Langlois Lions Mary Hildebrand Memorial Plant sale, Fri May 17- Sat May 18 9 am to 4 pm
The Langlois Lions Club is hosting the Mary Hildebrand Memorial Plant sale, Friday May 17 and Saturday May 18, from 9 am to 4 pm. at the Lions club house 48136 Floras Lake Loop, Langlois. Again, the sale promises to be one of the best of any world famous Langlois events. Visitors should find that the wide variety of tomatoes, veggie starts, house plants including succulents and yard greenery is sure to please. The highlights: Native plant expert and master gardener on hand both days to answer questions from seeding to pruning, etc. Gary Carter, a well-known retired nursery man will offer copies of his books including one great compendium of herbs.
Other features: David Woof's beautiful pottery, a great selection of specialty vegetable and flower seeds, and Langlois Market hot dog coupons. A new introduction: a variety of rock hounding type large stickers with two made especially for Langlois by Sun Design Graphics. We are also happy to announce that our Langlois food truck Great American Dave's will be on site both days. The very tasty menu is made with organic fresh foodstuff and includes gourmet tacos, sandwiches. One great plus: expresso coffee. The donations from various businesses, nurseries, and the community have been quite phenomenal as usual: Valley Flora, Stillwater Natives Nursery, Shinglehouse Nursery, Dragonfly Farm & Nursery, Nicki's Knick- Knacks, Langlois Market, Ray's of Port Orford. and Westside Growers.
The proceeds from this event goes to our charitable programs. If you should come across old glasses, hearing aids, and/or cell phones during your spring cleaning, please drop them off at the sale or in the box at the Langlois Post Office. These items are recycled and distributed to those in need. There will be plenty of coffee, parking spaces and opportunities to connect with fellow green thumbs. If you have any plants to donate, please drop them off on May 16th th at the club or call Deanna at 542 348 2507 if different arrangements are needed or for more info.