal law, hemp is still illegal.

Oregon approved it in 2009, but held off drafting rules until this year. Legal hemp was also in last year’s initiative legalizing recreational pot.

The rules require growers to get three-year licenses that cost $1,500. They limit how much of marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient the hemp can have.

Heinz ends contracts with some Oregon and Idaho potato farmers

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Potato farmers in Eastern Oregon have lost an important contract with Heinz, the company that owns the Ore-Ida brand.

Many potato growers in Malheur and Baker counties have had contracts with Heinz for 20 to 30 years, but Heinz recently announced that it’s dropping contracts with farmers in eastern Oregon and southwest Idaho.

That means that some potato farmers must now find a new buyer, or plant a different crop.

Mark Ward leads the Malheur Potato Bargaining Association and is a second-generation farmer.

“We grow some very nice potatoes up here,” he said. “We would like to continue to do this. It’s a big change. It’s uncharted territory. This has never happened before. We are unsure if this is long-term.”

Heinz will now contract with the Ontario Potato Company for its potato supply.

“This will allow both Heinz and OPC to take advantage of economies of scale to improve efficiency and productivity and further strengthen the Ore-Ida brand, while continuing to deliver the best quality and value to consumers,” wrote Heinz spokesman Michael Mullen in an email to OPB.

“This was a difficult decision for Heinz because it will affect many long-term relationships with growers in Oregon, Idaho and Washington,” he added.

Ward says his group has started talking with that company. In Baker County, potatoes are the second most valuable agricultural product.

Oregon LNG foes try new strategy to block project

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Southern Oregon communities along a proposed natural gas pipeline route are looking for creative ways to stop the project. Douglas and Coos County residents hope a Community Bill of Rights will give them a legal avenue to assert local control.  

The pipeline for the proposed Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas export terminal in Coos Bay would run through the property of Stacey McLaughlin. She doesn’t want it there. And speaking out before government officials has been less than satisfying.  

“It feels like a waste of my time,” she said.  

So McLaughlin is organizing her Douglas County neighbors to enact a community bill of rights. It would give cities and counties the legal grounds to say no to projects that violate local values.  

The group met Friday with Kai Huschke of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund to discuss their options going forward. Huschke said many communities have little to no recourse against state and federally approved projects.  

“So folks are actually moving law to assert that right. That right of government to say no to things like pipelines, and yes to sustainable energy futures,” Huschke said.  

McLaughlin said the Douglas County group is early in the process. Community members are working on language for their community bill of rights, which may eventually include fossil fuel and community health provisions.    

“I think it will create an opportunity for reason and rational thinking to start being the approach we take as citizens in this community,” McLaughlin said, “instead of just settling for somebody just walks in the door and says, ‘hey here’s what you have to do.’”  

In neighboring Coos County, residents are collecting signatures to put a similar measure on the May ballot.   It is uncertain if these types of local ordinances will be legally effective.  

“We’re just now beginning to see where the courts for instance stand in regards to either recognizing corporate rights or that of community rights in rejecting harmful corporate projects,” Huschke said.  

He said about 200 communities in nine states have already passed community bills of rights.  

Several in the Northwest are embracing the idea. Voters in Benton County, Oregon, will vote this May on a Community Bill of Rights targeting food security. An organizing group in Spokane could also have a community rights measure on the ballot in 2015.

Oregon bird control fireworks bill moves to House floor

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

Legislation that would expand the use of fireworks to repel birds in Oregon will be voted on by the state House after key lawmakers recommended passing the bill.

House Bill 2432, which would broaden the use of fireworks beyond protecting crops and forest products, moved to the House floor with a unanimous “do pass” recommendation from the House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources on Feb. 3.

The bill would allow the state fire marshal to issue permits for using fireworks at golf courses, landfills, airports, seafood facilities and other properties, in addition to farms and forests.

The Office of the State Fire Marshal stopped issuing fireworks permits for golf courses and landfills to scare off geese and other birds in 2010, after it was brought to the agency’s attention that such uses were limited by law to farms and forests, said Anita Phillips, license and permits manager for the agency.

The bill would clarify the law and allow the state agency to again issue such permits, she said.

