The State of Oregon has now limited gatherings, and closed all k-12 schools. The library has removed all toys and games from circulation, and will be cancelling all meetings and gatherings until April 8th. We will also be implementing other control measures to help insure that we are doing all we can to help prevent the spread of this virus.
- Staff will wipe down all incoming items, and set them aside for 24 hrs before putting them in circulation. This will also pertain to holds items. We know from past experience that anything more than this is not effective, but Covid seems to be more persistent than past outbreaks, so we will err on the side of caution.
- We will be limiting Library hours to allow staff to wipe down as many surfaces as possible, and to wipe down the computers. Computers will be wiped down after each use by staff, though patrons will be offered wipes to do so themselves. This will also allow time for staff to deal with the increased work of taking care of incoming items. Staff will also wipe down at the end of shift.
- Patron Library hours will be: Monday 2 PM - 6 PM Tuesday - Saturday 12 PM - 4 PM (We will move back to regular hours as soon as is prudent.) Staff will be present from 10 am - 5 pm.
- We will also institute curbside service to limit contact. Patrons will only need to call the library and a staff member will bring their items out (this is only for the duration of this crisis). Curbside service will be available from 12 pm - 4 pm.
- The library internet will be on and accessible from the parking lot even when the library is closed to patrons.
- If you feel ill in any way, please don’t come to the library even to return materials. We will take care of any overdue fines.
- ALL meetings, programs, and events are postponed till further notice.
The LPL Board is closely monitoring and evaluating the changing situation and will adjust our response plan accordingly. For the duration, stay home, stay healthy! Let’s
protect our community.
If you can't avoid going out, remember social distancing is the phrase of the day.
Susan Orbom, Chair
Langlois Public Library Board Read more about LANGLOIS PUBLIC LIBRARY PANDEMIC RESPONSE PLAN as of 3/14/2020