From Dan S. Langlois Oregon Dec. 9th 2015, Floris Creek Flooding. These are the waters at the bridge on Floris Creek East from Highway 101 a ways. Plenty of water in the creek today. Looks to be about 4 feet below flood stage here at the bridge. Meanwhile New River about a Mile down stream from here is flooding. Creek seems to have crested! Read more about Video: Floras Creek getting pretty full!
The Langlois Lions in partnership with the Langlois Library will hold their 20th annual craft fair Friday and Saturday November 20 and 21rd from 9 am- 4pm at the Lions Club, 48136 Floras Lake Lp Rd just south of Langlois off Hwy 101. The event features many vendors with a wide range of high quality items ranging from art to gourmet tuna; from jewelry and crafted household and personal wear items such as hand knit wool socks and hats. Specifically, the Lions sponsor the baked goods table and supply the gourmet lunches. The Friends of the Library does the cookies. Our craft fair is almost famous- known for one of the best holiday bazaars around. It will be well worth a trip, especially if you haven't ever tasted the traditional soup of Turkey, not to mention the complimentary and classic ( surprise) dessert. Read more about Langlois 20th Annual Craft Fair
Dan recorded this back in June of 2014 from a fellow on a motorcycle tour from Canada named Pierre Langlois. It's pretty cool -- all back to RIchard the Lion Hearted. The French people called the administrators Langlois, which derives as 'The English'. Have a listen.
Full Resolution Audio (over 1 mb)
MP3 version (much smaller for us in the Bandwidth Ghetto)
The Eager Lips Novelty Orchestra will fill the Langlois Cheese Factory with their eclectic blend of Americana, R&B, Doo Wop, and Jump Jazz on Halloween Night(Saturday).
Who knew Langlois would be so popular! In the next day or so we're moving to a new server so expect some disruptions. It'll be better once the move is done. sorry! Read more about Moving to new server