Brian Doyle, one of Oregon’s most beloved and prolific author visited our library for a great evening in the spring of 2015. More than just sadly, he died of complications of a brain tumor in the spring of 2017. He was a raconteur of uncommon quality, but more than that, he loved to hear people’s stories.
He was also known for being very frugal with his use of “ periods”. He was an eassayist, a novelist,an editor and much more –trying his hand at at what he called “ proems”. Indeed, when I read his first novel, Mink River, it seemed as if the entire narrative was a poem.
So as it happens, Brian wrote an essay about his visit to our library, unbeknownst to us until a book member browsed through a book on a library display commemorating his extraordinary life.
First, an obituary link and then a video of one of his presentation on Mink River.
ttp:// Click on Mink River Complete Site.
Read more about Brian Doyle and visit to Langlois Library