The agency doesn’t expect more than 50 additional applications as a result of the change, Phillips said.

Representatives of the Oregon Farm Bureau, the Humane Society of the United States and the Oregon Humane Society all urged committee members to support the legislation, though they mentioned some concerns.

Animal advocates said that fireworks must be used responsibly because they can frighten pets, while the Oregon Farm Bureau noted there are only two wholesale fireworks dealers who can sell to farmers and other property owners in the state.

During the Feb. 3 hearing, the committee also moved House Bill 2475, which would authorize penalties of up to $100 for veterinarians who commit minor infractions, to the floor with a “do pass” recommendation.

The fines would be the equivalent of a “traffic ticket” for minor violations, such as failing to notify regulators of an address change, that would not reflect negatively on a veterinarian’s disciplinary record, said Lori Makinen, director of the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board.

The committee held a hearing on another bill — House Bill 2474 — that would require the registration and regulation of veterinary facilities to ensure they meet state standards.

Currently, state regulators only have authority over veterinarians, not facilities, which could create problems if substandard conditions were found at a clinic owned by a corporation or non-veterinarian, said Makinen.

However, the committee held off on referring the bill to the House floor pending further discussion and possible amendments.

OSU touts effort to improve rural life in Oregon

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

PORTLAND – Oregon State University’s commitment to improve life in rural Oregon will includes major expansion of its forestry and marine sciences programs and strengthening the statewide system of agricultural and forest research and extension stations, President Ed Ray said.

Ray, in Portland Jan. 30 to deliver his “state of the university” address, met afterward with the Pamplin Media Group’s editorial board and the Capital Press.

He said Oregon State’s forestry, marine science and other initiatives are in line with Gov. John Kitzhaber’s goal of bringing economic prosperity to a wider slice of the population. Rural Oregon has not fully shared in the economic recovery enjoyed by urban areas such as Portland, Ray said.

In 2017, OSU will open a $60 million forest science complex that will focus on research and development of advanced wood products that can be used in high-rise buildings, Ray said. The center will increase the value of Oregon’s wood products and restore jobs to rural areas where natural resources are located and can be milled.

Money for the forestry center will be split between $30 million in state bonding and $30 million in private fund raising. Ray said OSU’s wood products expertise could be paired with the University of Oregon’s School of Architecture and Allied Arts

An anonymous donor has pledged $20 million toward construction of a new building at OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Ray said. Up to 500 students will be studying at the center by 2025, and coastal communities will benefit from the development, research and education associated with it, he said. The governor has asked the Legislature to match the gift with $25 million in bonding authority.

In another development significant to rural Oregon, the OSU-Cascades campus in Bend will expand next fall to accomodate four-year students, Ray said.

On another front, OSU is part of an 11-university alliance working to increase admission, retention and graduation rates for low-income, minority and first-generation students.

Ray said inequality in the U.S. higher education system is such that a student from a family with an annual household income of $90,000 or more has a 1-in-2 chance of graduating from college, while a student from a family making $30,000 or less has only a 1-in-17 chance.

“We are in the process of creating a country of haves and have nots,” Ray said, “which tears at the fabric of our society and undermines our democracy.”

Regarding the 2015-17 state budget, the OSU Board of Trustees has recommended $123 million for statewide programs that include ag research stations, extension programs and forest research. The figure includes $16 million for new or expanded programs dealing with sustainable landscapes, water quality and quantity, public health and food safety, technology for “value-added” manufacturing and workforce training.

Ray said he’s been disappointed at an apparent lack of understanding about the value of OSU’s statewide programs and how they bridge the urban-rural divide.

“Why it is that programs that are 100 years old have to fight so damn hard to get a dime?” he asked.

On other topics, Ray said the OSU’s enrollment now tops 30,000, counting the main campus in Corvallis, the Cascades campus and on-line students. In December, the university completed a seven-year capital campaign that raised $1.14 billion for construction, scholarships and faculty endowments. The donors included 190 who gave $1 million or more. The campaign is paying for 28 new buildings or renovation projects, 79 new faculty positions and more than 600 new scholarship and fellowship funds.

