
Langlois Library Silent Auction


Saturday, August 29, 2015 - 8:45pm





Langlois Library Silent Auction


A month Long Silent Auction fundraiser has begun at the Langlois Public Library. The Auction continues through Saturday, Sept. 12 when the annual Blueberry Bash, starting at 6 p.m., ends the auction at 6:45. Blueberry cobbler a la mode is served to attendees while they enjoy a live baked goods auction before taking home their winnings. Bidders do not have to be present to win.

The Langlois Library Silent Auction is a most eclectic shopping resource. You can bid on local foods such as spring lamb, veggies, cranberries, blueberries and albacore. Could you use a sewing machine, or a Nordic Track treadmill to keep fit during the winter? Sci Fi enthusiasts can bid on a signed Ray Bradbury book. Large women can find formal gowns and lingerie. There are passes for attractions throughout the state, including a gift certificate for tickets to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Take a thrilling aerial tour in Joe Pestana’s plane. Bid on a tutu, a small greenhouse, jewelry or Japanese dolls - - - or be practical, and bid on a load of gravel or a cord of split firewood.

The Langlois Library Silent Auction and the Blueberry Bash are sponsored by the Friends of the Langlois Library. For more information call the Langlois Library at (541) 348-2066. Read more about Langlois Library Silent Auction

Kelley Thibodeuax and the Etoufees


Saturday, October 10, 2015 - 7:30am

Exciting swamp rock and Cajun style fiddling.   You won't be able to resist dancing.  Kelly has played at the Cheese Factory  several times before and is always a favorite.

Web site:

Place: Old Cheese Factory    two blocks south on Allen Boice Lane just off Hwy 101 by the gas station.

Admission; by donation

Pot luck snacks, please bring own beverages. Water available.

If you haven't been to the Old Cheese Factory before, the venue is extraordinary.

  Read more about Kelley Thibodeuax and the Etoufees

Sweet Water String Band


Monday, October 5, 2015 - 7:30am

 An extraordinary  repeat performance by the Sweet Water String Band.  This cello-based blue grass group played at the Old Cheese Factory last year and were really impressive.

Place: Old Cheese Factory:  2 blocks south on Boice Drive off 101 by the gas station.  Langlois Oregon

Other details:  pot luck snacks, bring own beverages,  cost: donation only




Friday, September 11, 2015 - 7:00am


INVITATION FROM JULE BAKER,  EXPERT LINE DANCER.     " I 've been teaching my friends and now want to expand my audience-"



"If you are itching to learn a few line dances or a couples dance come down to the barn in Langlois Friday night, September 11th.. If you consider yourself rhythmically challenged or just want something to do, drag someone who's worse than you along. No need to sit on the sidelines anymore! Put on your cowboy boots, plaid or whatever generic country outfit you can wrangle together. If you have any song requests feel free to post them on the wall! If you come, you will dance.......and leave a better person."

P.S. This is a free family friendly event!

IMAGE:  Great crowd at  OSU line dancing last school year-  under direction of Jule Baker

Read more about LINE DANCING


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