World famous Langlois

Langlois makes Via Magazine: Coasting Southern Oregon

Gotta love how the article says 'Floras Lake, north of Port Orford, is a popular spot to rent a kiteboard.'

Not that Floras Lake is fed by Floras Creek that runs through Langlois.  So it goes :)

In any case we get a few sentences

More than 50 miles of rolling farmland and rugged coastline lie between the sportfishing havens of Bandon and Gold Beach. Sly signs marking tiny Langlois declare it world famous—and who’s to say it’s not? After kiteboarding on Floras Lake near Boice Cope Park, famished athletes often stop at the Langlois Market for both scrumptious hot dogs slathered with homemade sweet-hot mustard and the day’s town gossip.

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Langlois Library's Author Night Video: Margaret Grundstein "Naked in the woods"

Ledbetter House Steve on Guitar & Tchanan Fiddle

Langlois Library's Author Night featured Margaret Grundstein with her first book, evocatively titled "Naked in the Woods." The author chronicles her journey of self-discovery stimulated by the desire to show that society could live in a different way. The move was sparked by the turmoil of the times- Vietam War, Kent State, etc. The first part of the books deals with the establishment of a commune in an area close to Eugene, Oregon- the trials, set backs, joys, the accomplishments. Read more about Langlois Library's Author Night Video: Margaret Grundstein "Naked in the woods"

Farmer to Farmer Podcasts Zoe from Valley Flora

Valley Flora Farm

Just a ways up Floras Creek, Valley Flora Farm is a pretty good place for veggies and other good stuff.  Zoe just did a Farmer to Farmer Podcast (a podcast is just  people talking on the internets.  Kind of like a radio interview.  Not sure why it has 'pod' in it).

Valley Flora’s Zoe Bradbury grew up on the family homestead in southern Oregon, just a few miles from the Pacific Ocean. She left at sixteen and came back many years later to a farm where her mother and sister had started growing and selling vegetables. Many years later, Valley Flora feeds over 100 CSA members and provides produce to dozens of restaurants and stores in the 50-mile radius around their farming collective, as well as a farmstand and u-pick operation on the farm.

Give it a listen!

Read more about Farmer to Farmer Podcasts Zoe from Valley Flora

RIP Mike Knapp

Mike Knapp was a great man -- a true Langlois legend and he'll be missed.

From The World Newspaper

Dec. 10, 1947 - May 7, 2015

A potluck celebration will begin at 2 p.m. Saturday May 16, at Hog Field, Sixes River Road, to honor the life of Michael Lloyd Knapp, 67 of Langlois.

Mike was the first born son of Harold and Mary Knapp, arriving Dec. 10, 1947 in Gold Beach. He died in his home in Langlois May 7, 2015. Read more about RIP Mike Knapp


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