ODA approves rules for Oregon hemp production

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

The Oregon Department of Agriculture is optimistic the state’s first industrial hemp crops will be planted this spring.

The department last week adopted administrative rules that will govern production and handling, plus licensing of growers. The process culminated a long struggle by hemp backers, who maintain hemp can be used for clothing, food, cosmetics, oils and other purposes.

State approval was hung up for years by federal drug laws, which classify industrial hemp the same as marijuana. Oregon voters approved hemp production last November in the same measure that legalized recreational use, possession and cultivation of pot.

The rules define production and handling requirements while establishing a permit and licensing process for growers of industrial hemp, which includes fees associated with ODA’s program. With the adoption of the rules, ODA is expecting a crop to be planted this spring as permits will soon be issued.

Under state law, licenses to grow or handle industrial hemp fiber and permits to grow agricultural hemp cost $1,500 and are valid for three years. Hemp fields must be at least 2.5 contiguous acres, and the crop must contain less than 0.3 percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to distinguish it from marijuana, which has much higher THC levels.

Hemp production is still illegal under federal law, and the feds may still be a roadblock to Oregon production. Oregon ag department spokesman Bruce Pokarney said hemp seed for planting is available only in Canada, and bringing it to Oregon will require approval by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.

“That’s the next hurdle we need to clear,” Pokarney said.

Water supply outlook bleak for E. Oregon farmers

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

ONTARIO, Ore. — Easter Oregon farmers’ hopes for a normal water year in 2015 are fading fast.

There is about 30,000 acre-feet more water stored in the Owyhee Reservoir than at this point in 2014, and snowpack levels are slightly ahead of where they were this time last year.

But last year was disastrous for farmers who depend on the Owyhee Project, which supplies water to 118,000 acres of irrigated land in Eastern Oregon and parts of Southwestern Idaho.

The annual allotment for farmers who get their water from the Owyhee Irrigation District was slashed from the usual 4 acre-feet to 1.7 acre-feet last year. Despite that, the system stopped delivering water in August, two months earlier than normal.

An estimated 20 percent of farm ground in Eastern Oregon was left idle last year in anticipation of the low water year.

“The good news is we’re a little better than last year,” said OID Watermaster J.L. Eldred. “The bad news is we’re still not in good shape.”

Basin-wide, total snowpack was at 74 percent of normal Feb. 2.

While there is about 114,000 acre-feet of available irrigation water stored in the reservoir, there is typically more than 300,000 acre-feet at this point during a normal water year, said Bruce Corn, a farmer and member of OID’s board of directors.

“We’re in a little better position than we were last year at this time but we still need a lot more snow to have an adequate irrigation season,” he said. “Right now, there is a lot of uncertainty and concern.”

High-pressure weather systems over the Treasure Valley area have mostly kept storms at bay this winter, said OID Manager Jay Chamberlin.

“We’re really losing ground out there pretty fast,” he said. “We need to ... get rid of these high-pressure systems and get some storms. It’s getting kind of serious.”

The only real good news is that Owyhee River flow levels near the reservoir have risen quickly following rain storms, which is an indication the ground is wet, Corn said. “That’s something we did not see last year.”

Owyhee basin snowpack levels aren’t terrible but three straight dry years have compounded the water supply situation, said Julie Koeberle, a hydrologist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service snow survey program in Oregon.

While reservoir storage levels are above last year’s totals, “That’s really just a drop in the bucket from what they actually need,” she said. “They really have a long ways to go.”

There is time for improvement, she said, but if the situation hasn’t improved by the first part of March, “the message will be to brace for a low water supply.”

Irrigators aren’t sounding the alarm yet, she said, “But they’re raising their eyebrows.”

Chamberlin said farmers are “hoping to pick up a couple of good storms in February and get this turned around.” But at the moment, he added, “It’s not looking good for us.”

Official: Nursery imports may pose pest threat

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

PORTLAND — Wyatt Williams, an invasive species specialist with the Oregon Department of Forestry, said afterward he felt like he was entering the lion’s den. He was about to tell members of the Oregon Association of Nurseries, the most valuable sector of state agriculture, about a problem that would “send ripples through your industry and my field, forest health.”

