The Langlois Lions is hosting the annual Mary Hildebrand Memorial Plant Sale Saturday, May 15th through Sunday May 23rd from 9 am- 4pm. This open air market is located at 94180 Kerber Lane
. Masks are required. Note: Sale is not at the Lions Club. There will be an outstanding variety of garden, yard and house plants from A – Z to include 13 different kinds of tomatoes and other veggies starts.
Special attractions include: Woof’s pottery and garden expert, Jennifer Ewing on May 15th only,
Business support includes: Valley Flora, Wild Wood Gypsy Farm Stand & Gift Shop, Dragonfly Farm & Nursery, B & B Farm supply, Raincoast Arts, Old Souls Studios of Langlois, Currydale Farms,
Stillwater Nursery, 101 Plants & Garden Center & Nicki’s Knick Knacks of Port Orford.
There will a great opportunity to connect with other green thumbs and to support our charitable causes.
We are accepting donations May 14th afternoon and the morning of May 15th.
Overflow parking is available at the Old Cheese Factory only 1 ½ blocks from the sale and is highly encouraged. For more info: 541 348-2507
Read more about Langlois Lions Plant Sale