Specifically, the importation of live plants into Oregon and the U.S. is a primary pathway for invasive insects and pathogens, some of which could cause severe damage to forests in particular.

Williams, invited to speak during the Northwest Agricultural Show in Portland, was hired in 2012 as the state forestry department’s first invasive species specialist. He said there was a 500 percent increase in live plant imports to the U.S. from 1967 to 2009, and about 4 billion plants arrive in the country each year. Federal monitoring is done at 18 stations with only 63 full-time inspectors, he said, and standard inspections may miss an estimated 72 percent of pests.

“We’re missing stuff at the ports of entry,” Williams said. “Something’s broken there.”

By backtracking invasives and comparing shipping records, experts deduced that 69 percent of invasive insects and diseases arrived with live plants, he said.

Oregon’s nursery industry officials say they’re well aware of the problem. The Oregon Association of Nurseries endorses a systems management approach detailed in a 106-page publication, “Safe Production and Procurement Manual.” The manual, available online at http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.oan.org/resource/resmgr/imported/pdf/SafeProduction.pdf, lays out best practices for greenhouses and nurseries to detect pests and diseases and respond quickly if they appear.

Regarding plant imports, the manual recommends checking to see if the material is already available in the U.S. If so, producers can save time and money while reducing risk.

If it must be imported, the handbook recommends growers find an officially accredited nursery in the exporting country and have the material grown out for at least one year or one growing season. It also should be inspected, tested and evaluated in the source country before shipment, or evaluated at an accredited facility in the U.S. prior to commercial increase, according to the manual.

Jeff Stone, OAN executive director, said in an email that the manual is an industry standard and has been used as a model elsewhere. It also helped shape USDA policy governing interstate shipment of plant material.

The Oregon Department of Agriculture also collaborates with the industry to keep pests and diseases out of Oregon, said Helmuth Rogg, the department’s Plant Program director.

“We are all in the same boat,” Rogg said in a prepared statement. “We want to protect our industry, and our state, for that matter, from dangerous plant pests that could be associated with live plant material coming into Oregon.”

The department has regulations in place and uses quarantines to keep pests out of the state, he said. The department also sets thousands of traps to monitor for pests, he said.

Williams, with the state forestry department, said cross-department and industry collaboration is key to keeping invasive insects and diseases under control.

The biggest threat on the horizon is the emerald ash borer, which hasn’t made it to Oregon yet but has killed an estimated 100 million trees in 24 states since it was detected in 2002, Williams said.

Oregon ash grows in wetlands that provide habitat for “all kinds of animals,” he said. An infestation that wiped out Oregon ash could pose any number of problems, he said. The city of Denver, where ash make up 15 percent of the city trees, estimated it would cost $1 billion to remove and replace every ash, Williams said. Portland has an estimated 72,000 ash trees in public places, he added. Williams said he’s placed traps in Oregon ash groves and monitors them for presence of the emerald ash borer.

Other diseases and bugs of concern include gypsy moth, the azalea lace bug, sudden oak death and thousand cankers disease, William said.

City sees carbon credits as forest revenue source

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

ASTORIA, Ore. — In an innovative trade-off, Astoria has agreed not to aggressively harvest timber in the Bear Creek watershed over the next decade in return for carbon credits that could help industrial polluters offset carbon-dioxide emissions that contribute to climate change.

The city is partnering with The Climate Trust, a Portland nonprofit that would purchase the carbon credits. Utilities with fossil-fuel driven power plants pay the trust to find projects that offset pollution and meet the requirements of Oregon’s landmark emission standards law.

By committing to a less aggressive timber harvest at Bear Creek, Astoria could receive about $358,750 in carbon credits after expenses this year and about $130,000 annually for the next nine years. The first year has the most significant potential value because it is based on the city’s existing inventory of timber, while the value for the following years is tied to growth.

“We commit to harvest less than what we could and we then can monetize that,” said Michael Barnes, the city’s consulting forester.

Carbon-dioxide emissions are the most prevalent greenhouse gas from human activity and are tied to global warming. The ocean, soil, atmosphere and forests act as carbon “sinks” that absorb more carbon than is released, so preserving forests can help store carbon and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

The Climate Trust was created to help achieve Oregon’s landmark 1997 law that set standards for carbon-dioxide emissions at power plants. The trust’s projects have led to an estimated 2 million tons of emission reductions, the equivalent of the annual greenhouse gas emissions from 421,000 passenger vehicles.

“One of the things that’s appealing about this project is it’s providing a financial incentive to decrease the harvest in an area that’s really providing clean drinking water to the city of Astoria,” said Mik McKee, The Climate Trust’s senior project analyst for forestry.

McKee said there would be “greater attention paid toward conservation, and clean water, and forest health. And that’s a really appealing thing on a local scale, because that’s going to translate for the citizens of Astoria and the people in the community.

“On a larger scale, this is a harder concept to explain … but trees sequester carbon. So these trees that aren’t being cut are going to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere that, theoretically — at the most simple level — (is) being emitted by the Oregon utilities that are essentially paying through The Climate Trust to have these carbon offsets retired.”

The Astoria City Council approved the project with The Climate Trust in December.

The city already harvests less timber than it could from the 3,700-acre Bear Creek watershed to help protect the drinking water supply.

Based on a 3 percent annual growth rate, Barnes said the city could harvest about 3 million board feet a year and not deplete an inventory of about 100 million board feet of standing mature timber.

But the city harvests about 750,000 board feet of timber a year. Last year, the harvest was larger — just under 850,000 board feet — and the city netted about $350,000 for the capital improvement fund.

Revenue from the carbon credits would also go into the capital improvement fund.

“The harvest level that we’re able to do annually under this program is no different than what we’ve been doing,” said Ken Cook, Astoria Public Works director. “So this is not crimping our style necessarily. The level we’ve been harvesting ensures that the water quality is not harmed.”

Oregon snowpack at record lows

Capital Press Agriculture News Oregon -

GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) — Oregon’s mountain snowpack, vital for farms, fish and ski resorts, is posting record low depths despite normal precipitation.

The reason is persistent warm weather this winter.

Natural Resources Conservation Service hydrologist Julie Koeberle says there is time for things to improve, but expectations are low. Long-range forecasts call for warm weather, with no clear indication whether it will be wetter or drier than normal. Meanwhile, some snow measurement sites are their lowest since the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

“It really depends on what happens in February,” Koeberle said. “Come March, the writing will be on the wall for sure.”

The U.S. Drought Monitor shows drought spreading and intensifying across Oregon, except for the coast and the Willamette Valley. With rains not heavy enough to overcome persistent dry conditions, 2015 is likely to be the third straight year of drought in southern parts of the state, she said.

High temperatures in the western half of the state have left current snowpack measurements low: 16 percent of normal for the Willamette Valley, 28 percent for central Oregon, 18 percent for the Rogue-Umpqua region, and 17 percent for the Klamath Basin. Things are better in eastern Oregon, where temperatures have been lower. Snowpacks ranged from 47 percent in the Umatilla, Walla Walla, and Willow basins, to 79 percent in the Harney and Owyhee basins.

Precipitation throughout Oregon has been normal or near normal since the Oct. 1 start of the water year, despite a dry January, according to the service.

The reservoirs behind major dams operated by the Army Corps of Engineers in the Willamette Basin generally do not start filling until the beginning of February, said corps spokesman Scott Clemans. Overall, they are 5 percent full. In the Rogue Basin, reservoirs are 44 percent full. Lost Creek Dam reservoir is filling, but Applegate is not.

Clemans said in recent years, heavy rains have arrived in late spring in time to fill reservoirs.

Snow that builds up in the mountains serves as a natural reservoir, feeding streams and replenishing groundwater as it melts.

“We are really kind of staring climate change right in the eye right now,” said Kathie Dello, associated director of the Oregon Climate Change Institute at Oregon State University.

While there will still be plentiful snowpacks in some years, overall the trend is for them to decline as average temperatures continue to rise, she said.

“Last year we had a bad fire season, and that is in part due to the lack of snow,” which left the ground bare, and prone to dry out, she added.


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